President Obama to hold a press conference at 2:15 p.m., Friday

Instead of writing Putin a nasty letter, he'll stand there and make himself look like a complete fool again....perhaps another red line for Putin to cross....again!
Can't he just take an extended golf vacation to Hawaii until January 20th. It's the one time I would argue tax dollars well spent.
Just what we need, one last minstrel show before the curtain closes on this dark chapter of American history.
He's going to announce retaliation against Russia.

It would not surprise me if he ordered the arrest of the incoming administration and cancelled the transition.

"I must do this because Hillary is clearly innocent. President-elect Trump has threatened our democracy by threatening to indict his political opponents. We cannot have politically motivated prosecutions in this country. The FBI determined that no reasonable prosecutor would charge Clinton for her actions in the pizzagate rape case, or in her actions shielding her husband from accountability for his rape crimes. Oh, and the E-mails, too. It is quite clear that the Russians did it. Therefore I have decided, in consultation with the neutral DNC, to issue an executive pardon for any crimes Hillary has committed in the past."
Instead of writing Putin a nasty letter, he'll stand there and make himself look like a complete fool again....perhaps another red line for Putin to cross....again!
maybe hes waiting for the DOW to hit 20K,,,and then essplain why the stimulus is working
Subject and purpose :

Make Donald Trump and his election look illegitimate.

As usual, the MSM sycophants will run with the story, and it will dominate our culture. It will become our vernacular and those that oppose it will be viewed in the same light as climate change deniers. Which of course use to be global warming deniers, which ended up not being true.

Like, Booooosh lied about WMDs, even though there were IN FACT wmds found.

The facts or truth will not matter and the democrats philosophy of BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY, will take on the new nomenclature. Much like "gate" attached itself to anything and everything controversial since the biggest so the fuck what crime of the century with Nixon.

The democrat with their lapdogs in the media and their perpetually stupid sheep that buys it all every time will succeed in this new paradigm.

That is what ALL this is about.
Gonna declare the election results null and void and he is going to stay president? Hey I'm ready! My boots are broke in,back strong and trigger finger working great! :D
At least he HOLDS press conferences, as a President should. Trump is avoiding them like the plague.
Don't mention Hillary. I already know about her. It is irrelevant now.
At least he HOLDS press conferences, as a President should. Trump is avoiding them like the plague.
Don't mention Hillary. I already know about her. It is irrelevant now.
Hopefully he will when he becomes President :rolleyes:
At least he HOLDS press conferences, as a President should. Trump is avoiding them like the plague.
Don't mention Hillary. I already know about her. It is irrelevant now.
Trump isn't in office yet and did many press conferences, unlike Hillary.

I haven't watched obie in 8 years, I'm not starting now. I already heard him blame the Russians and promise retaliation, but being the school girl he is, said it in an underhanded fashion. Hopefully Putin will just laugh at the stupid asshole.

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