President Obama has set in motion forces that he can't handle.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
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Neil Snyder

Barack Obama is a terrible president. That's obvious to everyone who isn't chronically ignorant or incurably liberal. By "liberal" I don't mean the classic definition of the word which has to do with being open-minded and objective. I mean the modern version of liberal: self-centered, emotional, illogical, and void of reason. Unfortunately, in 2012 ignoramuses and liberals represented the majority of those who voted. I'm not worried about offending them with my harsh words. My very existence offends them, and so does yours if you don't buy into their worldview.

From economic policy to energy policy to environmental policy to foreign affairs to national security to border security to you name it, the president failed the test, but we re-elected him anyway. Obama's misadventures in the Oval Office are becoming the stuff of legend. Benghazi and Fast and Furious are two of his more high profile blunders, but they aren't the only ones. If George W. Bush had committed just one of those offenses, the mainstream media would have demanded his head on a platter, but they gave Obama a free pass. The nation as a whole became complicit in the president's shenanigans because we didn't demand that he be held accountable.

President Obama has done one thing superbly well: he has demonstrated skill par excellence on a national scale as a community organizer. He is second to none when it comes to inciting, agitating, race baiting, stoking fears, and motivating the masses. If you discount voter fraud, more than anything else, those skills got him re-elected. But like a snowball gathering momentum as it rolls down a hill, the forces that he has unleashed will be impossible to stop without pain and suffering.

For example, Occupy Wall Street's demands for social justice dovetailed perfectly with the president's fairness campaign. Was that coincidence or was it by design? The answer should be obvious, but whatever the case may be, the OWS crowd eventually ran amuck in cities across the fruited plain until government officials finally took action to shut them down.

That's the way it is with unruly mobs. Once agitators get them started, you never know what will happen. But we do know this: President Obama is their champion, and they are still among us waiting in the wings for another opportunity to vent their frustrations. Will the next version of OWS be more malevolent than the first? Only time will tell, but I wouldn't rule it out.

OWS types aren't alone. In the United States today, large and growing numbers of people believe that their mere existence is their contribution to society. They think that those of us who have worked hard all of our lives owe them a living, and not just a living, but a very good living. The takers among us are easy pickings for a man with exceptional community organizing skills, and as I said, the forces that the president has unleashed will prove to be impossible to control. If they explode, there will be hell to pay.

all of it here
Read more: Blog: President Obama has set in motion forces that he can't handle.
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. Barack Obama is a terrible president. That's obvious to everyone who isn't chronically ignorant or incurably liberal

All that has to be read

Conservatives have been spouting this since the day he took office. It got so bad that they actually believe it

The last election proved them wrong
They keep talking about Obama "stoking fears" when in truth it's the CONS that have been doing it 24/7! They've been warning us of the imminent demise of the country, since he was first elected in '08. What they going to say on 1/21/17 when the country is still here and going strong? :cool:
. Barack Obama is a terrible president. That's obvious to everyone who isn't chronically ignorant or incurably liberal

All that has to be read

Conservatives have been spouting this since the day he took office. It got so bad that they actually believe it

The last election proved them wrong

It's kind of projecting too.

OWS had nothing to do with President Obama. Anyone that talked to the folks would know that. They thought he was as much in the pocket of Wallstreet as Bush.

The Tea Party, on the other hand, was VERY MUCH supported by the Republican party and was used to avert the whole failure of Conservative policies during the Bush administration.

Now..they've become a force that more moderate and institutional Republicans can not handle. And they are losing elections.
. Barack Obama is a terrible president. That's obvious to everyone who isn't chronically ignorant or incurably liberal

All that has to be read

Conservatives have been spouting this since the day he took office. It got so bad that they actually believe it

The last election proved them wrong

It's kind of projecting too.

OWS had nothing to do with President Obama. Anyone that talked to the folks would know that. They thought he was as much in the pocket of Wallstreet as Bush.

The Tea Party, on the other hand, was VERY MUCH supported by the Republican party and was used to avert the whole failure of Conservative policies during the Bush administration.

Now..they've become a force that more moderate and institutional Republicans can not handle. And they are losing elections.

keep telling yourself that
you should be worrying about the radicals that have taken over the Democrat party..but I guess you think like them so they are ok in your book
FACEBOOK?? Are your really that fucking stupid??
Stephanie and Paulitician appear to be the designated regurgitators for this message board.

The people who find joy in life by creating new threads where they paste whatever crap they stumble across in their daily rounds of stupid partisan websites. These types aren't usually deep thinkers and any attempt to actually engage them in discussion or debate on their own thread usually results in some feeble insults instead of anything remotely indicating they have an understanding of the topic.

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