Prayer Allowed....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Good to see the Supreme Court show support for the first amendment....

1. "WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court said Monday that prayers that open town council meetings do not violate the Constitution even if they routinely stress Christianity.

2. ....the content of the prayers is not significant as long as officials make a good-faith effort at inclusion.

3. In 1983, the court upheld an opening prayer in the Nebraska legislature and said that prayer is part of the nation's fabric,....

4. .... Kennedy, writing for the majority, said the prayers are ceremonial and in keeping with the nation's traditions.

5. .... as part of a larger exercise in civic recognition suggests that its purpose and effect are to acknowledge religious leaders and the institutions they represent, rather than to exclude or coerce nonbelievers,"....

6. ....Kagan, in a dissent for the court's four liberal justices,...

7. A federal appeals court in New York [had] ruled that Greece violated the Constitution by opening nearly every meeting over an 11-year span with prayers that stressed Christianity."
High court ruling favors prayer at council meeting -

At this time an order is necessary banning any shoelaces and belts Liberals may have...and they are to be placed on suicide watch.
Good to see the Supreme Court show support for the first amendment....

1. "WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court said Monday that prayers that open town council meetings do not violate the Constitution even if they routinely stress Christianity.

2. ....the content of the prayers is not significant as long as officials make a good-faith effort at inclusion.

3. In 1983, the court upheld an opening prayer in the Nebraska legislature and said that prayer is part of the nation's fabric,....

4. .... Kennedy, writing for the majority, said the prayers are ceremonial and in keeping with the nation's traditions.

5. .... as part of a larger exercise in civic recognition suggests that its purpose and effect are to acknowledge religious leaders and the institutions they represent, rather than to exclude or coerce nonbelievers,"....

6. ....Kagan, in a dissent for the court's four liberal justices,...

7. A federal appeals court in New York [had] ruled that Greece violated the Constitution by opening nearly every meeting over an 11-year span with prayers that stressed Christianity."
High court ruling favors prayer at council meeting -

At this time an order is necessary banning any shoelaces and belts Liberals may have...and they are to be placed on suicide watch.

Finally! Something positive for Christians. :thup:
Well Duh! If judges accept petitions from people "PRAYING to Courts for relief"
you would think prayer would be allowed elsewhere.

Should prayer be taught as a part of the process of petitioning to redress grievances?
If it's not respected as free speech and free exercise of religion,
how about the right to petition?

Good to see the Supreme Court show support for the first amendment....

1. "WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court said Monday that prayers that open town council meetings do not violate the Constitution even if they routinely stress Christianity.

2. ....the content of the prayers is not significant as long as officials make a good-faith effort at inclusion.

3. In 1983, the court upheld an opening prayer in the Nebraska legislature and said that prayer is part of the nation's fabric,....

4. .... Kennedy, writing for the majority, said the prayers are ceremonial and in keeping with the nation's traditions.

5. .... as part of a larger exercise in civic recognition suggests that its purpose and effect are to acknowledge religious leaders and the institutions they represent, rather than to exclude or coerce nonbelievers,"....

6. ....Kagan, in a dissent for the court's four liberal justices,...

7. A federal appeals court in New York [had] ruled that Greece violated the Constitution by opening nearly every meeting over an 11-year span with prayers that stressed Christianity."
High court ruling favors prayer at council meeting -

At this time an order is necessary banning any shoelaces and belts Liberals may have...and they are to be placed on suicide watch.
Well Duh! If judges accept petitions from people "PRAYING to Courts for relief"
you would think prayer would be allowed elsewhere.

Should prayer be taught as a part of the process of petitioning to redress grievances?
If it's not respected as free speech and free exercise of religion,
how about the right to petition?

Good to see the Supreme Court show support for the first amendment....

1. "WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court said Monday that prayers that open town council meetings do not violate the Constitution even if they routinely stress Christianity.

2. ....the content of the prayers is not significant as long as officials make a good-faith effort at inclusion.

3. In 1983, the court upheld an opening prayer in the Nebraska legislature and said that prayer is part of the nation's fabric,....

4. .... Kennedy, writing for the majority, said the prayers are ceremonial and in keeping with the nation's traditions.

5. .... as part of a larger exercise in civic recognition suggests that its purpose and effect are to acknowledge religious leaders and the institutions they represent, rather than to exclude or coerce nonbelievers,"....

6. ....Kagan, in a dissent for the court's four liberal justices,...

7. A federal appeals court in New York [had] ruled that Greece violated the Constitution by opening nearly every meeting over an 11-year span with prayers that stressed Christianity."
High court ruling favors prayer at council meeting -

At this time an order is necessary banning any shoelaces and belts Liberals may have...and they are to be placed on suicide watch.

Prayer has never been "not allowed" anywhere.
Well Duh! If judges accept petitions from people "PRAYING to Courts for relief"
you would think prayer would be allowed elsewhere.

Should prayer be taught as a part of the process of petitioning to redress grievances?
If it's not respected as free speech and free exercise of religion,
how about the right to petition?

Good to see the Supreme Court show support for the first amendment....

1. "WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court said Monday that prayers that open town council meetings do not violate the Constitution even if they routinely stress Christianity.

2. ....the content of the prayers is not significant as long as officials make a good-faith effort at inclusion.

3. In 1983, the court upheld an opening prayer in the Nebraska legislature and said that prayer is part of the nation's fabric,....

4. .... Kennedy, writing for the majority, said the prayers are ceremonial and in keeping with the nation's traditions.

5. .... as part of a larger exercise in civic recognition suggests that its purpose and effect are to acknowledge religious leaders and the institutions they represent, rather than to exclude or coerce nonbelievers,"....

6. ....Kagan, in a dissent for the court's four liberal justices,...

7. A federal appeals court in New York [had] ruled that Greece violated the Constitution by opening nearly every meeting over an 11-year span with prayers that stressed Christianity."
High court ruling favors prayer at council meeting -

At this time an order is necessary banning any shoelaces and belts Liberals may have...and they are to be placed on suicide watch.

Prayer has never been "not allowed" anywhere.

So....when I show you to be wrong....can I expect an apology?

"VA Forbids Mention of God at Funerals for Veterans and Requires Families to Submit Prayer for Approval to the Government:

For 30 years, the VFW District 4 burial team, at the request of the family of the deceased, has honored veterans by performing the VFW burial ritual during private burial services at the Houston National Cemetery. For 20 years, The American Legion Post 586 has honored our veterans by performing its burial ritual for fallen veterans. On at least four separate occasions, government officials told the burial teams that prayer and religious speech could no longer be included in the burial ritual unless the family submits a specific prayer or message in writing to Director Ocasio for her approval. Government official Jose Henriquez also told the VFW Honor Guard Commander, Junior Vice Commander and Chaplain that the word "God" is forbidden.

VA instructs the VFW and a Private Funeral Home that they may not present the option of prayer to families:
VA Tells Volunteers to Remove "God Bless" from Condolence Cards to Grieving Families:
VA Closes Cemetery Chapel; Uses it for Storage:
Stay up to date on this case at Religious Liberty | First Amendment Protections - Liberty Institute.
Prayer has never been "not allowed" anywhere.

Technically you are right.
People have free will and you only stop yourself.

However, people have been accosted, bullied, harassed, abused and sued
for prayer in schools or other places they were made to feel threatened and excluded.

When this happens with Gays, the Left considers this unlawful discrimination.
But when it happens to Christians, it is considered a defense to counteract imposition.

And when it happens to Muslims,
the same people will argue the opposite way.

So THAT DISCRIMINATION AND EXCLUSION is the real problem here, Luddly,
not the prayer or gay issue itself which is a private matter and not within govt jurisdiction.

In ALL these cases, the common factor is people with PRIVATE conflicts
are abusing govt or public institutions to force a decision one way to exclude the other.
Public laws and entities should remain NEUTRAL but that is not what is happening.
Because govt has been overextended to impose on personal areas outside the state Constitutional limits of govt, so we run into these conflicts that should remain private.
Dear PC I think it is a mutual exchange.
If LN can find places you are wrong and need to apologize,
then he may be more open to reciprocate likewise.

If you both take the fifth amendment, please allow the other to do the same.
The importance is that points and corrections get made.

So as long as that happens, who cares who owes what; it comes out even,
as everyone on here has good points and weak points!

Don't ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself.
If if so, if YOU go first, others will surely follow the good example you set!

Thanks PC
Thanks LN

Well Duh! If judges accept petitions from people "PRAYING to Courts for relief"
you would think prayer would be allowed elsewhere.

Should prayer be taught as a part of the process of petitioning to redress grievances?
If it's not respected as free speech and free exercise of religion,
how about the right to petition?

Prayer has never been "not allowed" anywhere.

So....when I show you to be wrong....can I expect an apology?

"VA Forbids Mention of God at Funerals for Veterans and Requires Families to Submit Prayer for Approval to the Government:

For 30 years, the VFW District 4 burial team, at the request of the family of the deceased, has honored veterans by performing the VFW burial ritual during private burial services at the Houston National Cemetery. For 20 years, The American Legion Post 586 has honored our veterans by performing its burial ritual for fallen veterans. On at least four separate occasions, government officials told the burial teams that prayer and religious speech could no longer be included in the burial ritual unless the family submits a specific prayer or message in writing to Director Ocasio for her approval. Government official Jose Henriquez also told the VFW Honor Guard Commander, Junior Vice Commander and Chaplain that the word "God" is forbidden.

VA instructs the VFW and a Private Funeral Home that they may not present the option of prayer to families:
VA Tells Volunteers to Remove "God Bless" from Condolence Cards to Grieving Families:
VA Closes Cemetery Chapel; Uses it for Storage:
Stay up to date on this case at Religious Liberty | First Amendment Protections - Liberty Institute.
Remember how much righties freaked out when Keith Ellison was sworn in using a Koran? :laugh:
Dear PC I think it is a mutual exchange.
If LN can find places you are wrong and need to apologize,
then he may be more open to reciprocate likewise.

If you both take the fifth amendment, please allow the other to do the same.
The importance is that points and corrections get made.

So as long as that happens, who cares who owes what; it comes out even,
as everyone on here has good points and weak points!

Don't ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself.
If if so, if YOU go first, others will surely follow the good example you set!

Thanks PC
Thanks LN

Prayer has never been "not allowed" anywhere.

So....when I show you to be wrong....can I expect an apology?

"VA Forbids Mention of God at Funerals for Veterans and Requires Families to Submit Prayer for Approval to the Government:

For 30 years, the VFW District 4 burial team, at the request of the family of the deceased, has honored veterans by performing the VFW burial ritual during private burial services at the Houston National Cemetery. For 20 years, The American Legion Post 586 has honored our veterans by performing its burial ritual for fallen veterans. On at least four separate occasions, government officials told the burial teams that prayer and religious speech could no longer be included in the burial ritual unless the family submits a specific prayer or message in writing to Director Ocasio for her approval. Government official Jose Henriquez also told the VFW Honor Guard Commander, Junior Vice Commander and Chaplain that the word "God" is forbidden.

VA instructs the VFW and a Private Funeral Home that they may not present the option of prayer to families:
VA Tells Volunteers to Remove "God Bless" from Condolence Cards to Grieving Families:
VA Closes Cemetery Chapel; Uses it for Storage:
Stay up to date on this case at Religious Liberty | First Amendment Protections - Liberty Institute.

....but I'm never wrong.
Well Duh! If judges accept petitions from people "PRAYING to Courts for relief"
you would think prayer would be allowed elsewhere.

Should prayer be taught as a part of the process of petitioning to redress grievances?
If it's not respected as free speech and free exercise of religion,
how about the right to petition?

Good to see the Supreme Court show support for the first amendment....

1. "WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court said Monday that prayers that open town council meetings do not violate the Constitution even if they routinely stress Christianity.

2. ....the content of the prayers is not significant as long as officials make a good-faith effort at inclusion.

3. In 1983, the court upheld an opening prayer in the Nebraska legislature and said that prayer is part of the nation's fabric,....

4. .... Kennedy, writing for the majority, said the prayers are ceremonial and in keeping with the nation's traditions.

5. .... as part of a larger exercise in civic recognition suggests that its purpose and effect are to acknowledge religious leaders and the institutions they represent, rather than to exclude or coerce nonbelievers,"....

6. ....Kagan, in a dissent for the court's four liberal justices,...

7. A federal appeals court in New York [had] ruled that Greece violated the Constitution by opening nearly every meeting over an 11-year span with prayers that stressed Christianity."
High court ruling favors prayer at council meeting -

At this time an order is necessary banning any shoelaces and belts Liberals may have...and they are to be placed on suicide watch.

Prayer has never been "not allowed" anywhere.

Correct, including public schools.
Well Duh! If judges accept petitions from people "PRAYING to Courts for relief"
you would think prayer would be allowed elsewhere.

Should prayer be taught as a part of the process of petitioning to redress grievances?
If it's not respected as free speech and free exercise of religion,
how about the right to petition?

Prayer has never been "not allowed" anywhere.

So....when I show you to be wrong....can I expect an apology?

"VA Forbids Mention of God at Funerals for Veterans and Requires Families to Submit Prayer for Approval to the Government:

For 30 years, the VFW District 4 burial team, at the request of the family of the deceased, has honored veterans by performing the VFW burial ritual during private burial services at the Houston National Cemetery. For 20 years, The American Legion Post 586 has honored our veterans by performing its burial ritual for fallen veterans. On at least four separate occasions, government officials told the burial teams that prayer and religious speech could no longer be included in the burial ritual unless the family submits a specific prayer or message in writing to Director Ocasio for her approval. Government official Jose Henriquez also told the VFW Honor Guard Commander, Junior Vice Commander and Chaplain that the word "God" is forbidden.

VA instructs the VFW and a Private Funeral Home that they may not present the option of prayer to families:
VA Tells Volunteers to Remove "God Bless" from Condolence Cards to Grieving Families:
VA Closes Cemetery Chapel; Uses it for Storage:
Stay up to date on this case at Religious Liberty | First Amendment Protections - Liberty Institute.

No one was forbidden from praying.
Prayer has never been "not allowed" anywhere.

So....when I show you to be wrong....can I expect an apology?

"VA Forbids Mention of God at Funerals for Veterans and Requires Families to Submit Prayer for Approval to the Government:

For 30 years, the VFW District 4 burial team, at the request of the family of the deceased, has honored veterans by performing the VFW burial ritual during private burial services at the Houston National Cemetery. For 20 years, The American Legion Post 586 has honored our veterans by performing its burial ritual for fallen veterans. On at least four separate occasions, government officials told the burial teams that prayer and religious speech could no longer be included in the burial ritual unless the family submits a specific prayer or message in writing to Director Ocasio for her approval. Government official Jose Henriquez also told the VFW Honor Guard Commander, Junior Vice Commander and Chaplain that the word "God" is forbidden.

VA instructs the VFW and a Private Funeral Home that they may not present the option of prayer to families:
VA Tells Volunteers to Remove "God Bless" from Condolence Cards to Grieving Families:
VA Closes Cemetery Chapel; Uses it for Storage:
Stay up to date on this case at Religious Liberty | First Amendment Protections - Liberty Institute.

No one was forbidden from praying.

That sound?

Me, laughing at your reading skills.
Prayer has never been "not allowed" anywhere.

So....when I show you to be wrong....can I expect an apology?

"VA Forbids Mention of God at Funerals for Veterans and Requires Families to Submit Prayer for Approval to the Government:

For 30 years, the VFW District 4 burial team, at the request of the family of the deceased, has honored veterans by performing the VFW burial ritual during private burial services at the Houston National Cemetery. For 20 years, The American Legion Post 586 has honored our veterans by performing its burial ritual for fallen veterans. On at least four separate occasions, government officials told the burial teams that prayer and religious speech could no longer be included in the burial ritual unless the family submits a specific prayer or message in writing to Director Ocasio for her approval. Government official Jose Henriquez also told the VFW Honor Guard Commander, Junior Vice Commander and Chaplain that the word "God" is forbidden.

VA instructs the VFW and a Private Funeral Home that they may not present the option of prayer to families:
VA Tells Volunteers to Remove "God Bless" from Condolence Cards to Grieving Families:
VA Closes Cemetery Chapel; Uses it for Storage:
Stay up to date on this case at Religious Liberty | First Amendment Protections - Liberty Institute.

No one was forbidden from praying.

Correct again.

First Amendment restrictions apply only to the state, not private individuals or organizations.
....but I'm never wrong.

Hmmm and I suppose Luddly believes the same.
It appears you are equally yoked,
as karmic opposite twins!

Whatever you want him to do,
you do the same. and you should mirror each other as puppets.
Correct again.

First Amendment restrictions apply only to the state, not private individuals or organizations.

1. Fourteenth Amendment extended equal protection of the laws to all persons within state jurisdiction.

2. Civil Rights Act extended protection from discrimination to all public institutions.

The INTERPRETATION of all of these is still left to Courts in case of dispute.
That is where unequal access and defense/protection in Courts
violates all three levels of equal protection, from federal to state to local.

People do not have equal access to Courts or legal defenses.
We all know this, and even lawyers who profit from it acknowledge that justice isn't equal.
Even if they both get to Court, if one side wins the other loses their rights and equal protection of their beliefs.

So where disputes are not resolved to protect all people equally,
then where these end up in Court, somebody loses their equal rights and protection by law.

If you consent to give up your rights this way, that is your choice; but I do NOT agree for me, or to pay for other people to waste public resources fighting because they lose their rights.
(Millions if not Billions of dollars are wasted on legal, political, and legislative conflicts, that I believe in resolving cost-effectively by consensus solutions, so resources can be invested directly in
historic and environmental preservation of our country's legacies, and education and job training in both immediate services needed and longterm development of sustainable programs.)

This is why I support conflict resolution and equal inclusion by consensus decisions:
In order to uphold equal Constitutional standards, ethics and protections for all views,
not just the side that wins by majority rule, court ruling or political dominance.
That to me is not equal protection of the laws and is allowing govt to be abused
Last edited:
Good to see the Supreme Court show support for the first amendment....

1. "WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court said Monday that prayers that open town council meetings do not violate the Constitution even if they routinely stress Christianity.

2. ....the content of the prayers is not significant as long as officials make a good-faith effort at inclusion.

3. In 1983, the court upheld an opening prayer in the Nebraska legislature and said that prayer is part of the nation's fabric,....

4. .... Kennedy, writing for the majority, said the prayers are ceremonial and in keeping with the nation's traditions.

5. .... as part of a larger exercise in civic recognition suggests that its purpose and effect are to acknowledge religious leaders and the institutions they represent, rather than to exclude or coerce nonbelievers,"....

6. ....Kagan, in a dissent for the court's four liberal justices,...

7. A federal appeals court in New York [had] ruled that Greece violated the Constitution by opening nearly every meeting over an 11-year span with prayers that stressed Christianity."
High court ruling favors prayer at council meeting -

At this time an order is necessary banning any shoelaces and belts Liberals may have...and they are to be placed on suicide watch.

Finally! Something positive for Christians. :thup:

And for all Americans!

Now, if we could reverse the damage done by the racist that Franklin Roosevelt put on the Supreme Court....Hugo Black, who inserted the bogus 'separation of church and state' meme that runs counter to the beliefs of the Founders.

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