Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Reportedly Fleeing His Condo After Attacks By Antifa

How nice he has the money to relocate while most citizens are trapped in the violent Leftist shithole.

This thread would be deleted if this wasn't a right-wing message board. The word antifa appears nowhere in the article.

zero times.

The only place where antifa is mentioned is in this thread.

Damage has been caused outside of the mayor's property, and nowhere does it say that his property was damaged, let alone by Antifa.
Weatherman does that a lot.
Just to say. It may be a right wing message board but there are many threads started by left wingers. And many right wingers defending accusations b Progs.
How nice he has the money to relocate while most citizens are trapped in the violent Leftist shithole.

This thread would be deleted if this wasn't a right-wing message board. The word antifa appears nowhere in the article.

zero times.

The only place where antifa is mentioned is in this thread.

Damage has been caused outside of the mayor's property, and nowhere does it say that his property was damaged, let alone by Antifa.
Weatherman does that a lot.

Who do you believe that it was?
How nice he has the money to relocate while most citizens are trapped in the violent Leftist shithole.

Love it when white leftists monster they created turns on them. The stupid fuck will probably think it's Trump's fault.

Now, the only thing that will make me happier is when their monster kills them.

Which is why I don't hold it against the left when they laugh at the death of true Americans. Cause I sure as shit laugh when they die.

Someone please tell me if someone gets JoeB for his treachery. I will drink a glass of my finest scotch, light a Cuban and smile.
How nice he has the money to relocate while most citizens are trapped in the violent Leftist shithole.

This thread would be deleted if this wasn't a right-wing message board. The word antifa appears nowhere in the article.

zero times.

The only place where antifa is mentioned is in this thread.

Damage has been caused outside of the mayor's property, and nowhere does it say that his property was damaged, let alone by Antifa.
Weatherman does that a lot.
Correction - it would be deleted where fascists held sway.

Like the rest of the worthless stalinists who have declared war upon our country, you simply despise liberalism and the liberal principle of free speech.
Hell now that his followers/rioters burned the lobby and scorched the building and broke out the windows on the first floor he wants to move.....what an ass fuck this guy is....Hey Trump...go in and shut this shit down....the good people in Portland are scared and tired of this crap.....and who is the Oregon governor?...WTF is he or she doing?...
Aug 31, 2020:


Gov. ( Kate ) Brown recall effort falls narrowly short of making the ballot. :102: :death:


SALEM, Ore. (KTVZ) -- The Oregon Republican Party released a statement Monday as the “Stop The Abuse - Recall Kate Brown” campaign announced that the number of petition signatures to qualify for a vote to remove the governor from office has fallen narrowly short of the minimum required.

“To our great disappointment, the “Stop The Abuse - Recall Kate Brown” campaign has fallen 2,796 signatures, or less than 1% short of the minimum number of 280,050 signatures required to qualify to put a recall of the governor on the ballot this fall,” stated Oregon GOP Chairman Bill Currier.

Gov. Kate Brown giving State of the State address

How convient. I wonder who counted the signatures?
How nice he has the money to relocate while most citizens are trapped in the violent Leftist shithole.

Not once is "AntiFa" mentioned and highly unlikely they were involved in the slightest. These are far more likely Anarchists, Boogaloo Boys, Proud Boys, Klansmen, Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists most of whom don't live anywhere near Portland.

Please tell your right wing retards to leave town IMMEDIATELY.
How nice he has the money to relocate while most citizens are trapped in the violent Leftist shithole.

Not once is "AntiFa" mentioned and highly unlikely they were involved in the slightest. These are far more likely Anarchists, Boogaloo Boys, Proud Boys, Klansmen, Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists most of whom don't live anywhere near Portland.

Please tell your right wing retards to leave town IMMEDIATELY.
Have you ever considered sanity as a viable alternative to your current state of mind?

Just because you hear voices telling you that all this violence isn't coming from antifa and Burn loot murder, but your imaginary boogy man,instead that does not make it so.
Why not shoot to kill any “peaceful protesters“ who try to set the condo on fire?
... because then it's still on fire, and there's a gas can with bullet holes leaking all over the sidewalk, and some other dude down the block is being charged with felony incitement because he ran out of gas in a federal no-parking zone.
How nice he has the money to relocate while most citizens are trapped in the violent Leftist shithole.

Not once is "AntiFa" mentioned and highly unlikely they were involved in the slightest. These are far more likely Anarchists, Boogaloo Boys, Proud Boys, Klansmen, Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists most of whom don't live anywhere near Portland.

Please tell your right wing retards to leave town IMMEDIATELY.
Have you ever considered sanity as a viable alternative to your current state of mind?

Just because you hear voices telling you that all this violence isn't coming from antifa and Burn loot murder, but your imaginary boogy man,instead that does not make it so.

AntiFa is a tiny little organization in comparison to the Trump-supporting clowns causing most of the trouble. But link us to confirmed AntiFa murders - For every one you can find, I'll link you to a hundred perpetrated by neo-Nazis, militias, Klansmen, and White Nationalists and RW fringe groups like the Boogaloos and Proud Boys.
How nice he has the money to relocate while most citizens are trapped in the violent Leftist shithole.

Not once is "AntiFa" mentioned and highly unlikely they were involved in the slightest. These are far more likely Anarchists, Boogaloo Boys, Proud Boys, Klansmen, Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists most of whom don't live anywhere near Portland.

Please tell your right wing retards to leave town IMMEDIATELY.
Have you ever considered sanity as a viable alternative to your current state of mind?

Just because you hear voices telling you that all this violence isn't coming from antifa and Burn loot murder, but your imaginary boogy man,instead that does not make it so.

AntiFa is a tiny little organization in comparison to the Trump-supporting clowns causing most of the trouble. But link us to confirmed AntiFa murders - For every one you can find, I'll link you to a hundred perpetrated by neo-Nazis, militias, Klansmen, and White Nationalists and RW fringe groups like the Boogaloos and Proud Boys.

Absolute bullshit. Trump supporters are not rioting.
How nice he has the money to relocate while most citizens are trapped in the violent Leftist shithole.

Not once is "AntiFa" mentioned and highly unlikely they were involved in the slightest. These are far more likely Anarchists, Boogaloo Boys, Proud Boys, Klansmen, Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists most of whom don't live anywhere near Portland.

Please tell your right wing retards to leave town IMMEDIATELY.
Have you ever considered sanity as a viable alternative to your current state of mind?

Just because you hear voices telling you that all this violence isn't coming from antifa and Burn loot murder, but your imaginary boogy man,instead that does not make it so.

AntiFa is a tiny little organization in comparison to the Trump-supporting clowns causing most of the trouble. But link us to confirmed AntiFa murders - For every one you can find, I'll link you to a hundred perpetrated by neo-Nazis, militias, Klansmen, and White Nationalists and RW fringe groups like the Boogaloos and Proud Boys.

Only in your head.
How nice he has the money to relocate while most citizens are trapped in the violent Leftist shithole.

How could Wheeler afford to move there in the first place? It is an $840k property, yet the mayor of Portland only gets a salary of $140k.

Doesn't seem to be that viable, unless the bank counts Mr. Wheeler's Graft and Bribe income?
How nice he has the money to relocate while most citizens are trapped in the violent Leftist shithole.

Maybe Wheeler's simply trying to be a good neighbor?

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler moving out of condo after repeated protests at building

"Wheeler, a Democrat, emailed his neighbors on Tuesday and notified them that he would be moving out of the 16-floor apartment building after months of demonstrations outside the property. He said it would be 'best for me and for everyone else’s safety and peace' for him to seek a new home.":stir:
How nice he has the money to relocate while most citizens are trapped in the violent Leftist shithole.

Maybe Wheeler's simply trying to be a good neighbor?

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler moving out of condo after repeated protests at building

"Wheeler, a Democrat, emailed his neighbors on Tuesday and notified them that he would be moving out of the 16-floor apartment building after months of demonstrations outside the property. He said it would be 'best for me and for everyone else’s safety and peace' for him to seek a new home.":stir:

How is Mr. Wheeler being a "good neighbor" to the people who live next door to his new home? If he moved here to Mercer County, I wouldn't be happy seeing rioters outside here either
ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Antifa Drives Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Out of His Home.

The race for Worst Mayor in the United States is starting to heat up. There are a lot of contenders: de Blasio, Garcetti, Lightfoot, Durkan, Frey, Bottoms… They’re all bad public servants and even worse liars. Most mayors only disappoint and infuriate their own citizens, but these select few keep pissing off the whole world. Now there’s a dark horse in the race, and he’s moving up fast. He might not be running the biggest city in the country, but right now it’s one of the most violent. And he has absolutely no idea what to do about the chaos and destruction within his city limits, because his liberal ideas about the world haven’t prepared him for it. Of course, I’m talking about Ted Wheeler, the mayor of Portland, Oregon.
Perhaps America's Dumbest, Most Inept and Dishonest Mayor.
Wheeler has made a big show of rejecting federal help, because #DrumpfIsBad. In return, Antifa is going after him even harder.
One cannot Appease a Sadist. Appeasement only inflames them.
And that’s just another week in Portland. It’s commonplace now. Everybody who’s been paying attention knows about it. And yet, when CNN sends “journalists” to cover it, they send out stuff like this instead:

Wheeler isn’t the only mayor to have had Antifa and/or BLM arrive at his front door: San Jose mayor’s home vandalized, becomes subject of protests.

“The vandalism to Mayor Liccardo’s home occurred just one month after the home of Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf was also splattered with graffiti messages such as ‘Defund OPD’ and ‘Cancel Rent.’”
How nice he has the money to relocate while most citizens are trapped in the violent Leftist shithole.

This thread would be deleted if this wasn't a right-wing message board. The word antifa appears nowhere in the article.

zero times.

The only place where antifa is mentioned is in this thread.

Damage has been caused outside of the mayor's property, and nowhere does it say that his property was damaged, let alone by Antifa.
Weatherman does that a lot.
Correction - it would be deleted where fascists held sway.

Like the rest of the worthless stalinists who have declared war upon our country, you simply despise liberalism and the liberal principle of free speech.
A message board isn't the government.
I can't sue if my thread is deleted.

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