Pres. Trump expected to sign executive order, allowing purchase of health ins. across state lines

LOL, I thought the Trumptard consensus was that Congress had to make the laws.

I was thinking the same thing. Shouldn't Congress be doing this?

Congress is smart enough to know if they live in NY and buy health insurance in Alaska because its cheaper they have to go to Alaska to be treated by the doctors there that provide their service for the $$$ agreed to in the policy.

Trump and his drones; not so smart.
so when you travel and get ill, you don't get to see a doctor in the state you're in? you have to wait to go back to your state to get treatment? really? you believe this don't you?

Ill or emergency? Insurance companies are out of network for illnesses when you travel, emergencies you will be covered and when stabilized the insurance company will demand the hospital transfer you to the nearest in network. Now if you have a blue plan you might be on to something.
so they'd rather pay airfare and nurses for a transport? that seems expensive and doesn't seem practical if one can't be moved. I don't know, you all are fking goofy as shit.

So you're in the business you asshole? Yes, you will be moved and they will probably treat your transportation as out of network. Good luck with that fuckin dummy.
I was thinking the same thing. Shouldn't Congress be doing this?

Congress is smart enough to know if they live in NY and buy health insurance in Alaska because its cheaper they have to go to Alaska to be treated by the doctors there that provide their service for the $$$ agreed to in the policy.

Trump and his drones; not so smart.
so when you travel and get ill, you don't get to see a doctor in the state you're in? you have to wait to go back to your state to get treatment? really? you believe this don't you?

Ill or emergency? Insurance companies are out of network for illnesses when you travel, emergencies you will be covered and when stabilized the insurance company will demand the hospital transfer you to the nearest in network. Now if you have a blue plan you might be on to something.
so they'd rather pay airfare and nurses for a transport? that seems expensive and doesn't seem practical if one can't be moved. I don't know, you all are fking goofy as shit.

So you're in the business you asshole? Yes, you will be moved and they will probably treat your transportation as out of network. Good luck with that fuckin dummy.
so you in the business asshole?
In a good part of the state I live all ambulance and air ambulance is out of network. True story, a man had heart attack 20 miles from a major hospital, he went to a local hospital at which point the er doc said he was having a heart attack and needed a cardiologist, wife said put him in ambulance in parking lot, er ordered air ambulance. Middle of the night, air ambulance charged $36,000 for 20 miles and the ambulance in the parking lot could have had him there without the wait for helicopter. This was in the middle of the night and no traffic, the insurance company went as far as checking with traffic conditions and denied the claim. Would not even pay the out of network price because there was a cheaper mode of transportation.

Most association plans out there present time are based on discounts.
Trump says likely to sign new healthcare order this week

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would sign a measure, likely this week, to allow people in the United States to buy healthcare across state lines.

“They’ll be able to buy, they’ll be able to cross state lines and they will get great competitive healthcare, and it will cost the United States nothing,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office during a meeting with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

“With Congress the way it is, I decided to take it upon myself, so we’ll be announcing that soon as far as the signing’s concerned, but it’s largely worked out,” he said...

..Trump has suggested before that he was eying an executive order that would allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines through so-called health associations, which Republican Senator Rand Paul has advocated.

It'd be awesome if he did the same for cable TV/internet as well.


When has that ever worked in a free market society?

Oh...every single fucking time?

Trump says likely to sign new healthcare order this week

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would sign a measure, likely this week, to allow people in the United States to buy healthcare across state lines.

“They’ll be able to buy, they’ll be able to cross state lines and they will get great competitive healthcare, and it will cost the United States nothing,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office during a meeting with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

“With Congress the way it is, I decided to take it upon myself, so we’ll be announcing that soon as far as the signing’s concerned, but it’s largely worked out,” he said...

..Trump has suggested before that he was eying an executive order that would allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines through so-called health associations, which Republican Senator Rand Paul has advocated.

It'd be awesome if he did the same for cable TV/internet as well.


When has that ever worked in a free market society?

Oh...every single fucking time?

You are the ignorant person that the corporatists are counting on to do their light work. This does not represent "increased competition", other than a race to the bottom by the States to have the worst insurance. All companies can already sell in all States, if they wish. what this measure is about is letting insurance companies sell plans formed under the regulations of one State to members of another State.
Trump says likely to sign new healthcare order this week

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would sign a measure, likely this week, to allow people in the United States to buy healthcare across state lines.

“They’ll be able to buy, they’ll be able to cross state lines and they will get great competitive healthcare, and it will cost the United States nothing,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office during a meeting with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

“With Congress the way it is, I decided to take it upon myself, so we’ll be announcing that soon as far as the signing’s concerned, but it’s largely worked out,” he said...

..Trump has suggested before that he was eying an executive order that would allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines through so-called health associations, which Republican Senator Rand Paul has advocated.

It'd be awesome if he did the same for cable TV/internet as well.
How will it work? I go to another State to buy a policy that is cheaper but the ONLY doctors I can see are the doctors in their network in the other State?

it shouldn't have to. You can buy your auto insurance from anyone & in different states with different laws.

And the requirements are different from state to state on what has to be covered and for how much.
What Trump is trying to do is tell the states they have to ignore their own rules and regulations.
That is not the actions of a conservative. Trump is a statist and always has been and now his true colors are coming out
Trump says likely to sign new healthcare order this week

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would sign a measure, likely this week, to allow people in the United States to buy healthcare across state lines.

“They’ll be able to buy, they’ll be able to cross state lines and they will get great competitive healthcare, and it will cost the United States nothing,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office during a meeting with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

“With Congress the way it is, I decided to take it upon myself, so we’ll be announcing that soon as far as the signing’s concerned, but it’s largely worked out,” he said...

..Trump has suggested before that he was eying an executive order that would allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines through so-called health associations, which Republican Senator Rand Paul has advocated.

It'd be awesome if he did the same for cable TV/internet as well.


When has that ever worked in a free market society?

Oh...every single fucking time?


Does a free market work in every business model?
Trump says likely to sign new healthcare order this week

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would sign a measure, likely this week, to allow people in the United States to buy healthcare across state lines.

“They’ll be able to buy, they’ll be able to cross state lines and they will get great competitive healthcare, and it will cost the United States nothing,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office during a meeting with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

“With Congress the way it is, I decided to take it upon myself, so we’ll be announcing that soon as far as the signing’s concerned, but it’s largely worked out,” he said...

..Trump has suggested before that he was eying an executive order that would allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines through so-called health associations, which Republican Senator Rand Paul has advocated.

It'd be awesome if he did the same for cable TV/internet as well.

Bout damned time.
Trump says likely to sign new healthcare order this week

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would sign a measure, likely this week, to allow people in the United States to buy healthcare across state lines.

“They’ll be able to buy, they’ll be able to cross state lines and they will get great competitive healthcare, and it will cost the United States nothing,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office during a meeting with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

“With Congress the way it is, I decided to take it upon myself, so we’ll be announcing that soon as far as the signing’s concerned, but it’s largely worked out,” he said...

..Trump has suggested before that he was eying an executive order that would allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines through so-called health associations, which Republican Senator Rand Paul has advocated.

It'd be awesome if he did the same for cable TV/internet as well.
How will it work? I go to another State to buy a policy that is cheaper but the ONLY doctors I can see are the doctors in their network in the other State?
Why not see the doctors in their network in your state instead of travelling out of state?

Trump says likely to sign new healthcare order this week

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would sign a measure, likely this week, to allow people in the United States to buy healthcare across state lines.

“They’ll be able to buy, they’ll be able to cross state lines and they will get great competitive healthcare, and it will cost the United States nothing,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office during a meeting with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

“With Congress the way it is, I decided to take it upon myself, so we’ll be announcing that soon as far as the signing’s concerned, but it’s largely worked out,” he said...

..Trump has suggested before that he was eying an executive order that would allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines through so-called health associations, which Republican Senator Rand Paul has advocated.

It'd be awesome if he did the same for cable TV/internet as well.
How will it work? I go to another State to buy a policy that is cheaper but the ONLY doctors I can see are the doctors in their network in the other State?

it shouldn't have to. You can buy your auto insurance from anyone & in different states with different laws.

And the requirements are different from state to state on what has to be covered and for how much.
What Trump is trying to do is tell the states they have to ignore their own rules and regulations.
That is not the actions of a conservative. Trump is a statist and always has been and now his true colors are coming out

same thing with auto insurance as well. Laws vary from state to state & coverages. The model works just fine
Trump says likely to sign new healthcare order this week

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would sign a measure, likely this week, to allow people in the United States to buy healthcare across state lines.

“They’ll be able to buy, they’ll be able to cross state lines and they will get great competitive healthcare, and it will cost the United States nothing,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office during a meeting with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

“With Congress the way it is, I decided to take it upon myself, so we’ll be announcing that soon as far as the signing’s concerned, but it’s largely worked out,” he said...

..Trump has suggested before that he was eying an executive order that would allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines through so-called health associations, which Republican Senator Rand Paul has advocated.

It'd be awesome if he did the same for cable TV/internet as well.
How will it work? I go to another State to buy a policy that is cheaper but the ONLY doctors I can see are the doctors in their network in the other State?

it shouldn't have to. You can buy your auto insurance from anyone & in different states with different laws.

And the requirements are different from state to state on what has to be covered and for how much.
What Trump is trying to do is tell the states they have to ignore their own rules and regulations.
That is not the actions of a conservative. Trump is a statist and always has been and now his true colors are coming out

same thing with auto insurance as well. Laws vary from state to state & coverages. The model works just fine
health Insurance companies have ALWAYS been able to sell their insurance in as many states as they want, just like auto insurance, BUT as with auto insurance, the insurance company has to abide by each state's regulations and rules...

So Trump's executive order either means nothing and is nothing new, or he is telling insurance companies that they do not have to follow each state's rules and regs, which is unconstitutional....
Trump says likely to sign new healthcare order this week

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would sign a measure, likely this week, to allow people in the United States to buy healthcare across state lines.

“They’ll be able to buy, they’ll be able to cross state lines and they will get great competitive healthcare, and it will cost the United States nothing,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office during a meeting with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

“With Congress the way it is, I decided to take it upon myself, so we’ll be announcing that soon as far as the signing’s concerned, but it’s largely worked out,” he said...

..Trump has suggested before that he was eying an executive order that would allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines through so-called health associations, which Republican Senator Rand Paul has advocated.

It'd be awesome if he did the same for cable TV/internet as well.
How will it work? I go to another State to buy a policy that is cheaper but the ONLY doctors I can see are the doctors in their network in the other State?

Well, we know that's the moronic way you would run a healthcare company, but most healthcare executives aren't as stupid as you.
Trump says likely to sign new healthcare order this week

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would sign a measure, likely this week, to allow people in the United States to buy healthcare across state lines.

“They’ll be able to buy, they’ll be able to cross state lines and they will get great competitive healthcare, and it will cost the United States nothing,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office during a meeting with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

“With Congress the way it is, I decided to take it upon myself, so we’ll be announcing that soon as far as the signing’s concerned, but it’s largely worked out,” he said...

..Trump has suggested before that he was eying an executive order that would allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines through so-called health associations, which Republican Senator Rand Paul has advocated.

It'd be awesome if he did the same for cable TV/internet as well.

The question is whether he has the authority to do this. I don't believe that he has the right to do so. Just because Obama did it does not make it okay for Trump to do it. Also it likely means that subsidies paid by the government to low income people will increase. The problem is that these associations would be able to lower premiums by denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. They would also be able to impose lifetime caps on coverage again. The big losers are people who make too much for subsidies and have a pre-exiting condition. Also people with pre-existing conditions could be unable to get a job because it would drive up premiums for the association.
Trump says likely to sign new healthcare order this week

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would sign a measure, likely this week, to allow people in the United States to buy healthcare across state lines.

“They’ll be able to buy, they’ll be able to cross state lines and they will get great competitive healthcare, and it will cost the United States nothing,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office during a meeting with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

“With Congress the way it is, I decided to take it upon myself, so we’ll be announcing that soon as far as the signing’s concerned, but it’s largely worked out,” he said...

..Trump has suggested before that he was eying an executive order that would allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines through so-called health associations, which Republican Senator Rand Paul has advocated.

It'd be awesome if he did the same for cable TV/internet as well.
How will it work? I go to another State to buy a policy that is cheaper but the ONLY doctors I can see are the doctors in their network in the other State?

Well, we know that's the moronic way you would run a healthcare company, but most healthcare executives aren't as stupid as you.
That poster asked a question. Maybe you could answer it?
Trump says likely to sign new healthcare order this week

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would sign a measure, likely this week, to allow people in the United States to buy healthcare across state lines.

“They’ll be able to buy, they’ll be able to cross state lines and they will get great competitive healthcare, and it will cost the United States nothing,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office during a meeting with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

“With Congress the way it is, I decided to take it upon myself, so we’ll be announcing that soon as far as the signing’s concerned, but it’s largely worked out,” he said...

..Trump has suggested before that he was eying an executive order that would allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines through so-called health associations, which Republican Senator Rand Paul has advocated.

It'd be awesome if he did the same for cable TV/internet as well.
Too late, they can already do it under Obamacare.
Trump says likely to sign new healthcare order this week

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would sign a measure, likely this week, to allow people in the United States to buy healthcare across state lines.

“They’ll be able to buy, they’ll be able to cross state lines and they will get great competitive healthcare, and it will cost the United States nothing,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office during a meeting with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

“With Congress the way it is, I decided to take it upon myself, so we’ll be announcing that soon as far as the signing’s concerned, but it’s largely worked out,” he said...

..Trump has suggested before that he was eying an executive order that would allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines through so-called health associations, which Republican Senator Rand Paul has advocated.

It'd be awesome if he did the same for cable TV/internet as well.
Too late, they can already do it under Obamacare.
No they can't, moron.
Trump says likely to sign new healthcare order this week

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would sign a measure, likely this week, to allow people in the United States to buy healthcare across state lines.

“They’ll be able to buy, they’ll be able to cross state lines and they will get great competitive healthcare, and it will cost the United States nothing,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office during a meeting with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

“With Congress the way it is, I decided to take it upon myself, so we’ll be announcing that soon as far as the signing’s concerned, but it’s largely worked out,” he said...

..Trump has suggested before that he was eying an executive order that would allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines through so-called health associations, which Republican Senator Rand Paul has advocated.

It'd be awesome if he did the same for cable TV/internet as well.
Too late, they can already do it under Obamacare.
No they can't, moron.
Yes they can, better go read up.

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