Prepare to hate me if you don't support RP.

Oh your buttons are easy to push...this is going to be fun.:clap2:
My body is ready bitch, come at me! D<

What's with rightwinger going back to girls nonstop? My dating life has little to do with my political view, but I'm guessing you're some kinda horny creeper sitting at his computer all day that's all you think since you don't get any. :lol:

How am I suppose to exhibit anything other than immaturity when 90% of the posts here are more immature than my baby cousins LMAO? I'm just having fun. Haters gonna hate.


Dude, your first post was reeking with immaturity.
Your one of the few posters who could galvanize the right and the left. We don't see it often on this board. :lol:

Make no mistake, you are the board chew toy for now. Again, welcome to the board.

Hey at least I captured some attention, probably not in the most positive light. But interest is a start to a good debate/brawl.
I am a passionate Ron Paul supporter and will argue endlessly on the internet. I'm 22 and from Jersey. Have fun trying to deal with me.

When I was 22 I thought I was an anarchist.

I thought the source of all evil in the world was government. (sound familiar?)

Decades later I've come to the conclusion that original sin is the true cause of the woes of the world.

Governments are merely tools. They can do great good or great harm. It all depends on the motives of the folks who have their hands on the tillers of society's great sources of power.

Corporations are the same, really. Most of them bring us enormous wealth, give us jobs, and are good citizens. Some become parsites that suck the life out of a society.

Again, it depends on the motives of the people with the power.
What kind of douche wants to be hated on day one?


Have your mommy take away your computer until you mature into an adult.
I am a passionate Ron Paul supporter and will argue endlessly on the internet. I'm 22 and from Jersey. Have fun trying to deal with me.


I am not young enough to know everything.
Oscar Wilde
Y'all so mad already. I haven't even started but it's clear people are already taking SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS!

Mainstreamers are hilariously stupid.

[ame=]ASSHOLE ALERT - YouTube[/ame]
I am a passionate Ron Paul supporter and will argue endlessly on the internet. I'm 22 and from Jersey. Have fun trying to deal with me.

Ron Paul supporter, huh? Well, ok. This is America. You have the right to be an idiot just like Ron Paul.
In order to 'hate' you, I'd have to give a shit. Which I don't. So, live with the fact that I won't 'hate' you.

If you didn't give a shit, you wouldn't comment.

Except that she really really gives a shit about convincing everyone she doesn't give a shit.

She's apparently not smart enough to realize that she accomplishes the exact opposite.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
In order to 'hate' you, I'd have to give a shit. Which I don't. So, live with the fact that I won't 'hate' you.

If you didn't give a shit, you wouldn't comment.

Silly sophistry. And a false claim, too.

One need not give a shit about gerbil or his political beliefs to comment on one of his posts.

If for no other reason, commenting on one of his posts offers a chance to make light of some stupid tripe.

That is NOT the same as giving a shit about gerbil -- much less hating him.
In order to 'hate' you, I'd have to give a shit. Which I don't. So, live with the fact that I won't 'hate' you.

If you didn't give a shit, you wouldn't comment.

Silly sophistry. And a false claim, too.

One need not give a shit about gerbil or his political beliefs to comment on one of his posts.

If for no other reason, commenting on one of his posts offers a chance to make light of some stupid tripe.

That is NOT the same as giving a shit about gerbil -- much less hating him.


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