Post one excuse you heard for Obama's poor debate performance


BO,God’s Judgment On U.S.
Apr 14, 2012
And you can't blame Bush. Let's see how many excuses the left has for their Messiah's imperfect performance. Reference the excuse with a link if you can.

One thing we now know is the way not to prepare for a debate. Doing interviews with:

Entertainment Tonight, People Magazine, The View, Miami DJ The Pimp With a Limp, Half Time interview with ESPN2, David Letterman, Jimmy Falon and Glamour Magazine while not having a news conference in about 7 months just doesn't cut it!

The "eye candy" strategy may work with The View ladies and their audience but it's a weak debate strategy! For those of you who don't watch The View (I don't blame you) he said on the View “I've been told I'm just eye candy here”! (what a zinger he could have used in the debate but then on the other hand I' sure he felt it was self evident)
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Al Gore blamed it on hypobaropathy. :D

It other words, Obama's debate performance was the latest casualty of climate change. (zing)
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I heard one of the poverty pimpin' race hustlers on TV say that Obi-dobi couldn't fight back....he didn't want to be perceived as the "angry black man"... :lol:
And you can't blame Bush. Let's see how many excuses the left has for their Messiah's imperfect performance. Reference the excuse with a link if you can.

One thing we now know is the way not to prepare for a debate. Doing interviews with:

Entertainment Tonight, People Magazine, The View, Miami DJ The Pimp With a Limp, Half Time interview with ESPN2, David Letterman, Jimmy Falon and Glamour Magazine while not having a news conference in about 7 months just doesn't cut it!

The "eye candy" strategy may work with The View ladies and their audience but it's a weak debate strategy! For those of you who don't watch The View (I don't blame you) he said on the View “I've been told I'm just eye candy here”! (what a zinger he could have used in the debate but then on the other hand I' sure he felt it was self evident)

Well said.
Interesting that just last night I was talking about this with my brother.
All of the folks that say he is an idiot, and without the teleprompter he falls flat on his face is incorrect. Go to youtube and look at past debates and the few and rare interviews where he was challenged (O'Reilly for instance) - he did well....but that was years ago.
I believe what has happened to Obama is the same thing that happens to movie stars - they are surrounded by admirers and people who believe they can do no wrong - they begin to believe their own hype.
Obama believes his own hype.
Can't remember who said it, but one of his campaign staff suggested that Obama had dignified reserve as befitting a president.

That was a good one!
What poor debate performance?
It is all just "left" wing controlled media hype.
Bill Maher...During his opening monologue tonight, Bill Maher admitted he was not happy with how President Obama did during his first big debate this week. He told his audience that Obama undeniably “sucked” during the debate, and surmised that the million dollars he gave to the campaign was probably spent on weed.

Wait a minute, isn't that why he gave a million? He should know what they do with other people's money by now, doesn't he? - I think he should anty up another million, it's obvious he just didn't give them enough!
:D an old classmate said he must have the flu.
NY Times said he has lost his passion.
Washington Post -
He got screwed by Jim Lehrer
He’s not that good a debater
He was tired: Obama looked world-weary at best and downright grim at worst during the debate.
He’s not used to being challenged

ooops, that was more than one.
He lost his crib sheet.

I found it.

Letterman's #1 was it's Bush's fault. Which is number one.

I have heard that Mitt cheated with a handkerchief.
Obama should have had the questions in advance so he could use the teleprompter.
The whole debate was unfair because Romney prepared and obama did not.
I like the lie that Barry held back because he didn't want to come across as an angry black man, thereby playing into the hands of Fox who was accused of portraying him that way simply because they played video of him in his Negro dialect, to quote Sen. Reid, misleading a black audience.

Although to be honest it's hard to pick just one because there are so many laughable excuses being tossed about by the extremely desperate and nervous clowns who kiss his ass on a daily basis.
No excuse...the truth

He had Obama on his heels because he swtched positions and lied in his replies. It is almost impossible to debate a liar.
No excuse...the truth

He had Obama on his heels because he swtched positions and lied in his replies. It is almost impossible to debate a liar.

Mitt will now have to answer his flip flops and falsehoods in the next debate... It will be embarassing...:clap2:
No excuse...the truth

He had Obama on his heels because he swtched positions and lied in his replies. It is almost impossible to debate a liar.

Mitt will now have to answer his flip flops and falsehoods in the next debate... It will be embarassing...:clap2:

The next debate is on foreign policy which means obama will have to answer for his lies in the Libyan fiasco. obama will have to justify his support for the muslim brotherhood and the millions of dollars he wants to give to countries that openly hate us. It might be extremely embarrassing. More so because intelligence agencies are openly saying that obama is covering up the murder of Ambassador Stevens.

We know what Vladimir Putin found out in mexico city. Under pressure, obama folds like a cardboard cut out. If Romney says that he would not give Egypt 450 million dollars and would not give Libya 45 million dollars but instead keep that money here, obama can't overcome that. Americans will be standing in their living rooms cheering.

The next debate is obama's ONLY chance. If he flubs that, he's done. That's enormous pressure and obama doesn't deal well with pressure. He can't walk out of the debate and flip ESPN on like he can do at a policy meeting. obama met Romney's attack by withdrawing. He could well do it next time too.
No excuse...the truth

He had Obama on his heels because he swtched positions and lied in his replies. It is almost impossible to debate a liar.

You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass (where your brain is)

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