President Calls Out Sessions: 'Where is DOJ on Hillary?'

What broken laws do you think she could testify to? Don't try to change the subject. Answer the question.
You should pull your head out of your ... or Hillary's ... ass and pay more attention.

Once you do, watch the videos of Brazile answering your question...

As I expected, no strait answer from you. No broken laws as I said.
Talk to Sessions' star witness - Donna Brazile.

SHE is the one pointing out Hillary's scandals and crimes.

What crimes? This keeps being asked wh no answer from you.

Being Trumps political rival is not a crime .
There is no reason to answer partisan morons who repeatedly ask stupid questions when the answer to their questions are in links, articles, and VIDEOS all over the board and in the news...just not on MSNBC and NBC. :p

That fact makes you 2 asking the question over and over look like retards. :p


If that info is so broadly known, why can't you answer it, or at least point to a valid link? Can't?
More fake bullshit from fake President.

What a bunch or ignorant, reality-denying snowflakes.

Pull your heads out of Hillary's ass - it's embarrassing ... or don't because it's funny as hell.

Trump could order Sessions to appoint a special investigator concerning Hillary at this very moment. Why hasn't he done so?
Trump could order Sessions to appoint a special investigator concerning Hillary at this very moment. Why hasn't he done so?
He would be attacked for doing so. He has let Sessions do his job ... which he has refused to do.
You should pull your head out of your ... or Hillary's ... ass and pay more attention.

Once you do, watch the videos of Brazile answering your question...

As I expected, no strait answer from you. No broken laws as I said.
Talk to Sessions' star witness - Donna Brazile.

SHE is the one pointing out Hillary's scandals and crimes.

What crimes? This keeps being asked wh no answer from you.

Being Trumps political rival is not a crime .
There is no reason to answer partisan morons who repeatedly ask stupid questions when the answer to their questions are in links, articles, and VIDEOS all over the board and in the news...just not on MSNBC and NBC. :p

That fact makes you 2 asking the question over and over look like retards. :p


If that info is so broadly known, why can't you answer it, or at least point to a valid link? Can't?

Cons are so easy . All you got to do is call them on their bulkshit . They respond with insults because they have nothing .
Cons are so easy . All you got to do is call them on their bulkshit . They respond with insults because they have nothing .

You are a LIAR.

Donna Brazile says so... :p

More fake bullshit from fake President.

What a bunch or ignorant, reality-denying snowflakes.

Pull your heads out of Hillary's ass - it's embarrassing ... or don't because it's funny as hell.


At what point does she mention any illegal actions? I've seen that video before, but couldn't find that particular thing.
Excellent question..
Why are they not investigating the Hildabeast?
Seems that if they looked too hard, there would be more career politicians being investigated that business could not go on as usual.
Trump could order Sessions to appoint a special investigator concerning Hillary at this very moment. Why hasn't he done so?
He would be attacked for doing so. He has let Sessions do his job ... which he has refused to do.

I am not buying that. Suddenly Trump has a problem ordering his underlings to do his bidding!? In the time he spent tweeting about that dipshit Micheal Moore he could have ordered his AG to appoint an investigator. He hasn't.
Trump needs a distraction from the something burgers.

What better way than to bring up Hillary, who BTW, isn't running anymore?
What does that have to do with prosecution for crimes?
Trump could order Sessions to appoint a special investigator concerning Hillary at this very moment. Why hasn't he done so?

Because it would be such a childish dick move. He's never been opposed to childish dick moves, but he's been warned that this particular one would hurt him more than any of his others.
More fake bullshit from fake President.

What a bunch or ignorant, reality-denying snowflakes.

Pull your heads out of Hillary's ass - it's embarrassing ... or don't because it's funny as hell.


At what point does she mention any illegal actions? I've seen that video before, but couldn't find that particular thing.

Thank you for demonstrating you have no idea what money laundrring is ... and that you are so partisan and have your head so far up Hillary's ass you will never accept the proven Truth ... brought to light by a DEMOCRAT - a woman who admitted she helped Hillary cheat.

Go away, Troll. Again, no one has time for your sad, pathetic, immature tantrum.
...Sessions SILENT.

"President Donald Trump signaled frustration with the Justice Department’s failure to respond to the ongoing scandals involving the Clinton family, the DNC, the FBI, and the “phony” Russian sourced dossier."

Trump said that the Justice Department should be investigating Democrats and the Clintons, sharing several observations on Twitter.

“This is real collusion and dishonesty,” Trump wrote on Twitter Thursday night, responding to Donna Brazile’s revelation that Hillary Clinton’s campaign was controlling DNC operations and fundraising well before winning her primary.

“Major violation of Campaign Finance Laws and Money Laundering – where is our Justice Department?” Trump wondered.'

Almost every American wants to know ... everyone except die-hard liberals and snowflakes...

Perhaps Brazile' 'mauling' of Hillary in the last few days signals even the Left is tired of her ... and maybe they are considering cutting her loose to fend for herself rather than protect her anymore...

DOJ / Sessions remains silent as inbedded loyalists within the FBI and DOJ continue to protect Hillary.

Donald Trump Challenges Jeff Sessions: ‘Where Is Our Justice Department’ on Hillary Clinton? - Breitbart

Dumb batman image, no need to read any more
Trump needs a distraction from the something burgers.

What better way than to bring up Hillary, who BTW, isn't running anymore?
Hillary has what she wants - to stay relevant.

The only scandals backed by any evidence right now are any and every one involving Democrats - take your pick.

I guess you might think that if you only listen to fox and right wing radio. There are so many things they seem to forget to mention.

Here's a uk opinion of our batman white boys

"White nationalists are daft buggers at the best of times, but American white nationalists are the daftest sods of them all. Migrate to another nation, nick the land and boot out the indigenous population, then say they are the true Americans.

What morons."

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