Pouring cold water on left wing hysteria on Trump meeting...John Nolte...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes...now for some sanity...as the left wing lies about Trump again...

Another-Another-Watergate: The Trump-Leaked-Secrets-To-Russia Scandal Is Really Dumb

Even if it was true (and it is not), there is no scandal here. None. At worst Trump could be accused of bad judgment. Even in their own fake story, The Washington Post is forced to admit this -- although, naturally, it is buried under a half-dozen paragraphs: "Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law."

But it didn’t even happen!

And how do we know this? Because Another-Another-Watergate is based solely on an anonymous source. Meanwhile, all the on-the-record sources are saying it didn’t happen.

National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster was unequivocal: "The story that came out tonight is false. I was in the room. It didn’t happen."

Because the media desperately wants to keep Another-Another-Watergate alive, they are using the details McMaster added later as a means to say he left wiggle room (obviously I disagree on this point with the founder of my feasts), but do tell what confused you about "the story … is false … it didn't happen"?

Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Powell: "This story is false. The president only discussed the common threats that both countries faced."

McMaster and Powell are highly respected, even within the swamp -- two people even the NeverTrump crowd would condescendingly describe as adults.

Good grief, even Richard Engel of NBC News is screaming "nothingburger":

Us intel official says Trump talked abt isis interest in laptops, which is why laptops of such concern these days. Says not new info

— Richard Engel (@RichardEngel) May 16, 2017

That is not to say Trump did nothing wrong, or that the President isn't a little too cozy with the Russians. A source informs me that the Russians did receive, without asking, two scoops of ice cream.
And how accurate has the press been so far...........besides telling us hilary would be the next President?

Comey was fired because he asked for more money to expand the Russia investigation (not true); Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein threatened to quit over the matter (he didn't); Trump is interfering with the investigation (he's not). Yep, once again all the smoke manufactured to construct Another Watergate turned out to be lies, intentional lies told by intentional liars at The Washington Post, New York Times and CNN -- all of whom use "anonymous sources" to cover for their intentional lying.

Not to get too far off track, but here's one BIG reason nothing will ever again be Another Watergate…

An anonymous source was not enough during Watergate. Without a second source to confirm, TheWashington Post would not publish anything, even if it came from the credible Deep Throat. Go back and watch All the President's Men and you'll see that all of the tension involves Woodward and Bernstein doing what no one in the media does anymore -- tracking down confirmation of what an anonymous source told them.

Imagine that.

All the media cares about today is looking for an anonymous source as a means to publish what they know are lies. Golden Showers, anyone? Destroying Trump is the only goal.

And so even before the dust had settled on Another Watergate, the media launched Another-Another-Watergate with this shockingly stupid non-scandal about Trump leaking secrets to the Russians.
This is the same crap as "Bush lied, people died" cry.
When will these guys realize the louder they yell anymore the more obvious they become. Will it take losing even more seats and governorship for it to sink in? Their idiocy is wearing thin on the overall electorate.
Pfffffffffffffffft, Don is a whiney little bitch. His foray into the political arena was predicated upon birtherism and accusing Ted Cruz' father of being involved in the Kennedy assassination. Don’s entire shtick is based upon fast moving lies, and the entire american political system runs on “well yeah but your guy’s a bigger liar than my guy". No wonder this shyte has to be spread around the world through corporate state violence and military hegemony.

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