Pot use lowers intelligence. This doesn't surprise me at all

As someone who NEVER used pot, I noticed as I went through the 60s and 70s and 80s, that those who even used harder drugs seemed to keep quick intelligence (somewhat), but those who heavily used pot, just went to DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think it was encapsulated in a conversation my brother had with one of our fast friends who was growing pot in one of his stereo speakers (so his mom would not see it).

"Say Brian, how many joints (they were called joints not blunts back in the day) do you smoke a day?"

"Oh about one a day."

"So how many do you smoke a week?"

"Oh about 10."

My brother laughed, but there's nothing funny really about it. Didn't occur to Brian what was funny.

In the book "Boy Clinton," the author postulated that the reason liberals, especially the 60s hippy generation never learned from their mistakes is because they couldn't. All those years of drug use had rendered their brains encapable of learning from their mistakes and failures.

I also noticed that people like Clinton and Hillary had the emotional maturity of teenagers. The "I didn't inhale" president most certainly did.

Cannabis smoking 'permanently lowers IQ'

Teenagers who regularly smoke cannabis are putting themselves at risk of permanently damaging their intelligence, according to a landmark study.

By Stephen Adams, Medical Correspondent | Telegraph.co.uk

Researchers found persistent users of the drug, who started smoking it at school, had lower IQ scores as adults.

They were also significantly more likely to have attention and memory problems in later life, than their peers who abstained.

Furthermore, those who started as teenagers and used it heavily, but quit as adults, did not regain their full mental powers, found academics at King’s College London and Duke University in the US.

They looked at data from over 1,000 people from Dunedin in New Zealand, who have been followed through their lives since being born in 1972 or 1973.

Cannabis smoking 'permanently lowers IQ' - Telegraph

Now, this is going to JUST send the pot users into conniption fits. Mostly because all addicts refuse to accept they can't handle their addiction. It's part of the ego and pride.

(And yes, I mean addiction. Pot raises the serotonin in your brain, and it falls later, and you get depressed (the crash). It gets to the point you can't feel happy without the pot. That's an addiction. Yes it is.)

Don't believe me? Look at every drunk driver video. No matter how obviously impaired they are, they refuse to believe they can't drive. It's a matter of ego and pride.

No, different with pot users. They are emotional to the point of not being able to discuss the subject objectively.

How do I know? Because of the STUPID argumements they use to justify their use.

"How would you know how pot affects you? You've never used it."

To which I've always responded: "I don't have to jump off the cliff to know it's a stupid thing to do, I just watch the other moron do it, to know it's a stupid thing to do."

"Well what about alcohol??? How come it's legal?"

To which I respond: "What of it? Are you suggesting getting drunk on alcohol vs. pot is better or worse? Maybe that's why there are some of us who don't do either."

Then there is the really ludicrous argument. "Well, I can smoke pot and drive where I couldn't on alcohol."

Yeah, well the drunk driver thinks he's fine to drive, too!"

Then there is the "medical marijuana" argument. Which amounts to pot heads hiding behind the sick and dying to justify getting stoned.

Which I would liken to a morphine user justifying morphine based on the fact my dying father was prescribed it, when he was dying of cancer, for his pain.

NOT the same thing people. It's still hiding behind the sick and dying to justify getting stoned.

Is anyone going to tell me morphine is "beneficial?" But pot is?

And if you even question this, you are "hard hearted" because of the sick and dying, when most "medical marijuana" users are perfectly fine, and will use any excuse possible to justify getting the pot.

Now let the tirade of of outraged pot heads begin.

They have something in common with libs. They know if people factually discuss the issue, they lose.

So, they HAVE to hide behind the sick and dying, to shut up any real discussion as "hard heated."

Which is what you do when you know the facts aren't on your side. You shut up any discussion of the facts.

The funny thing is the statement wasn't funny. It's that you're bad at math. If he smoked 10 a week, that averages out to 1.4 a day. I'm not a mathematician, but that's "about one".
As someone who NEVER used pot, I noticed as I went through the 60s and 70s and 80s, that those who even used harder drugs seemed to keep quick intelligence (somewhat), but those who heavily used pot, just went to DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think it was encapsulated in a conversation my brother had with one of our fast friends who was growing pot in one of his stereo speakers (so his mom would not see it).

"Say Brian, how many joints (they were called joints not blunts back in the day) do you smoke a day?"

"Oh about one a day."

"So how many do you smoke a week?"

"Oh about 10."

My brother laughed, but there's nothing funny really about it. Didn't occur to Brian what was funny.

In the book "Boy Clinton," the author postulated that the reason liberals, especially the 60s hippy generation never learned from their mistakes is because they couldn't. All those years of drug use had rendered their brains encapable of learning from their mistakes and failures.

I also noticed that people like Clinton and Hillary had the emotional maturity of teenagers. The "I didn't inhale" president most certainly did.

Cannabis smoking 'permanently lowers IQ'

Teenagers who regularly smoke cannabis are putting themselves at risk of permanently damaging their intelligence, according to a landmark study.

By Stephen Adams, Medical Correspondent | Telegraph.co.uk

Researchers found persistent users of the drug, who started smoking it at school, had lower IQ scores as adults.

They were also significantly more likely to have attention and memory problems in later life, than their peers who abstained.

Furthermore, those who started as teenagers and used it heavily, but quit as adults, did not regain their full mental powers, found academics at King’s College London and Duke University in the US.

They looked at data from over 1,000 people from Dunedin in New Zealand, who have been followed through their lives since being born in 1972 or 1973.

Cannabis smoking 'permanently lowers IQ' - Telegraph

Now, this is going to JUST send the pot users into conniption fits. Mostly because all addicts refuse to accept they can't handle their addiction. It's part of the ego and pride.

(And yes, I mean addiction. Pot raises the serotonin in your brain, and it falls later, and you get depressed (the crash). It gets to the point you can't feel happy without the pot. That's an addiction. Yes it is.)

Don't believe me? Look at every drunk driver video. No matter how obviously impaired they are, they refuse to believe they can't drive. It's a matter of ego and pride.

No, different with pot users. They are emotional to the point of not being able to discuss the subject objectively.

How do I know? Because of the STUPID argumements they use to justify their use.

"How would you know how pot affects you? You've never used it."

To which I've always responded: "I don't have to jump off the cliff to know it's a stupid thing to do, I just watch the other moron do it, to know it's a stupid thing to do."

"Well what about alcohol??? How come it's legal?"

To which I respond: "What of it? Are you suggesting getting drunk on alcohol vs. pot is better or worse? Maybe that's why there are some of us who don't do either."

Then there is the really ludicrous argument. "Well, I can smoke pot and drive where I couldn't on alcohol."

Yeah, well the drunk driver thinks he's fine to drive, too!"

Then there is the "medical marijuana" argument. Which amounts to pot heads hiding behind the sick and dying to justify getting stoned.

Which I would liken to a morphine user justifying morphine based on the fact my dying father was prescribed it, when he was dying of cancer, for his pain.

NOT the same thing people. It's still hiding behind the sick and dying to justify getting stoned.

Is anyone going to tell me morphine is "beneficial?" But pot is?

And if you even question this, you are "hard hearted" because of the sick and dying, when most "medical marijuana" users are perfectly fine, and will use any excuse possible to justify getting the pot.

Now let the tirade of of outraged pot heads begin.

Your ignorance is no reason for a tirade, which would be pointless to begin with. You are one of a diminishing number of Americans who have been brainwashed by Reefer Madness propaganda. You choose to believe the lies and disinformation and remain in the dark and there are none so blind as they who will not see.
Afros, like other lower animals, mature faster than people, but they also top out in intelligence at a far lower level. They're also far more likely to smoke pot.

Not controlling for race would create the false appearance that pot harms IQ.
In High School, I smoked about a half-ounce a weeky, always was good bud, never dirt. You know, according to your post, I should be dumb as hell and should have the HS records to show it. What I have is straight A's (b- in grammar-heavy english) in all subjects w/ the exception of math (teacher=bitch. material=irrevelant waste of tax dollars) and perfect attendance for 2 years.

Damn weed, keeping me out of trouble and the such. Its the devils Ju-ju I tell ya.
You bring up a good point. Liberalism or the tendency to liberalism might be a genetic defect that could, with a little engineering be eliminated from the gene pool entirely.

Perhaps there's a test we could give while the baby is still in the womb and just abort the liberals before they are born, that way you wouldn't be so infected.
You bring up a good point. Liberalism or the tendency to liberalism might be a genetic defect that could, with a little engineering be eliminated from the gene pool entirely.

Perhaps there's a test we could give while the baby is still in the womb and just abort the liberals before they are born, that way you wouldn't be so infected.
The term, Liberal, means different things to different people. So using it in the way you've done is essentially meaningless.

I once asked someone who he meant by "Liberals." His response was, "*******, homos, communists, pot smokers and Jews." So please be more specific about who you believe to be genetically defective Liberals.
Well Barry's on record admitting to smoking copious amounts of the stuff, so I guess that explains why he's such a dumbshit.

It does explain why liberals are incapable to learning from their failures.

Like Obama's solution to the failure of the stimulus. Do another stimulus!

It does explain why conservatives are incapable of learning from their failures.

Like conservatives solution to failure of tax cuts. Do more tax cuts!
You bring up a good point. Liberalism or the tendency to liberalism might be a genetic defect that could, with a little engineering be eliminated from the gene pool entirely.

Perhaps there's a test we could give while the baby is still in the womb and just abort the liberals before they are born, that way you wouldn't be so infected.
The term, Liberal, means different things to different people. So using it in the way you've done is essentially meaningless.

I once asked someone who he meant by "Liberals." His response was, "*******, homos, communists, pot smokers and Jews." So please be more specific about who you believe to be genetically defective Liberals.

That's probably what conservatives categorize as liberal. Basically anything or anyone they don't agree with or who doesn't strictly toe the line.
I quit smoking pot a few years ago. One, because it's illegal and I'm too old to spend my days downtown at the court house and two the class of people you have to deal with to hook up. I just don't want those people in my life. They are worse than the drug itself.
I think pot has it's uses as a painkiller, relaxer and appetite stimulant, at least it did for me but overuse of anything is probably going to become a problem over time. I'm a cancer survivor and I can unequivocably state I don't know what I would have done without it. But like anything else you can overdo it and wind up in bad trouble. As for what it did for my memory, I couldn't find my car keys BEFORE I started smoking. :D
Moderation in all things.
Oh great, this again.

TPS, there are plenty of things out there that lower your IQ. Ever watched reality TV?
Persistent cannabis users show neuropsychological decline from childhood to midlife

Recent reports show that fewer adolescents believe that regular cannabis use is harmful to health. Concomitantly, adolescents are initiating cannabis use at younger ages, and more adolescents are using cannabis on a daily basis. The purpose of the present study was to test the association between persistent cannabis use and neuropsychological decline and determine whether decline is concentrated among adolescent-onset cannabis users. Participants were members of the Dunedin Study, a prospective study of a birth cohort of 1,037 individuals followed from birth (1972/1973) to age 38 y. Cannabis use was ascertained in interviews at ages 18, 21, 26, 32, and 38 y. Neuropsychological testing was conducted at age 13 y, before initiation of cannabis use, and again at age 38 y, after a pattern of persistent cannabis use had developed. Persistent cannabis use was associated with neuropsychological decline broadly across domains of functioning, even after controlling for years of education. Informants also reported noticing more cognitive problems for persistent cannabis users. Impairment was concentrated among adolescent-onset cannabis users, with more persistent use associated with greater decline. Further, cessation of cannabis use did not fully restore neuropsychological functioning among adolescent-onset cannabis users. Findings are suggestive of a neurotoxic effect of cannabis on the adolescent brain and highlight the importance of prevention and policy efforts targeting adolescents.
[emphasis added]

PNAS - published ahead of print August 27, 2012, doi:10.1073/pnas.1206820109

Doesn't look like a great prognosis for those cannabis users who started using as adolescents.

Yeah, reality TV doesn't help, either. (Except for Project Runway...the only reality TV I like, so of course, it's excluded...and that IS scientific, dammit!)
Thanks for sharing the updated study, Si. I studied human health in the 80s, and did some papers on the regular "drugs" - nicotine, alcohol, weed, etc. I kept running into studies back then of monitoring children in the villages of Central America using the product. It was then known to cause a few memory issues, but the long term effects were not clear at the time. Also, there were complaints of young men having their sexual maturity arrested with things not descending on schedule if use was started in grade school. A couple of the reports were pretty disturbing about it causing other sexual issues too in young men, like not ever maturing normally. There weren't enough studies out there to prove or disprove the preliminary studies, and gosh, I haven't kept up.

Thanks for sharing that about the cognitive portion. I always thought that.

I really think it would be horrible to be a young man, decide to quit, then never be able to have children like other people due to his early usage issues.

Users really pounced on there not being enough scientific evidence to worry about any of the preliminary studies being done back then. What a sorry deal about damage to the cerebellum/processing centers of the brain.
Anyone the on a regular basis intentionally inhales smoke into their lungs, naturally has a lower IQ.
I am breathing several substances known to the state of California to cause cancer. Pot is the least of my worries in that regard.
Early, if it's some kind of on-the-job fumes, you can wear specialty breathing equipment. Dying young from lung cancer is not a great thing to get to do. Best wishes whatever you decide to do.

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