President Calls Out Sessions: 'Where is DOJ on Hillary?'

More fake bullshit from fake President.

What a bunch or ignorant, reality-denying snowflakes.

Pull your heads out of Hillary's ass - it's embarrassing ... or don't because it's funny as hell.


At what point does she mention any illegal actions? I've seen that video before, but couldn't find that particular thing.

Thank you for demonstrating you have no idea what money laundrring is ... and that you are so partisan and have your head so far up Hillary's ass you will never accept the proven Truth ... brought to light by a DEMOCRAT - a woman who admitted she helped Hillary cheat.

Go away, Troll. Again, no one has time for your sad, pathetic, immature tantrum.

Sorry. Still didn't see where Brazil said Hillary laundered money. Got a timeline on that video where she does?
Trump needs a distraction from the something burgers.

What better way than to bring up Hillary, who BTW, isn't running anymore?
Hillary has what she wants - to stay relevant.

The only scandals backed by any evidence right now are any and every one involving Democrats - take your pick.

I guess you might think that if you only listen to fox and right wing radio. There are so many things they seem to forget to mention.

Here's a uk opinion of our batman white boys

"White nationalists are daft buggers at the best of times, but American white nationalists are the daftest sods of them all. Migrate to another nation, nick the land and boot out the indigenous population, then say they are the true Americans.

What morons."
What do you have against white nationalists?

MSNBC loves using their web sites as 'legit news' to attack Trump with...

Anytime you want to point to a crime, feel free. Put up or shut up!

Firmer FBI Director Comey was exposed as having written Hillary's econeration before interviews were conducted / before the investigation. Now just-released docunents, as a result of the FOUA request, shows FBI Deputy Director McCabe did not recuse himself from the Hillary investigation due to a $Conflict of Interest$ until 6 days before the case was officially closed:

"The release also comes hours after new documents came to light in a federal lawsuit showing exactly when FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe recused himself from the Clinton email investigation, which was codenamed "Mid Year." McCabe was forced to step aside due to questions about a possible conflict of interest involving hundreds of thousands of dollars of money that flowed to his wife's political campaign from a Clinton ally.

Those documents (below), released under a FOIA lawsuit to the conservative group Judicial Watch, show McCabe did not recuse himself from the long-running investigation until Nov. 1, 2016, just six days before the probe was officially ended and eight days before Donald Trump was elected president over Clinton."


"By the time McCabe recused himself, he had supervised the case for months after becoming deputy director of the bureau in February 2016. The decision followed newspaper articles that specifically questioned whether he had a conflict of interest because his wife Jill McCabe's 2015 Virginia state Senate campaign had accepted nearly $700,000 from Clinton ally and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe."

FBI turns over new Clinton investigation documents to Congress
crazy conspiracy that you fell for.... :p

Opinion | The misplaced GOP buzz about Jill McCabe

McAuliffe’s is known for his ability to raise money for Democratic candidates. But was McAuliffe looking to influence an FBI investigation into one of his old friends through the triple-bank-shot strategy of giving money to an FBI officials wife’s state Senate campaign many months before that FBI official was promoted to an oversight position in that investigation?


He was trying to win control of the Virginia Senate in 2015. Jill McCabe looked like a good candidate to take out Black. McAuliffe and the Democratic Party gave her ample resources to do so. She lost.

End of story.

The story Virginians – and the Clintons – should ponder is how, in that same 2015 election, McAuliffe gave enormous financial support to Dan Gecker, a Chesterfield County supervisor who years ago represented Kathleen Willey, one of the women who accused former president Bill Clinton of sexual assault.

McAuliffe knew about Gecker’s past. He backed him anyway, going so far as to make the unusual move of endorsing Gecker in the Democratic primary. McAuliffe wanted to win that Senate seat. The long-time Republican incumbent, John Watkins, was retiring. Republicans had nominated a relative newcomer, Glen Sturtevant, who was still in his first term on the Richmond School Board.

It seemed like the sort of contest where a Democratic pick-up might happen, if the right candidate, with sufficient resources, could win.

Gecker, like McCabe, lost.
More fake bullshit from fake President.

What a bunch or ignorant, reality-denying snowflakes.

Pull your heads out of Hillary's ass - it's embarrassing ... or don't because it's funny as hell.


At what point does she mention any illegal actions? I've seen that video before, but couldn't find that particular thing.

Thank you for demonstrating you have no idea what money laundrring is ... and that you are so partisan and have your head so far up Hillary's ass you will never accept the proven Truth ... brought to light by a DEMOCRAT - a woman who admitted she helped Hillary cheat.

Go away, Troll. Again, no one has time for your sad, pathetic, immature tantrum.

Still no timeline?
Trump needs a distraction from the something burgers.

What better way than to bring up Hillary, who BTW, isn't running anymore?
Hillary has what she wants - to stay relevant.

The only scandals backed by any evidence right now are any and every one involving Democrats - take your pick.

I guess you might think that if you only listen to fox and right wing radio. There are so many things they seem to forget to mention.

Here's a uk opinion of our batman white boys

"White nationalists are daft buggers at the best of times, but American white nationalists are the daftest sods of them all. Migrate to another nation, nick the land and boot out the indigenous population, then say they are the true Americans.

What morons."
What do you have against white nationalists?

MSNBC loves using their web sites as 'legit news' to attack Trump with...

Nothing, just think they are uneducated idiots full of old black and middle east blood
When DEMOCRATS publicly expose other DEMOCRATS for things like rigging elections, election fraud, and money laundering - when DEMOCRATS turn on HILLARY by doing these things - that means they are tired of her ass and not willing to take her shit or cover for her anymore.

Hillary better take the hint and STFU and go away or, it seems, the Democrats will pin everything on her and help MAKE her and Debbie WS go away.
This thread just keep creeping Snowflake's blood pressure...

When DEMOCRATS publicly expose other DEMOCRATS for things like rigging elections, election fraud, and money laundering - when DEMOCRATS turn on HILLARY by doing these things - that means they are tired of her ass and not willing to take her shit or cover for her anymore.

Hillary better take the hint and STFU and go away or, it seems, the Democrats will pin everything on her and help MAKE her and Debbie WS go away.

Still nothing about money laundering, except in your dreams. Why?

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