President Trump is the most corrupt president in history. here's how we can drain the swamp of Trump

President Trump is the most corrupt president in history.​

President Obama:

Armed, supplied, trained, protected, defended, and even pimped out our military to terrorists.
- He ran weapons to Al Kaeda and ISIS
- He protected ISIS Black market oil Ops from coalition strikes until after ISIS conducted the largest attack on France since WWII; afterwards Obama refused to allow US forces to join the retalitory strike on ISIS and instead had US forces to drop leaflets warning the terrorists of the pending attack

Intervened in several other nation's elections, got leaders removed from office (jailed and even killed), helped put terrorists organizations take over the government of an ally - forcing their military to remove them from power and run the govt until a new election could be held; Obama even used tax dollars to attempt to ouse Netanyahu from office in leadership

Barry weaponized the IRS to punish block the actions of Americans who legally opposed his re-election

Barry treasonously collaborated / coordinated with the Russian Intel Agency, through a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy who simultaneously was working for the Russians and Obama's FBI - in a failed political coup attempt

Barry weaponized the NIA, NSA, DIA, CIA, State Department, and FB, having them participate in the failed coup attempt

Barry's NSA Director and CIA Director were caught committing Perjury - and were protected.

Barry's CIA Director was caught illegally spying on American citizens, reporters they thought were writing critical stories against the Obama administration, on the media, on CONGRESS - SENATORS, on USSC Justices, on opposition Political Presidential candidates, and on a newly elected President and his team.
- Brennan was exposed for illegally spying on Senators and was forced to appear before Congress, confess his crime, and promise never to do so again to prevent his going to prison.

Barry's FBI Directors were proven to have committed FISA Court crimes for DECADES, illegally spying on Americans and even the President and his team.
- The FISA Court released a report on their inspection of the FBI and discovery that the FBI under both Mueller - Obama's Special Prosecutor against Trump - and his protégé had been illegally spying on Americans for DECADES...and still are under Wray.

Barak Obama continuously violated both the US constitution and Rule of Law.

And this is only the tip of the iceberg.......and before anyone considers reporting me for hijacking the thread, the thread topic is the opinion that Trump is the most corrupt/criminal politician ever. What I am doing is providing MORE THAN ENOUGH evidence and proven facts facts to completely destroy the thread topic opinion.

OBAMA was not only the most corrupt /criminal President in US history, he was / is a racist, terrorist-supporting, US-enemy-supporting, treasonous, criminal.
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And this is only the tip of the iceberg.......and before anyone considers reporting me for hijacking the thread, the thread topic is the opinion that Trump is the most corrupt/criminal politician ever. What I am doing is providing MORE THAN ENOUGH evidence and proven facts facts to completely destroy the thread topic opinion.

Trump was not only the most corrupt /criminal President in US history, he was / is a racist, terrorist-supporting, US-enemy-supporting, treasonous, criminal.
What I am doing is providing MORE THAN ENOUGH evidence and proven facts facts to completely destroy the thread topic opinion.

Trump was not only the most corrupt /criminal President in US history, he was / is a racist, terrorist-supporting, US-enemy-supporting, treasonous, criminal.
Interesting thought coming from a trump supporter.
Glad you agree, now quit defending him.
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OBAMA was not only the most corrupt /criminal President in US history, he was / is a racist, terrorist-supporting, US-enemy-supporting, treasonous, criminal.
Error corrected:

OBAMA was not only the most corrupt /criminal President in US history, he was / is a racist, terrorist-supporting, US-enemy-supporting, treasonous, criminal.
And the Dimmers worship him so that tells you all you need to know about that party.
And the Dimmers worship him so that tells you all you need to know about that party.
Here are the results of a sweeping survey of historians, political scientists and presidential scholars maintained by the Siena College Research Institute.

17. Barack Obama (2009-2017)
42. Donald Trump (2017-2021)
41. Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)
scandals plagued Harding's time in office, particularly the infamous Teapot Dome scandal in which cronies profited from secret oil deals

42. Donald Trump (2017-2021)
Trump received the lowest rank — 44th out of 44 — in the categories of integrity, intelligence, and overall ability.

42. Donald Trump (2017-2021)
Trump received the lowest rank — 44th out of 44 — in the categories of integrity, intelligence, and overall ability.
Well sure, but he's great at insulting people, throwing people under the bus, patting himself on the back, and middle school-level name-calling!
42. Donald Trump (2017-2021)
Trump received the lowest rank — 44th out of 44 — in the categories of integrity, intelligence, and overall ability.
Well sure, but he's great at insulting people, throwing people under the bus, patting himself on the back, and middle school-level name-calling!
His highest ranking — 10th — came in the "luck" category.
We know the Bidens are corrupt.
1. Joe extorted the Ukes to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma
That's a lie.
Biden, and other European Leaders, wanted Shokin fired because he wasn't fighting the corruption. Shokin was a bought criminal who refused to look into or stop any corruption.
Yet you make up another lie, saying Biden wanted Shokin fired because he was investigating Hunter. Total LIE. But if you tell it enough times, the easily fooled RWI will believe the LIE.

Show us the link, not this out of context video, that shows that Shokin was investigating Corruption. You can't, you won't, because he wasn't. That's why they wanted him fired.
1. Shokin was doing a real investigation, and was fired.
2. Shokin was fired, and the Burisma investigation stopped, the next prosecutor (Lutsenko) stopped it. Hunter kept his $83,000 a month no-show corrupt job. QED. The Bidens are crooks.

are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!

Here is another reason Trump is the most corrupt.
Looking for "leaks" is very important, just ask Reality Winner. That is NOT corruption.
Here is what corruption looks like.

Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

The Steele Dossier is weak. How about this?

New audio of Rudy Giuliani ‘pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden’ emerges​

We know the Bidens are corrupt.
1. Joe extorted the Ukes to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma
2. We know Hunter has an $83,000 a month "no show job" from Burisma.
3. So why is it corrupt to look into obvious corruption?

That's been debunked. Link?
1. Fact Hunter had a corrupt job, not "debunked". Credible link it was "debunked".

2. Video of Joe admitting extortion, not "debunked".

Directly from the article YOU posted.

Trump and his allies have suggested that while Joe Biden was vice president, he conditioned $1 billion in aid to Ukraine on the country firing an official who was investigating Burisma. There is no evidence that Joe Biden was acting in the interests of his son, and many international organizations at the time condemned the official for not pursuing corruption charges among Ukrainian politicians.

There is no "evidence" that Joe was acting in the interest of his son's $83,000 a month job.
But what other reason could there have been?
After Shokin was fired, the next "prosecutor" (Lutsenko) STOPPED THE INVESTIGATION INTO BURISMA!!!!! QED.

How many times do you to be shown proof that Shokin was not investigating Burisma.
he was not

So quit lying when you say “shokin was investigating Burisma”. He was not

That’s your lie.

Links have proved that Shokin was not investigating Burisma.

You turn to prove that you have proof Shokin was investigating Burisma.

provide proof

You keep using this lie to further your lie.

Lies are all you have. If you google it there are hundreds of links PROVING Shokin was investigating Burisma, and after Shokin was fired, Lutsenko stopped the Burisma investigation, so which prosecutor was corrupt:
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I was curious about something I wanted to see just how obsessed people here are with Trump. So I decided to check the first page of the politics forum, current events forum and breaking news and see how many Trump or Trump related threads there were I found 19. Some by the right but more from the left for a man who has been out of office for four plus months now and kicked off social media he sure seems to be the center of more than a few peoples universe.

Forum List
