President Obama easily Debunks yet another Right-Wing Myth

He said documentation, not obfuscation. It was a wild ass statement to make. That's not how business is done.

That is how sarcasm is often done though.
Yep, but it's a poor substitute for an answer to what should be easy if you were right.

Oh I am totally right. Disprove me then.
It doesn't work that way Kunta. I don't let jerks jerk me around.

Sure you don't. You cannot disprove my post despite you saying it isn't true. Shame you have to start your day off with such failure in your life. Soldier on. Tomorrow will be a fresh start.
I asked you to back up your comment, how does that translate into me not disproving a baseless statement? You are obviously full of shit and fool no one.

The part you snipped out so you could argue about arguing is that you claimed GE flew back with bundles of cash from Iran. Show us just one such example.
I heard there is a videotape of the cash being delivered by thousands and thousands of Muslims from New Jersey.
Seems like liberals live in a "myth country", in their alleged country behind the mirrors. Even Lewis Carroll would be jealous.

In this wonderful country all the truth of the real world is just "a myth":
- a myth about Iran;
- a myth about all the lies and crimes Hillary has committed;
- a myth about bad economy;
- a myth about Russia;
- a myth about ISIS threat;
- " What a great President we have!! " and so on and on.
Iran is dangerous.
Hillary has committed no crimes. Never been charged. Never been convicted.
The economy is doing much better than what the GOP did to it under Bush.
Russia has invaded Georgia and the Ukraine and annexed a major part of the Ukraine.
Isis is dangerous.

We know what happened under the GOP. Even Trump calls it a disaster.
What a great President we have!!

With little effort he is able to rip right-wing nonsense and fantasies to shreds in a cool and classy way.

President Obama Debunks Right-Wing Media Myth That Iran Was Paid A Secret “Ransom”

The retarded "ransom" story pushed by Trump and Fox News is ridiculous on its face. But people living inside the bubble echo chamber grab on and are too scared to let go (because letting go is admitting you were dipped) - - but our great President is able to put that dog down.

And now that Conservative are running a third-party guy against Trump, Hillary will be the next Prez and Obama's legacy is safe.

Thank God.

You have been lied to again. The Supreme Court ruled that money must be used for Iran's victims. Are you saying Obama gave the middle finger to the court again and went rogue?
What a great President we have!!

With little effort he is able to rip right-wing nonsense and fantasies to shreds in a cool and classy way.

President Obama Debunks Right-Wing Media Myth That Iran Was Paid A Secret “Ransom”

The retarded "ransom" story pushed by Trump and Fox News is ridiculous on its face. But people living inside the bubble echo chamber grab on and are too scared to let go (because letting go is admitting you were dipped) - - but our great President is able to put that dog down.

And now that Conservative are running a third-party guy against Trump, Hillary will be the next Prez and Obama's legacy is safe.

Thank God.

You have been lied to again. The Supreme Court ruled that money must be used for Iran's victims. Are you saying Obama gave the middle finger to the court again and went rogue?
Obama should have told the Ayatollah to go fuck his Shiite self. We are the power...led by a pussy.
The loons again go silent when confronted with reality. Predictable little turds. In thread after thread after regurgitating idiotic talking points, they run and hide.

So, about that Supreme Court ruling...

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