Portland school shooting and "reasonable" restrictions.

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
The gunman who killed a Reynolds High School student in Portland, Oregon and wounded a popular teacher in a shooting spree yesterday has been named as 15-year-old Jared Michael Padgett. Troutdale Police Chief Scott Anderson revealed that Padgett was armed with an AR-15 rifle, legally owned, which he stole and used to open fire and kill Emilio Hoffman, 14 and wound Teacher Todd Rispler.
Revealed: Mormon student gunman, 15, argued with classmates about Hitler just one week before he arrived at school with a hidden arsenal and opened fire in the boy's locker room, killing one, wounding a teacher then shooting himself dead | Mail Onlin

Question for those who see this as an excuse to push your agenda:
How would your version of "reasonable" restrictions on the rights of the law abiding stop this incident?
The only way he couldn't have stolen a rifle (or other gun), is if all guns are banned and then confiscated.(1)

Have the liberals found ANY other way that works?


Note (1): Just as all alcohol was banned in the 1920s.
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The only way he couldn't have stolen a rifle (or other gun), is if all guns are banned and then confiscated.

Have the liberals found ANY other way that works?

That still wouldn't work. There are 300M guns in circulation. There is no way they can all be accounted for.
No one? Really?

What do you mean really?

We are all aware of the simple fact that the left here has no intention of passing any laws that have real and tangible effects against those shootings that they are claiming for the reason we need 'reasonable; restrictions. In pretty much every single case the restrictions that they want to levy on all of us are completely impotent against this type of criminal and they KNOW it.

that has never been the point.
I'm pro-gun, but even I can see the OP is a setup.

No matter what proposal a gun control advocate puts on the table, you will refuse to accept it as "reasonable".

Topics about gun control and abortion are almost always completely unproductive, but they always seem to go on and on and on for endless pages.
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ANTI: I propose we call the sky blue.

PRO: Commie fag!

PRO: I propose we have some lunch.

ANTI: Facist pig!
I'm pro-gun, but even I can see the OP is a setup.

No matter what proposal a gun control advocate puts on the table, you will refuse to accept it as "reasonable".
Think so?
Try me.

Recall the question:
How would your version of "reasonable" restrictions on the rights of the law abiding stop this incident?
I'm pro-gun, but even I can see the OP is a setup.

No matter what proposal a gun control advocate puts on the table, you will refuse to accept it as "reasonable".
Think so?
Try me.

Recall the question:
How would your version of "reasonable" restrictions on the rights of the law abiding stop this incident?

Like I said, I am pro-gun. Therefore, I don't believe any "reasonable" restrictions on the proverbial "assault weapons" would have prevented this incident.

I can tell you what the gun control advocates would like to see, though. They would like to see an assault weapons ban like the one enacted in the 90s, except with additional provisions that would ban the reselling of existing high capacity magazines and assault weapons. If you already own an assault weapon or high cap mag, you get to keep it, but you cannot resell it. That part was struck from the AWB of the 90s.

Others of more extreme tastes would insist on a mandatory buyback program of assault weapons and high capacity magazines. Confiscation, for all intents and purposes.

I have no doubt these would greatly reduce the number of assault weapons and high cap mags in America, given enough time.

When you ask if these plans would prevent the school shooting that happened in Portland, we have to keep in mind that "the perfect is the enemy of the good". The real question is whether or not such gun control plans would reduce gun violence in America.

We can't really know for sure since we have never tried it. We certainly have never tried these things for any sustained period of time.

Australia enacted a gun ban with mandatory buyback, and they seem to have experienced a reduction in gun violence as a result.
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My own personal preference is that we stop registering guns and start registering gun buyers.

We set the parameters of what would constitute a satisfactory background check, and then if you pass such a check you are authorized to purchase whatever weapons you wish, and of whatever quantity you wish.

From that point on, you can buy a gun or not buy a gun. The government has no idea what guns you bought, just like it doesn't know what books you own.

Or at least it shouldn't know what books you own, but it probably does. And that is pretty fucked up. It didn't used to know what books you owned. Just because the technology makes it possible for the government to know your business doesn't mean it should.
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My own personal preference is that we stop registering guns and start registering gun buyers.

We set the parameters of what would constitute a satisfactory background check, and then if you pass such a check you are authorized to purchase whatever weapons you wish, and of whatever quantity you wish.
How would this have stopped the Portland shooting in question?
My own personal preference is that we stop registering guns and start registering gun buyers.

We set the parameters of what would constitute a satisfactory background check, and then if you pass such a check you are authorized to purchase whatever weapons you wish, and of whatever quantity you wish.
How would this have stopped the Portland shooting in question?

Well Illinois issues an FOID (firearms owners ID card) that you have to have if you want a gun. And we know their crime rate is much lower than places like Texas. Right?
What was the kid's presentation on Hitler about? Was it pro-Hitler, anti-America? What could possibly have been such a serious argument over a highschool book report that this kid needed an AR-15, a handgun, a knife, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition?

Mormons need to be put on a terrorist watch list. We don't know how many more Mormon psychopaths are out there. They need to be watched, preferably in Guantanamo where they don't have any basic rights as a human being. See how that works, Republicans? A religious extremist killed Americans so America has to hate that entire religion.
What was the kid's presentation on Hitler about? Was it pro-Hitler, anti-America? What could possibly have been such a serious argument over a highschool book report that this kid needed an AR-15, a handgun, a knife, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition?

Mormons need to be put on a terrorist watch list. We don't know how many more Mormon psychopaths are out there. They need to be watched, preferably in Guantanamo where they don't have any basic rights as a human being. See how that works, Republicans? A religious extremist killed Americans so America has to hate that entire religion.

I'm in favor of the death penalty for marijuana.
What was the kid's presentation on Hitler about? Was it pro-Hitler, anti-America? What could possibly have been such a serious argument over a highschool book report that this kid needed an AR-15, a handgun, a knife, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition?

Mormons need to be put on a terrorist watch list. We don't know how many more Mormon psychopaths are out there. They need to be watched, preferably in Guantanamo where they don't have any basic rights as a human being. See how that works, Republicans? A religious extremist killed Americans so America has to hate that entire religion.

Get back to us when you can provide thousands or millions of examples like we can with Muslims.
What was the kid's presentation on Hitler about? Was it pro-Hitler, anti-America? What could possibly have been such a serious argument over a highschool book report that this kid needed an AR-15, a handgun, a knife, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition?

Mormons need to be put on a terrorist watch list. We don't know how many more Mormon psychopaths are out there. They need to be watched, preferably in Guantanamo where they don't have any basic rights as a human being. See how that works, Republicans? A religious extremist killed Americans so America has to hate that entire religion.
You cannot explain how your version of "reasonable" restrictions on the rights of the law abiding would have stopped this incident.
For the pro-control posters:

How would you have prevented the Portland shooting?

You can't stop a crime before it happens. Ask any LEO and they'll tell you. Their job is the enforce the law-NOT to prevent crimes form occurring.
My own personal preference is that we stop registering guns and start registering gun buyers.

We set the parameters of what would constitute a satisfactory background check, and then if you pass such a check you are authorized to purchase whatever weapons you wish, and of whatever quantity you wish.
How would this have stopped the Portland shooting in question?

It probably wouldn't. As I said, it is a setup to focus on a single data point and ask what policy could have stopped it. The only thing that could stop a specific event from happening is a total ban on guns, which is what you want someone to say. You were trolling.

The whole topic is therefore based on a false premise. The better question to ask is what "reasonable" restrictions would reduce gun violence overall, not definitely eliminate a particular event.
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