Prepare Yourselves for the Coming Mini Ice Age!

Yep, the mini ice age is here.

Sure a lot warmer than I thought it would be.
The sun is in mimima. It is going to get very cold. The left doesn't believe in science. It has its own leftist science.
The left intends to address the minimum by saying "oh yeah, well, it would be a lot colder if it wasn't for the warming."
The left intends to address the minimum by saying "oh yeah, well, it would be a lot colder if it wasn't for the warming."
But to do that they have to implicitly concede that thenew solar theories are correct and that undermines their whole argument about human created CO2 being the sole possible cause for the 20th century warming period.
Yeah, so much hype over fractional changes in the temperatures, both pro and anti Anthropic Global Warming bullshit.

But it looks like there is data on a coming solar minimum the likes of which we have not seen in a century.

So what will the Warmistas blame the cold on? Trump manipulating NASA?


Solar Update June 2017–the sun is slumping and headed even lower


DELINGPOLE: 'Global Warming' Is a Myth, Say 58 Scientific Papers in 2017 - Breitbart
Some deniers here deny that their fellow deniers are constantly declaring that their cult's HolyIceAge will arrive any day now. So, thanks for another thread that I can refer back to.

You deniers have been saying this HolyIceAge will arrive anydaynow for 40 years running, yet that HolyIceAge never gets here. Instead, it just keeps warming strongly. What makes this time different? Just when will you be able to pull the HolyIceAge out of your hat?

Some deniers here deny that their fellow deniers are constantly declaring that their cult's HolyIceAge will arrive any day now. So, thanks for another thread that I can refer back to.

You deniers have been saying this HolyIceAge will arrive anydaynow for 40 years running, yet that HolyIceAge never gets here. Instead, it just keeps warming strongly. What makes this time different? Just when will you be able to pull the HolyIceAge out of your hat?

Try a little history. Your climate bullshit began with a coming ice age at the very first Earth Day in DC. I was there.
Yeah, so much hype over fractional changes in the temperatures, both pro and anti Anthropic Global Warming bullshit.

But it looks like there is data on a coming solar minimum the likes of which we have not seen in a century.

So what will the Warmistas blame the cold on? Trump manipulating NASA?


Solar Update June 2017–the sun is slumping and headed even lower
So what will the Warmistas blame the cold on?

You do realize that notwithstanding the impact(s) of solar activity, global warming could well trigger an ice age.

The heart of the global warming issue isn't that the Earth is warming. The crux is the rate at which it is doing so -- as contrasted with the rate in years long gone whence humanity had little to no material impact on the rate at which the Earth cyclically warmed and cooled and what might be done to attenuate humanity's impact on the rate of warming.

Additionally, given the frequency of the Sun's going from solar maximum to minimum and back again -- by the linked article's content, about eight to ten years -- I'm not convinced the solar cycle plays a controlling role on the periodic fluctuations in Earth's progression from ice age to warm period and back again, which we clearly observe has historically spanned millennia for each "peak and valley."
You do realize that notwithstanding the impact(s) of solar activity, global warming could well trigger an ice age.

This is part of the problem with AGW theory in that it predicts all possible outcomes and is thus not capable of being tested; it is correct no matter what happens and is thus not really science.

The heart of the global warming issue isn't that the Earth is warming. The crux is the rate at which it is doing so -- as contrasted with the rate in years long gone whence humanity had little to no material impact on the rate at which the Earth cyclically warmed and cooled and what might be done to attenuate humanity's impact on the rate of warming.

Our global temperature set only goes back a couple of centuries so there is no context for comparing rates of change.

We can say however that the rates of change have not been nearly as fast as almost any of the climate models that AGW advocates use to 'prove'
that AGW is real.

Additionally, given the frequency of the Sun's going from solar maximum to minimum and back again -- by the linked article's content, about eight to ten years -- I'm not convinced the solar cycle plays a controlling role on the periodic fluctuations in Earth's progression from ice age to warm period and back again, which we clearly observe has historically spanned millennia for each "peak and valley."

The solar change is based on larger cycles than the short ten to eleven year cycles. There are apparently larger cycles that stretch over decades and even centuries.
Yeah, so much hype over fractional changes in the temperatures, both pro and anti Anthropic Global Warming bullshit.

But it looks like there is data on a coming solar minimum the likes of which we have not seen in a century.

So what will the Warmistas blame the cold on? Trump manipulating NASA?


Solar Update June 2017–the sun is slumping and headed even lower

We need to get UnrealDave on here, he is the solar expert!

He can tell us all about the solar minimum and how we people affect our climate more than the Sun!

The Sun which without, we wouldn't even have any weather! Any plants! And life on the Earth!

But I'm prepared:

I've been letting the Freon out of cars for years to build up more damage to the ozone and let more sunlight in.

And I only drive old cars badly out of tune to put out a thick black smoke.

I'm doing my part to hold the temp of the Earth up As high as possible as long as I can, what about you?
Try a little history. Your climate bullshit began with a coming ice age at the very first Earth Day in DC. I was there.

Try not to lie. There was no climate scientist there predicting an ice age. There was an "ecologist", and you're pretending it was a climate scientist.

The only actual climate scientists predicting an ice age in the 1970s, Kukla and Bryson, were hardcore global warming deniers. Ice Age worship has always been a denier thing. The good scientists were always predicting warming, even in the 1970s.

So, after the HolyIceAge fails to arrive, again, what will your excuses be? Will deniers ever give up their worship of the HolyIceAge?

Probably not. Denialism is unfalsifiable, so it's cult pseudoscience. The failure of their ice age theory won't bother them at all. They'll just spin it away, as they spin away all their failures. They'll declare the lack of glaciers crushing the cities is just fake news, and that those cities really are all buried under a mile of ice.
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Some deniers here deny that their fellow deniers are constantly declaring that their cult's HolyIceAge will arrive any day now. So, thanks for another thread that I can refer back to.

You deniers have been saying this HolyIceAge will arrive anydaynow for 40 years running, yet that HolyIceAge never gets here. Instead, it just keeps warming strongly. What makes this time different? Just when will you be able to pull the HolyIceAge out of your hat?

The prediction on the first earth day has proven to be a lie. We are still here.
Yeah, so much hype over fractional changes in the temperatures, both pro and anti Anthropic Global Warming bullshit.

But it looks like there is data on a coming solar minimum the likes of which we have not seen in a century.

So what will the Warmistas blame the cold on? Trump manipulating NASA?


Solar Update June 2017–the sun is slumping and headed even lower
So what will the Warmistas blame the cold on?

You do realize that notwithstanding the impact(s) of solar activity, global warming could well trigger an ice age.

The heart of the global warming issue isn't that the Earth is warming. The crux is the rate at which it is doing so -- as contrasted with the rate in years long gone whence humanity had little to no material impact on the rate at which the Earth cyclically warmed and cooled and what might be done to attenuate humanity's impact on the rate of warming.

Additionally, given the frequency of the Sun's going from solar maximum to minimum and back again -- by the linked article's content, about eight to ten years -- I'm not convinced the solar cycle plays a controlling role on the periodic fluctuations in Earth's progression from ice age to warm period and back again, which we clearly observe has historically spanned millennia for each "peak and valley."

You do realize that the argument for global warming causing an ice age is a little hard to swallow, right? If it's true the that GW is warming due to anthropogenic causes then it's difficult to believe that it could cause a mini-ice age. We've been increasing the amount of CO2 over the past century at a significant rate, which begs the question of why the GW isn't always going up if it's all artificial. Which in turn leads tot he conclusion by many that GW isn't entirely anthropogenic, that there are in fact natural causes such as solar activity. Which in turn leads to the question of how much is man-caused and how much isn't, AND what can we do about it.

So - when I read that MIT tells us the Paris Agreement would only reduce GW by two tenths of a % by 2100 and not even that if some countries don't hit their commitments, and then I find out the US would have to pay quit a bit of our money to other countries for that barely negligible result, well it sorta becomes a very hard sell.

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