Presbyterians take down the United States and make you have gay lover: Here's why

Mike Dwight

VIP Member
Jul 23, 2017
See in 1560 a catholic Scottish queen refused to switch to the reformed religion so the Presbyterians just tossed her over for the English to execute and the government elected the Church of Scotland. The English themselves made a bunch of englishy churches a mish mash of in-betweens Reformed and the Methodists and Baptists are not only happy with their status quo of never having taken over a government they themselves preach the separation of church and state. Now the Presbyterians on the other hand are 300 year hurt that they no longer have Scotland when the Scottish parliament is what sanctioned the Church of Scotland but was a government threatened by British government in the new United Kingdom. The Presbyterian Church in the United States of American from 1702 to 1958 advocated national guidance for the United States while respecting the englishy mish mash that was native to the colonies and then the states. Some English like puritans were reformed or even joined the presbtyerians or were more catholic like Lutherans , the Anglicans became more catholics, anyway, middle-roaders. Now in 1958 President Eisenhower fought the Korean war in Korea where some millions of Presbyterian converts already existed and they were probably scared of telling China about Eisenhower's great liberty crusade in Europe we're crusading through asia too! So he became a on the spot political Presbyterian and but the In God We Trust on money and the Under God in the pledge of allegiance and led the Presbyterians right over to some liberty America thing where instead of the Church of Scotland central medieval authority model is a bunch of little churches doing what they want, not in any way taking America by the bishop's crook into wars in asia, per se. He also erased church doctrine focus first the United Presbyterian Church, now the PC(USA) of 1987 and they all claim to be historical, yet the most liberal of all churches , the first to have a gay minister do a gay wedding. so, as soon as the Reformed Church, just like the catholics regain their rightful control of all the world governments of souls they choose, they'll take away all the United States weren't Scottish states, PC(USA) means Church of Scotland is no longer In The United States but is the rightful government, and make you sit with a gay lover marriage, see Cynthia Bolbach Amendment 10a. tadaaa. This is unless the Korean Presbyterian Church doesn't take over the United States first, so please learn Aegukga, also Kim Il Sung if needed, uh, say your prayers, but no gay lover, that is the happy side of it. The important part is that when the Pope sees the army of gays and Buddhists he will completely die, he will return to Hell. There will be cake and pie when the Pope is thrown off the world. There will be a Presbyterian church of Italy's fair maidens holding hands with the daughters of Scotland, however, as you see, it will be very lesbian, in nature. The PC(USA) now in control of united states as a church of scotland extension necessarily will have to steal our daughters to marriage to foreign princes throughout Europe but this cannot be helped, it is after all, a very liberal she-god's plan.

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