President Trump is expected to speak at the NRA’s annual meeting later this week

"NRA spent more than $30 million to help elect Trump in the 2016 presidential election and provided a boon of conservative bona fides at a time when Trump's candidacy was met with skepticism by many who doubted his conservative credentials."
Gun worship is for conservative snowflakes their courage and power. When you are led by dark money you cling to these symbols of strength and power just as you cling to the words of a draft dodger, Trump. Words replace action and rallies hide the reality. Fear is often not rational. Guns on the other hand are a symbol and they represent whatever advertising has created in the mind of the listener. That guns equal lots of deaths doesn't matter as the listener still hears. The dead are statistics only. Anyone who thinks an armed world is a safe world buys into an imaginary world in which an object comes to be mommy or government or the NRA. Their protection against whatever devil they fear, a metal security blanket.

'Fuck You, Guns' 'Fuck You, Guns'
Progressive leadership knows that without 2A, the Constitution is just a worthless scrap of paper. So, they've ordered their mindless base to scream for its elimination. They also told their operatives within the FBI to divert all resources that might stop the next school shooter into working to "end Trump" and carry out the Podesta ordered hit on Seth Rich
Gun worship is for conservative snowflakes their courage and power. When you are led by dark money you cling to these symbols of strength and power just as you cling to the words of a draft dodger, Trump. Words replace action and rallies hide the reality. Fear is often not rational. Guns on the other hand are a symbol and they represent whatever advertising has created in the mind of the listener. That guns equal lots of deaths doesn't matter as the listener still hears. The dead are statistics only. Anyone who thinks an armed world is a safe world buys into an imaginary world in which an object comes to be mommy or government or the NRA. Their protection against whatever devil they fear, a metal security blanket.

'Fuck You, Guns' 'Fuck You, Guns'

Pffft. Too funny.

The 11,000 homicides per year, mainly numbered among the gangbangers and thugs of Democrat-controlled regions, are a hardly-noticeable blip in a nation of over 320,000,000 people, nearly half of whom are gun owners.
Gun worship is for conservative snowflakes their courage and power. When you are led by dark money you cling to these symbols of strength and power just as you cling to the words of a draft dodger, Trump. Words replace action and rallies hide the reality. Fear is often not rational. Guns on the other hand are a symbol and they represent whatever advertising has created in the mind of the listener. That guns equal lots of deaths doesn't matter as the listener still hears. The dead are statistics only. Anyone who thinks an armed world is a safe world buys into an imaginary world in which an object comes to be mommy or government or the NRA. Their protection against whatever devil they fear, a metal security blanket.

'F••• You, Guns' 'F••• You, Guns'

Gun worship is for conservative snowflakes their courage and power. When you are led by dark money you cling to these symbols of strength and power just as you cling to the words of a draft dodger, Trump. Words replace action and rallies hide the reality. Fear is often not rational. Guns on the other hand are a symbol and they represent whatever advertising has created in the mind of the listener. That guns equal lots of deaths doesn't matter as the listener still hears. The dead are statistics only. Anyone who thinks an armed world is a safe world buys into an imaginary world in which an object comes to be mommy or government or the NRA. Their protection against whatever devil they fear, a metal security blanket.

'Fuck You, Guns' 'Fuck You, Guns'

Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused.

I am a NRA Life Member because the organization is the best protector of my Constitutional rights. Nothing dark about the Bill of Rights.

Fuck you Nazi assholes that want to take away our Constitutional rights.
Progressive leadership knows that without 2A, the Constitution is just a worthless scrap of paper. So, they've ordered their mindless base to scream for its elimination. They also told their operatives within the FBI to divert all resources that might stop the next school shooter into working to "end Trump" and carry out the Podesta ordered hit on Seth Rich
Someone rated your ridiculous fantasies as a Winner. Good grief!
I don't know why you stupid Moon Bats are pissed about Trump and the NRA that backed him.

He sold the gun community down the river with his ban on bump stocks and his support of taking Constitutionally property without due process.

You assholes should be thrilled with your anti gun President and a weak NRA.

There is a reason that filthy ass kunt in this picture is grinning.


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