President Sending Troops, Law Enforcement to Kenosha

Jury Nullification will free the Great Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic.

Yep they probably will for shooting up and murdering what was a peaceful protest. You, Trump and the likes are pretty much like old Charles Mansion wanting a race war. The little fucking punk is a right wing vigilante.

Once the people started fighting back the governor had no choice. This was on it's way to becoming an all out war.

Trump does not fool around 2500 federal agents will put an end to the nonsense.
Wonder how many people are going to get rounded up by those federal police in unmarked vans?
Kyle Rittenhouse is innocent

I'd say let's burn down NYC in his honor but the ******* and communist beat us to it
But the use of force always couples to the rule of law. That wasn't a request, Einstein. You ignore it, you get shot. duh
After consultation with Governor Evers.

The Governor realizes that if he permits another Portland or Seattle that there is no chance for Biden to win Wisconsin.

President Trump tweeted early this afternoon (here and here) that, after consultation between administration and Wisconsin officials, Governor Evers has agreed to accept federal security and law-enforcement assistance. Thus, the president says he will forthwith be dispatching National Guard troops as well as federal law-enforcement — I presume (though he does not say) agents from the various Justice Department components that, in the main, are carrying out Operation Legend.

Amazing that some of these folks are finally seeing that this violent nazi left-wing thuggery could be putting these politicians that will not secure the rights of their constituents, out of business.

As for Trump, now they will complain, whine and second guess him, and try to blame him and Federal Law enforcement for the problem, but Trump cares more for the rights of the people there than he does any criticism that will surely result from any decisive action that he takes.

It can happen here:

The authoritarian Nazi left isn’t content just to block speech it disagrees with. It also wants to force people into making agreeable statements saluting them. If they are able to do that, next they will command that Free Americans kneel before them. And if they accomplish that, next they will command us to kiss their ring. And then their demands will get really bad.

At various restaurants in Washington, D.C, BLM Nazi Thugs demanded that diners eating outdoors raise their fists in support. Most diners did — this is Washington — but a few did not. Those who did not were berated.
The mob chanted “white silence is violence” at them. The statement is stupid and obviously false. If the BLM mob wants, nonetheless, to chant it, that’s fine. But not in the faces of people who are simply trying to eat dinner.

I agree with Bari Weiss, who was recently “cancelled” by the New York Times because her writings didn’t track leftist orthodoxy. She described the BLM mob’s behavior as “vile and un-American.”
The Democrats did this to themselves.
They were so enamored with patting themselves on the back and virtue signaling and fell for the #BlackLivesMatters organizations and gave them $100s millions without knowing who they were. And here is where the money is going. ANTIFA, fully funded by wealthy elitist liberals like Soros, also by crowd funding provided by Democrats. And here is where that money is going.
FINALLY - the virtue signaling is coming back home to them.
Who would have thought giving $100s millions to a group of Militant Marxist and Anarchist was going to cause problems?
Again the term Useful Idiots come to mind.

Uh, buddy, big corporations are on the side of Police Reform and BLM. Really, if anything, the maiming of Jacob Blake, along with letting Militia boi off the hook, doesn't help you guys.
This won't make a difference; Biden gets his ass kicked.

Wow, you guys are delusional.

Usually, a Plague, A recession or civil unrest usually gets you voted out of office.

Trump hit the trifecta!!!
Look in the mirror and be honest with your dishonest, self-hating White self.
Biden will win zero Red States and Trump must lose 3 for Biden to win.
No to mention how many businesses owned by hard working Democrats have been destroyed by the mobs you admire.
Either way, Trump is the hero. The governor may have spared himself though.

If they need to use lethal force, which Demonrats are hoping for, that could be iffy.

I think that they should use lethal force if these people do not cease and desist but I'm not sure how many Americans would be turned off if federal personnel did that and then abandon Trump over it. Many voters are just too skittish for my liking, too swayed by the propaganda of the MSM. Look at how easily they were swayed by 'Muh, Russia'.
Yep they probably will for shooting up and murdering what was a peaceful protest. You, Trump and the likes are pretty much like old Charles Mansion wanting a race war. The little fucking punk is a right wing vigilante.
Anyone using the euphemistic term "peaceful protest" considering what's been going on in Kenosha, Wisconsin is clearly an unstable liar with no personal credence to worry about losing.
There is none there.

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