Predict the Patsy! Who will take the fall in Hospitalgate?

Who will get saddled with the blame for Secretary Austin's absence?

  • Secretary Austin

  • Austin's Chief of Staff

  • Kathleen Hicks

  • Some useful idiot low level aide

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Correct. Why should anyone take any falls? They don't have telephones in hospitals? 🤣

Nobody knew where the fuck Bush and Cheney were at when the WTC buildings were collapsing. Nobody knew where the fuck Bush was when Katrina hit. Nobody knew where the fuck Trump was at when he was hiding in the WH bunker.

While SoD was in the hospital the Assistant SoD took out terrorist camps in Iraq. There are other decision-makers in the Pentagon besides Austin.

Huge nothingburger.
Lies, lies, and more lies. Bush was in Florida at the time in an elementary school. Cheney was enroute to DC on AF2. Bush was in Texas when Katrina hit and he had been there almost a month at his ranch. Why was Trump in the bunker when that was where he was supposed to be?

You need to knock off the real stuff, try some synthanol, and get a grip on reality. Stop lying because you blacked out and don't remember.
Trump The Gorilla is a suit never took responsiblity for anything, including the reasons that Biden was able to use him a mop in 2020, sending him on a one way trip back to MAL.

Have fun parroting that knuckle dragger & that slob Stinkfanik.
STD Clap ^ still utterly unhinged and babbling more incoherently now than ever.

Keep rooting for your Potato, ya retard.
Days go by without Biden speaking with his Sec of Defense while multiple wars are raging???????????????

Biden is effectively performing an honorary role. Nothing more. He's just a puppet with someone elses hand shoved up his ass. He's not running jack squat nothing.

He does what the commies and Marxists who have infiltrated government at that level and who operate from behind the scenes tell him to do and then he gets on the idiot box popping his vitriolic, stuttering pie hole off, talking down to average Americans who are being buried as a consequence of the policies he's being directed to invoke like he is somebody.

Mother nature needs to get a move on with that one. He's a virus...
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It was a medical procedure he clearly wanted to keep private. Most Americans can sympathize with that.
:omg:Your comment is ludicrously imbecilic, and shockingly naive, to say the least! The public school system has hit massive pay dirt with a large percentage of the population, as exemplified by such crazy comments as the above.

You idiots, he has no right to privacy, he is the secretary of defense, what we see is the lawlessness of the fascists, we are all the way through the looking glass, still you persist in the near psychotic belief that you, are on their team, well you are not on their team, most of you will be dead within the year, and you are still clueless of your peril.... :boohoo:
The responsibility for being AWOL is discharge from duty.
The only "discharge" is you Trumptards soiling yourselves over every little thing that happens.

For chrissakes, ya's act just like Trump, with his "sky is falling" bullshit.
:omg:Your comment is ludicrously imbecilic, and shockingly naive, to say the least! The public school system has hit massive pay dirt with a large percentage of the population, as exemplified by such crazy comments as the above.

You idiots, he has no right to privacy, he is the secretary of defense, what we see is the lawlessness of the fascists, we are all the way through the looking glass, still you persist in the near psychotic belief that you, are on their team, well you are not on their team, most of you will be dead within the year, and you are still clueless of your peril.... :boohoo:
Dude, how long have you advocated for 1890s education in a Merica?
Why in the hell do people continue to slap "-gate" on everything? There was a reason it was called "The Watergate Scandal..."

Just stop it...

And while I'm on a rant... it was Flavor Aid, not Kool Aid...
The only "discharge" is you Trumptards soiling yourselves over every little thing that happens.

For chrissakes, ya's act just like Trump, with his "sky is falling" bullshit.
Not "Trumptard", faggot.

The customary repercussions from being AWOL include being relieved of duty, if not drummed out of the service outright.

Austin was AWOL by definition.
:omg:Your comment is ludicrously imbecilic, and shockingly naive, to say the least! The public school system has hit massive pay dirt with a large percentage of the population, as exemplified by such crazy comments as the above.

You idiots, he has no right to privacy, he is the secretary of defense, what we see is the lawlessness of the fascists, we are all the way through the looking glass, still you persist in the near psychotic belief that you, are on their team, well you are not on their team, most of you will be dead within the year, and you are still clueless of your peril.... :boohoo:

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