Possible serial killer targeting Muslim men in New Mexico

They've been in America for a long time. The motherfucker I know of that tried to do an honor killing is still alive and still lives in the same place. Pretty sure his brother or cousin killed his daughter after she went back to their home country. Beheaded her, as that is the rule. He's an old man now. It didn't happen on my watch, but I could only do what I could. He tried to kill her one night where I was staying. We hid her and drove her to the airport. Motherfucker knocked on the door at 2 AM with a sword in his hand. I answered the door with a rifle in mine. General policy when answering the door @ 2AM.
Shortly before that she had come fleeing for her life and my relative had stashed her under the stairs and all lights were out. I played sleepy. Serious stuff. This was no game, he had to either be fooled or I had to shoot him. It was all for naught. In the end, they killed her anyway, for not going along with an arranged marriage.
Nasty evil ignorant backward creatures
Ok ??
As silly as a serial killer attacking Jewish men in Wisconsin
I had a client way back that killed his wife because she was disobedient. He wanted to patiently explain it to the world. "I killed my wife. You don't understand. We were legally married. The judge will understand that we were married. He will let me go."

The black lady judge gave him life.

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