POTUS goes off on temper tantrum

What most of us probably don't realize how sick Mohammad Obama really is. This is a delusional, mentally ill fucking kenyan/somalian derived African dictator who would be having his followers behead people if it were not for Western norms. Fortunately we still have the 2nd Amendment to protect us from his followers.
That's a petulant little child upset at not getting their way, all children go through it....most out grow it
Face it, the man's gotten his way for 7 1/2 years... nobody's challenged him on anything.
I see

You guys love Obama!!

Obama loves you too!

Come on!
Give Obama a big hug!!​
Obama was not happy ....
And he let everyone know it...

pissy Obama.jpg
That filthy, purple-lipped, carpet-headed Obama cocksucker is my most DETESTED lifeform on this planet. Have any of you read his autobiographical writings? Every word is an exercise in inferiority-complex paranoia about whites. I've peronsally seen stay-awake-marathon methamphetamine addicts that were less paranoid than Typhoid Barry is about whites.

Also, I have little sympathy for the victims because I've noticed (even after Orlando), almost all gays idiotically defend the most gay-public-executing, gay-torturing, gay-slaughtering homo-bloodbath on this planet. Which proves that queers are simply too stupid to live. And whether gay or straight, I love it when Islam-supporting traitors get killed by their pet muslims; it's beautiful poetic justice. I've never hated gays for this physical fucking; I hate their attitude, hypocrisy and jaw-dropping levels of stupidity (said stupidity also proved by the highest rates of one of the world's most easily preventable diseases). Gay or straight, anyone who supports the most praised-by-Hitler, Jew-exterminating, child-fucking, human-rights-atrocity hate ideology, Islam, deserves to die in agony. These dumb, stupid homos wanted Islam in this country and by god, they got it!
All he did was whine about what republicans say. He didn't explain what his administration is intending to do differently to keep us safe following another American ISIS terrorist attack here.

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