Prediction: A message from Aurora. Earthquake in July 08.

i predict that my next prediction will be wrong

now prove i don't have psychic powers
"Some men eventually stumble over the truth but they usually pick themselves up and walk on as if nothing ever happened."
-Winston Churchill

Except some don't walk over it they tell it, then the others get smacked in the face with it and do nothing but complain and calls people crazy and false prophets.
The others end up being a casuality of Bible prophecy and the ones that listen end up in the heavenly kingdom freed from prison.
-Thorock Baeko
This is getting old. Read my blog. It's not psychic or mystical or religious. It makes you look at your life.

apparently the prophetess with the new way of life is already getting tired or old of things. interesting.

i skimmed your blog and you blog does not address my post. i predict my next prediction will be wrong. now prove i am not psychic. if you want, i can change it to, prove my prediction wrong.

i predict my next prediction will be wrong. now prove my prediction wrong.

actually, that sounds better....

you say not mystical or religious, yet you are a prophetess.

Prediction: A message from Aurora. Earthquake in July 08.


This is a message from the Guardian of Earth Aurora.

I was shown that there will be a huge earthquake that will take place in July 08 that will hit the South Eastern part of Asia and will be felt all over the world. The earthquake will affect China with the most damage and the Eastern Pacific Islands will see tidal waves like none before. This earthquake will be the biggest and most disastrous earthquake seen yet by modern man. It will cause more damage than the previous earthquake in China in May 08 or any other one before.

The damage from this earth shattering experience will have an unforeseen outcome that will cause uncertainty for all. China’s economy will be the first to suffer but will trigger events which will effect the economies of the rest of the world. This will cause confusion, suffering and mass panic for all. This will accelerate the falling economy to the collapse and the USA will fall to rubble.

You will be happy to know me. I am a Prophetess.

your blog does nothing to support your post, especially as you are telling us that you can see the future, in fact have been TOLD the future and that you are a prophetess, which as you surely must know contains religious connotations no matter the religion.

alas, i predict many will think me foolish for even replying.
I am not Aurora, but I do work with her..Just to clear that up.

We are working on something that will change your view on the Earthquake we are just not ready to go out with it yet.

Concerning my blog, it has to do with the prophetess, The vision was very clear on how this world is controlled and how it was going to be changed.

You by reading my blog will make you think different about life here as it gets worst. Trust me all we need is for you to read it. Once you read it you open up your mind and will be able to start seeing more clear.
Just shows where you get your ideas from and how you act.

Sheep following the lead?

Why is it I can pick that out and can see the influencing trends and who is influenced by what if there isn't a system set up to do the influencing?
I am not Aurora, but I do work with her..Just to clear that up.

We are working on something that will change your view on the Earthquake we are just not ready to go out with it yet.

Concerning my blog, it has to do with the prophetess, The vision was very clear on how this world is controlled and how it was going to be changed.

You by reading my blog will make you think different about life here as it gets worst. Trust me all we need is for you to read it. Once you read it you open up your mind and will be able to start seeing more clear.

it is obvious you can't answer questions posed to you....

i think you are a figment designed to rile up the good folks of this forum....

been fun, been real,, but not real fun....
Yurt, I fail to understand what you mean.

I am here on my own to rile up your fragile universe, this is true. I am only offering you a way out of prision. The tunnel is already dug, you are just afraid to get caught.

Never get any where just waiting.
Will we get rain here in Portland this winter? Will it be sunny in Saudi Arabia tomorrow? Is there any chance of snow in Moscow this year?

Also, is it a good idea to short GM in July of 2008?

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