President Obama: "I'm The Fourth Best President In American History"

From suck up to pathetic liar. What else do the brain dead have?

The quote drawing comment.

see your father was right. But now you are my father.

Have you always been a lowlife?

See my post right before the one where I said that ^ , and wash that egg off your face. I'll do it for you, liar:

Two consecutive GT posts:

#1. Quote G.T., aka your father. You will do what I said in this paragraph, in the very next post.

GT's next post, after you responded as he predicted:

#2: see your father was right.

comprehension isn't your forte. stick to sticking your chest out and yelling "i have guns yall, i have guns!!" :lol:

My bad, I didnt see you were a complete douche earlier, I wont make that mistake again.

Now suck up, wipe your chin. Dont you have more border guards to murder?

More hysteria ^ :lol:

Yes, I've murdered border agents now.

I'm also Freddy Cruger. Don't fall asleep.
What an arrogant, narcissistic prick. I'm so fucking sick of this arrogant cocksucker it isn't funny anymore
See my post right before the one where I said that ^ , and wash that egg off your face. I'll do it for you, liar:

Two consecutive GT posts:

#1. Quote G.T., aka your father. You will do what I said in this paragraph, in the very next post.

GT's next post, after you responded as he predicted:

#2: see your father was right.

comprehension isn't your forte. stick to sticking your chest out and yelling "i have guns yall, i have guns!!" :lol:

My bad, I didnt see you were a complete douche earlier, I wont make that mistake again.

Now suck up, wipe your chin. Dont you have more border guards to murder?

More hysteria ^ :lol:

Yes, I've murdered border agents now.

I'm also Freddy Cruger. Don't fall asleep.

Dnc Cheerleaders dont carry much weight.

Just shut up and take care of your premie.
My bad, I didnt see you were a complete douche earlier, I wont make that mistake again.

Now suck up, wipe your chin. Dont you have more border guards to murder?

More hysteria ^ :lol:

Yes, I've murdered border agents now.

I'm also Freddy Cruger. Don't fall asleep.

Dnc Cheerleaders dont carry much weight.

Just shut up and take care of your premie.

I know how you feel, tbh. They say inane things like that other messageboarders go around murdering border agents. You cant put much weight in what they say, you'd be silly to take 'em sirrus
First, can we get it straight....he did not make the claim about being 4th. Did I miss something there ?

Second, as to what he did say....why are his approval ratings in the tank if he has done such a good job.

I love it, he was a great communicator during the campaign. Now, he can't communicate (or won't) all the great things he has done. What happened ? Did his communication circuit break ?

Ronny was a great communicator. He did a lot to lead with backbone and gave this country something it had lacked for a long time...confidence (and just look at his re-election in 1984).

How has President Obama done ? Well, he'll be lucky to win and if he does, he certainly isn't going to win like he did last time and he certainly won't get the vote of confidence that R.R. got.

Sorry, but his claims are a fail.
More hysteria ^ :lol:

Yes, I've murdered border agents now.

I'm also Freddy Cruger. Don't fall asleep.

Dnc Cheerleaders dont carry much weight.

Just shut up and take care of your premie.

I know how you feel, tbh. They say inane things like that other messageboarders go around murdering border agents. You cant put much weight in what they say, you'd be silly to take 'em sirrus

TBH? This is a team sport, your minute deflections are amusing anyway.
Not certain which you're referring to I post on a lot of threads - but pro-tip: you can't "run" on the internet ya bumblefuck.

You are lying you know exactly the thread I am talking about. move along rainbow I mean tough guy rapper

I think we know who the wanna-be tough guys are. :lol:

keep message-board hero-ing. You're terrific at it!

OK rainbow come on back to the thread you ran from.
Dnc Cheerleaders dont carry much weight.

Just shut up and take care of your premie.

I know how you feel, tbh. They say inane things like that other messageboarders go around murdering border agents. You cant put much weight in what they say, you'd be silly to take 'em sirrus

TBH? This is a team sport, your minute deflections are amusing anyway.

A team sport to you, maybe ya sheep assed follower.

I'm an individual. It's called being sucker free BAUSS, you wouldn't understand because as you accuse many others of doing, you're nothing but a self admitted (apparently) pom pom carrying partisan water boy for your "TEAM" who would probably drink wine in church out of Rush Limbaugh's jock strap. No? Well, you're right that can't be accurate. My dude Rush wpould have a stroke if he ever played a physical sport. He's too "much" of a man, know what I mean? Fella's got a food baby. He's due in 9mos.

TBH means to be honest, fyi fwiw iah.
You are lying you know exactly the thread I am talking about. move along rainbow I mean tough guy rapper

I think we know who the wanna-be tough guys are. :lol:

keep message-board hero-ing. You're terrific at it!

OK rainbow come on back to the thread you ran from.

is it a birther thread?

a thread about fema camps?

an obama's a uber secret muslim thread?

new world order?


theyre coming for your guns?

You've got a lot of whacky scaredy-cat threads - be specific, christ.
We'll all be dead but someday he will be considered the very best President in American History. The legacies of his opposition as haters, racists, obstructionists, worse and more will be considered in that respect but his enormous accomplishments alone and in the face of all that are astounding. What you might call "arrogance" is not that at all. It's a challenge for all his detractors to simply bring it on. Obviously the white trash in this country need a little motivation to better show THEIR colors. Can't you dig it?

Now we know where you got your screen name... :cuckoo:
I know how you feel, tbh. They say inane things like that other messageboarders go around murdering border agents. You cant put much weight in what they say, you'd be silly to take 'em sirrus

TBH? This is a team sport, your minute deflections are amusing anyway.

A team sport to you, maybe ya sheep assed follower.

I'm an individual. It's called being sucker free BAUSS, you wouldn't understand because as you accuse many others of doing, you're nothing but a self admitted (apparently) pom pom carrying partisan water boy for your "TEAM" who would probably drink wine in church out of Rush Limbaugh's jock strap. No? Well, you're right that can't be accurate. My dude Rush wpould have a stroke if he ever played a physical sport. He's too "much" of a man, know what I mean? Fella's got a food baby. He's due in 9mos.

TBH means to be honest, fyi fwiw iah.

Oh so you are not honest any other time. That we knew. Your cheerleading will always give you away. Now you blather on about Rush.

Will you always be a patheic asswiping democrat?
I think we know who the wanna-be tough guys are. :lol:

keep message-board hero-ing. You're terrific at it!

OK rainbow come on back to the thread you ran from.

is it a birther thread?

a thread about fema camps?

an obama's a uber secret muslim thread?

new world order?


theyre coming for your guns?

You've got a lot of whacky scaredy-cat threads - be specific, christ.

Rainbow I understand you realize you inserted your foot in your mouth while you were trying to kick yourself in the ass for making an idiot of yourself in that thread. So continue on with the foot feast.
I am concerned about the arrogance of the statement the president is trying to convey. This is considered grandstanding. What do you make of this statement? Does he really think he accomplished that much? He needs to wait and see if he would be re-elected to his second term before making such a statement? Declaring yourself among the greatest presidents in history before the American people even decide to reelect you is again, outright arrogant. I don't recall other presidents making such statements.

I'm the fourth best president in American history ~ Barack Obama - YouTube

Since Reagan was one of the worst presidents in history, that statement was pretty much true. He did say modern history, btw so the forefathers being shown in the background shows more stupidity on the part of whichever wingnut put this vid together.

Reagan was considered the worst President in history by the Soviet Union. After all, he took them down without dropping a single bomb. Are you a communist? Just asking!

While that comment of yours is uninformed, it does give Reagan just a little too much credit. As does many a wingnut comment... Always.

Did Reagan bring the USSR to its knees? This question will be debated among historians for a long time to come. There are many variables to sort through, including the culminated contribution of a cast of characters, from nearly two decades of Democratic presidencies (Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Jimmy Carter) to Mikhail Gorbachev and the Russian people themselves. Under Truman many mechanisms for fighting the Cold War were put into place, including the policy of containment (1947), the Central Intelligence Agency (1947), the National Security Council (1947), and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1949). Inside the Soviet Union there were many, many brave dissidents and writers acting as goads for freedom, including Boris Pasternak, Vassily Grossman, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, and Andrey Sakharov. The most important question hovering over this discussion should be obvious: Would the Soviet Union have ended when it did if there had not been a reformer like Gorbachev in the top position?

History News Network

I don't even think Newt would make as dumb a charge as you just did.
I think what he meant was that he is the 4th progressive president to pass liberty damaging massive entitlement programs.
For a President who keeps running away from a candid press, the guy is a pussy. How many times has he spoken to the press, than ran away when he heard "Mr President !! Mr President !!"??? He never has answers during times of crisis when asked upon. Only On His Terms! {well, when there's teleprompter and prepared answers are already written up ahead of time and there are no conservative reporters in the mix}
awe ya gunna cwy?

Why? It is far to easy to point out that lowest depths of intellect democrats posses.

The fact you chose to defend the actions of the justice dept tells me all I need to know about your moral compass, that and kissing democrat ass.
I am concerned about the arrogance of the statement the president is trying to convey. This is considered grandstanding. What do you make of this statement? Does he really think he accomplished that much? He needs to wait and see if he would be re-elected to his second term before making such a statement? Declaring yourself among the greatest presidents in history before the American people even decide to reelect you is again, outright arrogant. I don't recall other presidents making such statements.

I'm the fourth best president in American history ~ Barack Obama - YouTube

Thanks for that chuckle.

Any body see the shark Paul just jumped?

I guess if they asked Nixon and he said that "I would put our scientific accomplishments ahead of any other administration" that would mean that Tricky Dick is saying he was the best President of all time?

Take your meds dude, you're in rare form this morning.

:eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:
Context, fellas, context. And BTW, he didn't actually utter those words. He said that his administration has accomplished more than almost any president in history. His administration has accomplished a lot. There is no denying that. And there is an upcoming election year. Of course he's going to tout his accomplishments. Why shouldn't he?

"The issue here is not gonna be a list of accomplishments. As you said yourself, Steve, you know, I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president -- with the possible exceptions of Johnson, F.D.R., and Lincoln -- just in terms of what we've gotten done in modern history. But, you know, but when it comes to the economy, we've got a lot more work to do. And we're gonna keep on at it," President Obama told "60 Minutes" in their "Overtime" segment.
Obama: Fourth Best President In History Due To Foreign Policy Achievements | RealClearPolitics

Joe Stalin accomplished a lot too.

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