President Biden to talk gun violence with Mayor Eric Adams in visit to NYC

will post the video of it next week

If you execute the criminals who commit gun violence, then there wont be repeat offenders. But then again, there will be less future Democrat voters also.
They'll do the right thing. Not the rightwing thing.

What is the "right" thing?

NYC just doesn't have a gun problem, it has a stabbing problem, a shove people onto subway tracks problem, a steal catalytic converter problem, a porch pirate problem, a mass shoplifting problem and a general lawlessness problem.

But fixate on an object, so you don't have to admit that the current crime wave is assholes taking advantage of lax enforcement, and a complete lack of willingness to force mentally ill and homeless people to accept the programs available to them.
Both men are moderate Democrats who fended off rivals on the left to win their respective offices — and Adams is enthusiastically embracing the comparison.
“I’m the Biden of Brooklyn. And I love the fact that the president is coming here,” - Adams
“The devil’s going to be in the details. It depends on what ‘tough on crime’ means. If it’s tough on guns, fine. If it’s going back to zero tolerance that’s allowing profiling, that’s a problem...They’ve got to be able to thread the needle. No one wants to see crime stop more than we do because we’re disproportionately impacted by crime. … We’re not anti-police, but we’re anti-police abuse,” - Rev. Al Sharpton
“The devil’s going to be in the details. It depends on what ‘tough on crime’ means. If it’s tough on guns, fine. If it’s going back to zero tolerance that’s allowing profiling, that’s a problem,” - Rev. Al Sharpton

NYC is already tough on guns, the problem is they are tough on legal ways to get guns, and then bitch about other States when guns are brought in to get around the laws criminals won't follow anyway.

If I wanted to get a legal permit to simply own a revolver in NYC to keep in my apartment, it would take 6-9 months and cost me $400-$500 in fees alone. If I wanted to get an illegal one I could probably get it in 2-3 days, no fees, no muss.
I’m sure if you were to ask President Biden who is his favorite mayor, he would clearly tell you, ‘It’s Eric Adams.’ - Eric Adams
Standing next to a Black ex-cop who’s making a passionate case for controlling the illegal sale of guns is support that Biden desperately needs in DC...The fact that the mayor comes at it from the perspective of a 22-year police officer is what makes his position more compelling on both sides of the aisle.
NYC is already tough on guns, the problem is they are tough on legal ways to get guns, and then bitch about other States when guns are brought in to get around the laws criminals won't follow anyway.

If I wanted to get a legal permit to simply own a revolver in NYC to keep in my apartment, it would take 6-9 months and cost me $400-$500 in fees alone. If I wanted to get an illegal one I could probably get it in 2-3 days, no fees, no muss.
even under current laws, the feds could do more to help pursue and charge gun dealers who supply the firearms that are illegally trafficked into New York City from Pennsylvania and several southern states

information on names and locations of dealers held by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives should be turned over to the city, which could pursue cases against merchants who knowingly put guns in circulation that do harm to New York.

The central question for Biden and Adams will be the one raised by Sharpton: How will they balance an emphasis on policing with social services and local anti-violence programs that can also drive down crime?
even under current laws, the feds could do more to help pursue and charge gun dealers who supply the firearms that are illegally trafficked into New York City from Pennsylvania and several southern states

information on names and locations of dealers held by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives should be turned over to the city, which could pursue cases against merchants who knowingly put guns in circulation that do harm to New York.

The central question for Biden and Adams will be the one raised by Sharpton: How will they balance an emphasis on policing with social services and local anti-violence programs that can also drive down crime?

Gun crime is only one of the issues, and it gives Adams something else to blame besides the legislatures at the State and City level gutting criminal codes, and local DA's not following the law, but instead following progressive lax crime policies.

You can worry about social services when the criminals again understand that the police have the powers to stop them from being assholes.
What in the hell is there to talk about?

Want gun violence to go down then start cracking down on criminals instead slapping them on the wrist and saying "now don't you go killing people, stealing and resisting arrest again young man. Now get out of here you little scamp. And stay out of trouble, I can only let you off the hook 4 or 500 more times before I have to serious mister".

I'm sure the more likely conversation will be about how they can use gun violence to push covid fear, or use it as an excuse for their failings or come up with a scheme to take away guns. Or maybe guns will be the cause of climate change.
i know one city that's dealing with gun violence

You know, Basque, I saw a short clip of that San Jose situation the other night. So I knew something like that was on the radar.

A couple comments: It'll be a tough slog for San Jose. They will have the expense, effort, and attention of having to fight the pushback from the NRA. The National Rifle Association is scandal-scarred and weakened, but make no mistake, they are still a formidable lobbyist for gun manufacturers who want to ensure a strong demand for the hardware coming out of their factories.

OK, with that said, I have offered this forum a somewhat similar suggestion. Meaning "liability" can be a tool in helping America temper its' alarming gun-violence.

Lemme repeat it.
If you are the owner-of-record of a firearm:

  • You enjoy its' benefits of protection and entertainment.
  • But you also must own it's harms.

Meaning, if your gun is used to cause harm ---- your 10yr old accidently puts a hole through your neighbor's dog; or, in the hands of the thief who stole it from under your truck seat and used it to kill the 7/11 clerk.....well, you are responsible for a share of the liability.

In short, being the owner-of-record of a firearm carries with it the legal expectation of "strict liability". If it causes harm you are at fault. To a degree. Period.

So, it'll be interesting to see how this San Jose issue fares.
You know, Basque, I saw a short clip of that San Jose situation the other night. So I knew something like that was on the radar.

A couple comments: It'll be a tough slog for San Jose. They will have the expense, effort, and attention of having to fight the pushback from the NRA. The National Rifle Association is scandal-scarred and weakened, but make no mistake, they are still a formidable lobbyist for gun manufacturers who want to ensure a strong demand for the hardware coming out of their factories.

OK, with that said, I have offered this forum a somewhat similar suggestion. Meaning "liability" can be a tool in helping America temper its' alarming gun-violence.

Lemme repeat it.

If you are the owner-of-record of a firearm:
  • You enjoy its' benefits of protection and entertainment.
  • But you also must own it's harms.

Meaning, if your gun is used to cause harm ---- your 10yr old accidently puts a hole through your neighbor's dog; or, in the hands of the thief who stole it from under your truck seat and used it to kill the 7/11 clerk.....well, you are responsible for a share of the liability.

In short, being the owner-of-record of a firearm carries with it the legal expectation of "strict liability". If it causes harm you are at fault. To a degree. Period.

So, it'll be interesting to see how this San Jose issue fares.

So when are we going to force criminals owning illegal guns to get insurance?

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