Pres. H. Truman (1945-1953) thoughts of the Rep. Party and not much


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
has changed, as a matter of fact nothing has. Still the same old greedy party they have always been!

They approve of the American farmer-but they are willing to help him go broke.

They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing.

They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights.

They favor a minimum wage--the smaller the minimum the better.

They indorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools.

They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them.

They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people.

They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement.

They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.

They consider electric power a great blessing-but only when the private power companies get their rake-off.

They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again.

They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down.

They think the American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people.

And they admire the Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it.

Now, my friends, that is the Wall Street Republican way of life. But there is another way--there is another way--the Democratic way, the way of the Democratic Party.

Harry S. Truman: Address in St. Paul at the Municipal Auditorium.
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But we are bound to win--and we are going to win, because we are right! I am here to tell you that in this fight, the people are with us.

With a Democratic President and a Democratic Congress, you will have the right kind of unity in this country.

We will be unified once more on the great program of social advance, which the Democratic Party pioneered in 1933.

We will be unified in support of farm cooperatives, rural electrification, and soil conservation.

We will be unified behind a housing program.

We will be unified on the question of the rights of labor and collective bargaining.

We will be unified for the expansion of social security, the improvement of our educational system, and the expansion of medical aid.

Moreover, we will be unified in our efforts to preserve our prosperity and to spread its benefits equally to all groups in the Nation.

Now, my friends, with such unity as this, we can secure the blessings of freedom for ourselves and our children.

With such unity as this, we can fulfill our God-given responsibility in leading the world to a lasting peace.

Harry S. Truman: Address in St. Paul at the Municipal Auditorium.

No truer words were ever spoken.
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has changed, as a matter of fact nothing has. Still the same old greedy party they have always been!

They approve of the American farmer-but they are willing to help him go broke.

They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing.

They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights.

They favor a minimum wage--the smaller the minimum the better.

They indorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools.

They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them.

They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people.

They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement.

They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.

They consider electric power a great blessing-but only when the private power companies get their rake-off.

They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again.

They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down.

They think the American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people.

And they admire the Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it.

Now, my friends, that is the Wall Street Republican way of life. But there is another way--there is another way--the Democratic way, the way of the Democratic Party.

Harry S. Truman: Address in St. Paul at the Municipal Auditorium.

Sounds familiar, except for the minimum wage, they seem to have dropped that now.
Truman was a war criminal, but I suppose a war criminal can get some things right now and then.
Aside from the fact that Truman couldn't spell "endorse" we must remember that he was a one-term president and he was never elected. He presided over the greatest single-attack destruction of human lives in the history of the human race by dropping nukes on Japanese cities-twice.

Go back to Roosevelt. He kept making speeches that America would not get involved with a European war unless it was attacked. Then he made a secret agreement with Winston Churchill to allow the attack of Pearl Harbor-it worked. Millions of enraged Americans ran right to recruitment centers to sign up.

Roosevelt died in the waning years of the war and Truman took over. The Japanese war machine was destroyed, it's economy ravaged and it was at the isolated mercy of the of the world while its people were starving.

Truman's advisors led Truman to nuke Japan because they feared the soviets would get there first and turn the Japs into communists. They also wanted to test the effects of atomic bombs on human populations. There was no need to invade Japan because they were done and were no threat to the United states. The excuse that the bombs were used to save American lives was swallowed hook, line and sinker by Americans.

Truman was an evil little man-very evil.

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