Power outages in the 3rd world state of California

Just like in run down communist broke nations in the 3rd world Californians will have to endure power outages all summer long and the legislature says nothing...acts like its normal....PG&E got sued for their downed power lines in heavy wind that caused last summers fire in northern California....so when the winds pick up they will shut down the grid...leaving thousands of people without power for air conditioning in the hottest time of the day...the first of which took place last weekend...and the California fake news media said nothing...
Add in tax payer funded free healthcare for illegals and sex changes on demand in state prisons and its time to move...the people in charge here are fucking nuts....
I didn't know that the tents had power
California has escalating crime, cities teaming with homeless people, clogged and crumbling roads, massive unpaid bills, some of America’s highest taxes, and some of its worst public school systems.

So what’s the plan by Gavin Newsom, the Democratic governor, to improve the situation? Free health care to illegal immigrants.

3rd world commie state....
They have the highest gas prices and I heard in July California will be getting 12 cent more in taxes.
yes 12 cents on top of the 11 cents from last year....a 3rd of the cost of a gallon of gas in California are state taxes...and we have to navigate potholes that would swallow a VW Bug....
I laugh at complains here in CA about potholes....having lived in states where the ice in winter rips roads apart.
California has ice too moron...
California is our wealthiest state

By far
The 10 Richest States In America For 2019
  1. New Hampshire (Photos)
  2. Minnesota (Photos)
  3. Hawaii (Photos)
  4. North Dakota (Photos)
  5. Maryland (Photos)
  6. Utah (Photos)
  7. Virginia (Photos)
  8. Massachusetts (Photos)
  9. Wyoming (Photos)
  10. Vermont (Photos)

Here are the 10 cheapest states to live in America according to MIT’s living wage data for 2019:
  1. Mississippi (Photos)
  2. Arkansas (Photos)
  3. West Virginia (Photos)
  4. Tennessee (Photos)
  5. South Dakota (Photos)
  6. Alabama (Photos)
  7. Kentucky (Photos)
  8. Ohio (Photos)
  9. South Carolina (Photos)
  10. Indiana (Photos)
There are reasons things and places are cheap.
Pretty cheap in South Carolina, and we have some of the best cities to visit. Greenville including one of them.
Humidity, bugs and hurricanes. No thank you.
I agree with you on the humidity, but that's not everyday. Today it's in the 60's with the wind blowing. Hurricanes don't really affect me. I'm about 3 hours from Charleston.
I would like to hear the OP's solution to when we have Santa Ana winds doing two things....drying ever bit of foliage out AND blowing hard enough to down power lines. What would his solution to these realities of California weather?

Don't know about the OP, but we who live in southern az. have the same problem.
Our electric companies bury them with boxes above ground that maintains them.
Just like in run down communist broke nations in the 3rd world Californians will have to endure power outages all summer long and the legislature says nothing...acts like its normal....PG&E got sued for their downed power lines in heavy wind that caused last summers fire in northern California....so when the winds pick up they will shut down the grid...leaving thousands of people without power for air conditioning in the hottest time of the day...the first of which took place last weekend...and the California fake news media said nothing...
Add in tax payer funded free healthcare for illegals and sex changes on demand in state prisons and its time to move...the people in charge here are fucking nuts....
Poor white tradh

You should really try facts.

Oh wait you’d keep lying and spewing insane garbage anyway
Poor white tradh

You should really try facts.

Oh wait you’d keep lying and spewing insane garbage anyway

What did I lie about...point to one lie I stated...but be prepared because I can back up every word....
The era of available electricity whenever and wherever needed is officially over in wildfire-plagued California.

Pacific Gas & Electric served stark notice of that “new normal” this past weekend when it preemptively shut power to tens of thousands of customers in five Northern California counties. The utility warned that it could happen again, perhaps repeatedly, this summer and fall as it seeks to avoid triggering disastrous wildfires.

More PG&E power blackouts are coming to California. Here’s what you should do to prepare

Wildfires created by left wing policies that have allowed forests to become dangerously over grown. Had they simply cleared dead brush from these areas, instead of bowing to left wing, green fascism........but....why bother, they are left wingers who destroy everything they touch.
Time to start trucking in some Honda emergency generators, for some all-Murican "price gouging". :D

How is that price gouging? You provide emergency power, and you call it price gouging? This is why you end up with no power at all.
California has escalating crime, cities teaming with homeless people, clogged and crumbling roads, massive unpaid bills, some of America’s highest taxes, and some of its worst public school systems.

So what’s the plan by Gavin Newsom, the Democratic governor, to improve the situation? Free health care to illegal immigrants.

3rd world commie state....
They have the highest gas prices and I heard in July California will be getting 12 cent more in taxes.
yes 12 cents on top of the 11 cents from last year....a 3rd of the cost of a gallon of gas in California are state taxes...and we have to navigate potholes that would swallow a VW Bug....
I laugh at complains here in CA about potholes....having lived in states where the ice in winter rips roads apart.

The point being that the wealthiest, non-winter state, shouldn't have crappy roads.........and yet, because of left wing management, they have crappy roads.
I would like to hear the OP's solution to when we have Santa Ana winds doing two things....drying ever bit of foliage out AND blowing hard enough to down power lines. What would his solution to these realities of California weather?

From what I read, they used to (prior to the eco-movement), have culling of the forest by cutting down every 4th tree, and they would gather underbrush, and power generators with it. Companies would be willing to pay for the rights, because they made money off the sale of lumber. It was a sustainable, and practical system that kept the risks of damaging fires lower.
What so many of the idiots can not comprehend is the size of the area over which neglected power lines run. This is a fine example of capitalism and the Reagan screw you I got mine ideology.
The era of available electricity whenever and wherever needed is officially over in wildfire-plagued California.

Pacific Gas & Electric served stark notice of that “new normal” this past weekend when it preemptively shut power to tens of thousands of customers in five Northern California counties. The utility warned that it could happen again, perhaps repeatedly, this summer and fall as it seeks to avoid triggering disastrous wildfires.

More PG&E power blackouts are coming to California. Here’s what you should do to prepare
I don't know what you find funny Tax Man
those were not my words you laughed at they were the words of PG&E dummy...
2019 and power outages?????? only is a state run by liberals.....enjoy the hot summer California libtards.....I'm getting the hell out of here and going to Flagstaff to spend the summer and play golf every day.....

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