President Biden's Comments At Swearing-In Ceremony For Incoming Administrators Set A New Course

Don’t worry. There will be plenty of civility between the Democrats and the press. That is a given.

From day one, Trump identified the press to his minions as an enemy of the Country. He belittled them as fake news and hurled personal insults.

If anything, the press was too civil in still extending Presidential courtesies and not attacking his blatant lies on the spot.

Mr President....That is a LIE
Would have gone a long way
The contrast is stark and jarring. It turns out this country is better than I had feared for the last four years.

No words to express my relief, and my happiness for our beautiful children. They loved Amanda Gorman. What a bright light. THAT was America.
Just call people dog faced pony soldiers and tell them you’ll punch their lights out!
Don’t worry. There will be plenty of civility between the Democrats and the press. That is a given.

From day one, Trump identified the press to his minions as an enemy of the Country. He belittled them as fake news and hurled personal insults.

If anything, the press was too civil in still extending Presidential courtesies and not attacking his blatant lies on the spot.

Mr President....That is a LIE
Would have gone a long way

Wow...if you believe the press was too civil with president Trump, there is no hope. They lied, smeared and reported unsubstantiated stories only to retract them on the back pages of their websites. Truly pathetic really.
Don’t worry. There will be plenty of civility between the Democrats and the press. That is a given.

From day one, Trump identified the press to his minions as an enemy of the Country. He belittled them as fake news and hurled personal insults.

If anything, the press was too civil in still extending Presidential courtesies and not attacking his blatant lies on the spot.

Mr President....That is a LIE
Would have gone a long way
The press is the enemy... but don't worry...they'll be more than happy to spend the next four year's polishing Basement Beijing Biden's turds.

That's how propaganda works.
Democrats are known for saying one thing and then doing another.
Their "cancel culture" is alive and well.
Republicans are "insurrectionists" and "racists" that need to be hunted and punished.
They are unemployable and need to be excised from all media accounts.
They don't belong in college, in any books, or as statues.
Didn't you hear Pelosi and Clinton talk about a 911 Commission? What's next, re-education camps?
And please note they are not just including “ republicans “ or “ conservatives” in that...several in the media are now going after “ libertarians” . Which was pretty interesting

Guess they are mad that Libertarians didn’t side with them?? But they are coming for you too now.
President Biden's Comments At Swearing-In Ceremony For Incoming Administrators Set A New Course

In a complete reversal of the last administration’s White House policy,‭ ‬President Joseph Biden told staffers:‭ "‬I will fire you on the spot‭" ‬for disrespecting others. It establishes a new policy for dealing with systemic racism, misogyny, and similar problems of discrimination throughout the federal government.

The President wanted everyone at the virtual swearing-in ceremony for incoming administrators to understand that,‭ ‬regardless of their background,‭ ‬all people are,‭ “‘‬entitled to be treated with decency and dignity.‭ ‬That’s been missing in a big way the last four years,‭ ‬I expect you to do that for all the folks you deal with.‭’”

The new President appears to be sweeping the old,‭ ‬bad habits of the last administration into the waste container.

So,‭ ‬an unusual and considerably old fashioned policy for a political institution accustomed to decades of partisan wrangling,‭ ‬and a policy that,‭ ‬once trickling down to lower levels of federal employees,‭ ‬can be expected to prompt First Amendment/freedom of speech complaints.

However,‭ ‬as good Christians,‭ ‬conservatives should have some small measure of acquaintance with the Golden Rule,‭ "‬Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.‭”

For liberals,‭ ‬progressives,‭ ‬and anyone else conservatives have,‭ ‬for years,‭ ‬referred to as a‭ “‬libtard‭”‬,‭ “‬dumbocrat‭”‬,‭ “‬dimwinger‭”‬,‭ “‬Snowflake‭”‬,‭ “‬Regressive‭”‬,‭ ‬and so many more,‭ ‬should we be the first people,‭ ‬outside of the groups targeted by the President’s policy,‭ ‬to begin treating everyone with decency and dignity‭? ‬Can the philosophy of reciprocity take hold on these message boards‭? ‬Is it even worth trying‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬this is in no way advocating unity,‭ ‬just simple civility,‭ ‬that might be possible between people of vastly opposing viewpoints.

Liberals,‭ ‬progressives,‭ ‬others,‭ ‬your thoughts‭?


Well his first day EO's sure didn't help or respect the tax payers of America. In fact he screws every tax payer in the country.

I'm going to sit here and watch you lefty loons defend that jack ass. Trump is gone and Biden is now under the microscope. I'll just sit back and LMAO. Hope you enjoy cause I sure as hell will
LOL!! After the last 4-years of utter contempt for Trump 24/7 the democrats are now calling for "civility"????????

Trump has never been civil....EVER

You reap what you sow

Trump was civil to those who were civil to him.

You now have jack ass Biden who just screwed every tax payer in America on his first day.

I'm looking forward to watching you lefty loons defend the jack ass that you elected.

Trump is gone and Biden is now under the microscope. If his first day is any indication you will have lots to defend. I'll just sit back and LMAO as I watch. Enjoy cause I sure as hell will.
Don’t worry. There will be plenty of civility between the Democrats and the press. That is a given.

From day one, Trump identified the press to his minions as an enemy of the Country. He belittled them as fake news and hurled personal insults.

If anything, the press was too civil in still extending Presidential courtesies and not attacking his blatant lies on the spot.

Mr President....That is a LIE
Would have gone a long way
The press is the enemy... but don't worry...they'll be more than happy to spend the next four year's polishing Basement Beijing Biden's turds.

That's how propaganda works.

The Free Press has a Constitutional role to keep Government in check. Our founders realized that

Trump saw the press as a threat to his power and sought to delegitimize them. He declared them the enemy of the people and offered Alternative Facts to counter what they reported on him
Don’t worry. There will be plenty of civility between the Democrats and the press. That is a given.

From day one, Trump identified the press to his minions as an enemy of the Country. He belittled them as fake news and hurled personal insults.

If anything, the press was too civil in still extending Presidential courtesies and not attacking his blatant lies on the spot.

Mr President....That is a LIE
Would have gone a long way
The press is the enemy... but don't worry...they'll be more than happy to spend the next four year's polishing Basement Beijing Biden's turds.

That's how propaganda works.

The Free Press has a Constitutional role to keep Government in check. Our founders realized that

Trump saw the press as a threat to his power and sought to delegitimize them. He declared them the enemy of the people and offered Alternative Facts to counter what they reported on him
Is that why Democrats love censorship of speech?
Trump was civil to those who were civil to him.

Trump was civil to those that stroked his ego, told him how great he was, supported his lies.

Anyone who dared to stand up for what was right or defend the truth was quickly fired.

Look at Bill Barr
Democrats are known for saying one thing and then doing another.
Their "cancel culture" is alive and well.
Republicans are "insurrectionists" and "racists" that need to be hunted and punished.
They are unemployable and need to be excised from all media accounts.
They don't belong in college, in any books, or as statues.
Didn't you hear Pelosi and Clinton talk about a 911 Commission? What's next, re-education camps?
And please note they are not just including “ republicans “ or “ conservatives” in that...several in the media are now going after “ libertarians” . Which was pretty interesting

Guess they are mad that Libertarians didn’t side with them?? But they are coming for you too now.
I'm pretty sure that the democrats' pending purge will not end well for them.
Just a hunch.
Don’t worry. There will be plenty of civility between the Democrats and the press. That is a given.

From day one, Trump identified the press to his minions as an enemy of the Country. He belittled them as fake news and hurled personal insults.

If anything, the press was too civil in still extending Presidential courtesies and not attacking his blatant lies on the spot.

Mr President....That is a LIE
Would have gone a long way
The press is the enemy... but don't worry...they'll be more than happy to spend the next four year's polishing Basement Beijing Biden's turds.

That's how propaganda works.

The Free Press has a Constitutional role to keep Government in check. Our founders realized that

I will remember this during the Harris/Biden tenure. I would be willing to bet you and other lemmings will forget.
LOL!! After the last 4-years of utter contempt for Trump 24/7 the democrats are now calling for "civility"????????

Trump has never been civil....EVER

You reap what you sow
Democrats have NEVER been civil, NEVER, you reap what you sow.

Obama was Civil, George Bush was Civil, Clinton was Civil, Reagan was Civil
Obama was "civil"????? Let me remind you how "civil" Obama was:.
Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!
LOL!! After the last 4-years of utter contempt for Trump 24/7 the democrats are now calling for "civility"????????

Trump has never been civil....EVER

You reap what you sow
Democrats have NEVER been civil, NEVER, you reap what you sow.

Obama was Civil, George Bush was Civil, Clinton was Civil, Reagan was Civil
Obama was "civil"????? Let me remind you how "civil" Obama was:.
Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

All investigated by Republicans in Congress and the Justice Department....
All dismissed
Trump was civil to those who were civil to him.

Trump was civil to those that stroked his ego, told him how great he was, supported his lies.

Anyone who dared to stand up for what was right or defend the truth was quickly fired.

Look at Bill Barr

Trump was civil to those who were civil to him. You forget. He's not a politician so he says what he thinks. He doesn't give answers that you think you want to hear.

Trump wasn't the only one who fired people. He isn't the first nor will he be the last.
Don’t worry. There will be plenty of civility between the Democrats and the press. That is a given.

From day one, Trump identified the press to his minions as an enemy of the Country. He belittled them as fake news and hurled personal insults.

If anything, the press was too civil in still extending Presidential courtesies and not attacking his blatant lies on the spot.

Mr President....That is a LIE
Would have gone a long way
The press is the enemy... but don't worry...they'll be more than happy to spend the next four year's polishing Basement Beijing Biden's turds.

That's how propaganda works.

The Free Press has a Constitutional role to keep Government in check. Our founders realized that

Trump saw the press as a threat to his power and sought to delegitimize them. He declared them the enemy of the people and offered Alternative Facts to counter what they reported on him

So when will the press keep Biden in Check instead of sucking him off like we have seen the past 24 hours?
Don’t worry. There will be plenty of civility between the Democrats and the press. That is a given.

From day one, Trump identified the press to his minions as an enemy of the Country. He belittled them as fake news and hurled personal insults.

If anything, the press was too civil in still extending Presidential courtesies and not attacking his blatant lies on the spot.

Mr President....That is a LIE
Would have gone a long way
The press is the enemy... but don't worry...they'll be more than happy to spend the next four year's polishing Basement Beijing Biden's turds.

That's how propaganda works.

The Free Press has a Constitutional role to keep Government in check. Our founders realized that

Trump saw the press as a threat to his power and sought to delegitimize them. He declared them the enemy of the people and offered Alternative Facts to counter what they reported on him

I have to laugh at your very silly words. The press hounded Trump his entire administration and they only said what they wanted to say. That's why Trump used Twitter. He could get his thoughts out without the press twisting everything he said.

You saw Biden's press secretary. All that person will get is soft balls cause the press helped put Biden in office. Just like they did with Obama.

I'm going to enjoy watching you and other lefty loons defend Biden. His first day he screwed every tax payer in America. I will enjoy watching you defend that jack ass. Enjoy cause I sure as hell will.
Don’t worry. There will be plenty of civility between the Democrats and the press. That is a given.

From day one, Trump identified the press to his minions as an enemy of the Country. He belittled them as fake news and hurled personal insults.

If anything, the press was too civil in still extending Presidential courtesies and not attacking his blatant lies on the spot.

Mr President....That is a LIE
Would have gone a long way
The press is the enemy... but don't worry...they'll be more than happy to spend the next four year's polishing Basement Beijing Biden's turds.

That's how propaganda works.

The Free Press has a Constitutional role to keep Government in check. Our founders realized that

Trump saw the press as a threat to his power and sought to delegitimize them. He declared them the enemy of the people and offered Alternative Facts to counter what they reported on him

So when will the press keep Biden in Check instead of sucking him off like we have seen the past 24 hours?

Fox, OAN, Newsmax, Limbaugh, Hannity are already attacking him and especially Kamala

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