PPP (D) poll: high marks for Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC)


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
South Carolinians on Guns Road Repairs the Flag Etc - Public Policy Polling

PPP's new South Carolina poll finds that Tim Scott has quickly become the state's most popular politician- and is already one of the most popular Senators in the country in their home state. 50% of voters approve of the job Scott is doing to only 23% who disapprove. 72% of Republicans approve of the job he's doing, while only 45% of Democrats disapprove. That bucks the trend we see with most major politicians these days where they're as unpopular with the other party as they are popular with their own.

Scott's not on anyone's list of vulnerable Senators up for reelection next year, and our polling reinforces that he shouldn't be. In extremely hypothetical match ups with former Governor Jim Hodges (54/32), 2014 Lieutenant Governor candidate Bakari Sellers (56/28), and Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott (55/27) Scott leads by anywhere from 22 to 28 points.

Looks like this guy is starting to make his own mark on SC politics. Good for him.
Strange wording in the poll analysis. Why would they use the word "only" as in "only 45% of democrats disapprove of Tim Scott" when the words " a whopping number" might be easily substituted? Is it a sleazy effort to pretend that democrats are becoming more moderate regardless of evidence to the contrary?

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