Prediction: A message from Aurora. Earthquake in July 08.

I think Aurora is off by a couple months and several hundred miles. That earthquake already happened and it was in central China, not south-east Asia. And while that earthquake was severe, it is not that far-reaching.

And as for the United States falling to rubble from an earthquake in Asia? That must be Aurora's wishful thinking.
Please people, try to keep an open mind. Uknow_me72 is right! If you don't believe him, then don't bother posting in his topics.
This earthquake will be the biggest and most disastrous earthquake seen yet by modern man. least Aurora isn't hedging his bets by posting predictions that are open to any interpretation you want to make of them like that scamp Nostro Damos.

If we have the worse earthquake in human memory in SE Asia come this month, I know I'll be somewhat impressed. least Aurora isn't hedging his bets by posting predictions that are open to any interpretation you want to make of them like that scamp Nostro Damos.

If we have the worse earthquake in human memory in SE Asia come this month, I know I'll be somewhat impressed.

Aurora is a Girl. No self respecting Guy would have that name anyway. The post said worst in History not memory.
Is this a sign of the build up?

HONOLULU -- Scientists said a huge fountain of lava jetting into the air from a Kilauea Volcano flow is not like anything they have seen in more than a year.

Just after 11 p.m. Sunday lava made a new breakout at the Kilauea summit.

A wave of lava measuring about 40-feet high produced a spectacular fountain. Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey's Hawaiian Volcano Observatory said they were impressed.

Lava Fountain Bursts From Flow - Honolulu News Story - KITV Honolulu
Hey Guys,

The month is almost over, what does this mean to you?

This is going to happen. There is a day and a half left. Anyone want to guess the time it will take place?

Earthquake July of 2008

This is a message from the Guardian of Earth Aurora.


There will be a huge earthquake that will take place in July 08 that will hit the South Eastern part of Asia and will be felt all over the world. The earthquake will affect China with the most damage and the Eastern Pacific Islands will see tidal waves like none before. This earthquake will be the biggest and most disastrous earthquake seen yet by modern man. It will cause more damage then the previous earthquake in China, May 08 or any other one before.

The damage from this earth shattering experience will have an unforeseen outcome that will cause uncertainty for all. This will accelerate the falling economy to the collapse. China's economy will be the first to suffer but will effect the rest of the world. This will cause confusion and suffering for all and mass panic. The USA will fall to rubble.

You will be happy to know me. I am a Prophetess. I am the Guardian of Earth. My name is Aurora and I am here for one specific reason. To start a "New Way" a new society that will clear the lies and expose the Truth. You will have all the answers.

There is a storm coming. You must be ready.

The Guardian

Hey Guys,

The month is almost over, what does this mean to you?

This is going to happen. There is a day and a half left. Anyone want to guess the time it will take place?

I say 3:30 am EST, the first rumble of the quake will be felt in Dick Cheney's bed, because of taking one too many viagra pills to get jiggy with his girlfriend Trixie.

Hey Guys,

The month is almost over, what does this mean to you?

This is going to happen. There is a day and a half left. Anyone want to guess the time it will take place?

Who here is gonig to believe your forecasts and who isn't ?
I say 3:30 am EST, the first rumble of the quake will be felt in Dick Cheney's bed, because of taking one too many viagra pills to get jiggy with his girlfriend Trixie.


Um, it's August 1st-did I win a prize?
Here is an update from Aurora, The Gaurdian.

A Year of Preparation and Alignment

Many unusual things happened including strange weather patterns and conditions which had never previously been seen in those areas. We had tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, the Virginia Tech massacre, the Honey Bees disappearing and 30,000 people committed suicide in Japan. The real estate market and value of homes went down. There were increased UFO sightings in Texas, and Homeland Security infringements on our personal freedom. We had seen the fall of many pastors and priests from traditional religion and an economic downturn, where people started walking away from their car payments and mortgages, which were inverted. We also saw the outsourcing of many jobs to foreigners. Americans started questioning the stability of many institutions they have grown to depend on.

A Year of Execution

Thing’s will come to pass. It is a year of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. All known institutions, we depend on, like the social security system and the economy will all start to collapse. This is the year we must start operations differently, in order to get through the stress we must focus on the spirit realm this year. This is the year you have to make a decision: which system you want to support. The old system of things is the current society: a labor based system of the 40 year plan – worldly dependency system, depending on all the current government systems: social security, the banking system, health care, the economic system; all these programs ignoring the creator.

There is a new benevolent and free society being established, based on a new ethereal philosophy called, “The Extreme Way”. You must decide this year which system you will support, because you can not live in both systems. This year will be extreme warfare in the form of stress, confusion, depression, suicide, overwhelm-anxiety, disease, and fear. Our defense is strategic level spirit warfare.

This year we will have to do team preparedness for those who join this New Society. Things are moving fast this year. People will have to address the spirit realm for the first time, to be in control. This is a year of reunification and re-orientation of importance and priorities in many people’s lives. This is an informative year, a reality adjustment and perspective changing year. A spiritual revolution will occur. It is also a recovery and restoration year.

The prophecies I was given was that there will be an economic collapse, many suicides, severe weather patterns will continue and a very big earthquake in July 08, many fish will die in the ocean as well as a variety wildlife. There will be a meteor that will strike Earth and there will be increased UFO sightings. We will see the collapse of many churches, as well as the banking institutions and government institutions, like social security.

What to know to get through this year: FOCUS ON WHAT THINGS YOU CAN CHANGE, IMPROVING YOURSELF, and FAMILY RELATIONS AS WELL AS RELATIONS WITH FRIENDS AND ASSOCIATES. FOCUS ON THE NEW SOCIETY AS THE NEW ARC IN A VERY BAD STORM. This new society will be based on a heavenly based philosophy called, “The Extreme Way”. We must trust the new system as we can no longer trust the old system. This new society is not connected to any religion, or political system. This is the year to build your immune system for the new era we face on earth.

I will tell you that this new society I speak of was depicted in a vision I got in 1984, which showed me what these End Times would look like. I was taken on a journey to present time. I was shown how the world was run by a dark force that is present through 7 realms of power. I was shown that whoever controlled these 7 realms controlled the world. But I was also shown that a new society would be placed on top of the old society. It would consist of a network of advanced, logical, and rational, like minded, people. It would be the first free society to ever exist on planet Earth. I was shown that I would lead a movement to set up this new society and that I would be the CEO of it to ensure that every new member could pursue personal liberty and would be guaranteed personal and property rights We would be able to pursue the inalienable right of happiness, extreme prosperity, joy, pleasure, and romantic love. In general, this society would be an Arc in a turbulent time.

"Please join us in the ARC." You must decide this year. "The visions that I have seen will come true and we "The ARC" team will be there to help."

"We can turn this world around with the power of people who are of like mind working toward a common goal which benefits every man, woman and child. For the first time on earth, people will be able to pursue the inalienable right to unlimited prosperity, happiness, joy, peace and safety, in a truly advanced level society."

So did none of these other things happen RGS? Did you just not see the housing market crash and did you just not see banks being taken over?

The end is near is not the statement to make and is taken in the wrong context.

No one can help the blind if they choose not to see. Take off your pride cap and put on your seeing glasses buddy.

The Earthquake will still happen, but because a group of people that knew it wanted to use it as proof it didn't...

If you know God's plan then you know why he didn't allow us to use this proof, the rest happened.

It has to be about us and the willingness to change and make the difference.

The Bible Prophecies will come true, but some of us won't be affected by it. There is a fine line that you must be on to pass it.

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