President Trump is the most corrupt president in history. here's how we can drain the swamp of Trump

We know the Bidens are corrupt.
1. Joe extorted the Ukes to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma
That's a lie.
Biden, and other European Leaders, wanted Shokin fired because he wasn't fighting the corruption. Shokin was a bought criminal who refused to look into or stop any corruption.
Yet you make up another lie, saying Biden wanted Shokin fired because he was investigating Hunter. Total LIE. But if you tell it enough times, the easily fooled RWI will believe the LIE.

Show us the link, not this out of context video, that shows that Shokin was investigating Corruption. You can't, you won't, because he wasn't. That's why they wanted him fired.
1. Shokin was doing a real investigation, and was fired.
2. Shokin was fired, and the Burisma investigation stopped, the next prosecutor (Lutsenko) stopped it. Hunter kept his $83,000 a month no-show corrupt job. QED. The Bidens are crooks.

are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!

Here is another reason Trump is the most corrupt.
Looking for "leaks" is very important, just ask Reality Winner. That is NOT corruption.
Here is what corruption looks like.

Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

The Steele Dossier is weak. How about this?

New audio of Rudy Giuliani ‘pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden’ emerges​

We know the Bidens are corrupt.
1. Joe extorted the Ukes to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma
2. We know Hunter has an $83,000 a month "no show job" from Burisma.
3. So why is it corrupt to look into obvious corruption?

That's been debunked. Link?
1. Fact Hunter had a corrupt job, not "debunked". Credible link it was "debunked".

2. Video of Joe admitting extortion, not "debunked".

Directly from the article YOU posted.

Trump and his allies have suggested that while Joe Biden was vice president, he conditioned $1 billion in aid to Ukraine on the country firing an official who was investigating Burisma. There is no evidence that Joe Biden was acting in the interests of his son, and many international organizations at the time condemned the official for not pursuing corruption charges among Ukrainian politicians.

There is no "evidence" that Joe was acting in the interest of his son's $83,000 a month job.
But what other reason could there have been?
After Shokin was fired, the next "prosecutor" (Lutsenko) STOPPED THE INVESTIGATION INTO BURISMA!!!!! QED.

How many times do you to be shown proof that Shokin was not investigating Burisma.
he was not

So quit lying when you say “shokin was investigating Burisma”. He was not

That’s your lie.

Links have proved that Shokin was not investigating Burisma.

You turn to prove that you have proof Shokin was investigating Burisma.

provide proof

You keep using this lie to further your lie.

Not a real news person
Glenn Beck is a liar, con man, conspiracy theory dolt.
You proved nothing, Glenn Becks words mean nothing.
Actually there was no conflict of interest. Since Biden had no power to actually withhold the $1 billion. The vice president has only 2 constitutional powers, and neither allow him to hold up funds.
The people in the Ukraine thought he did, so it really does not matter.
Biden even told them he didn't have the power to hold up the funds. That's why he told them to call Obama.

From the transcript:

I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him.
We know the Bidens are corrupt.
1. Joe extorted the Ukes to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma
That's a lie.
Biden, and other European Leaders, wanted Shokin fired because he wasn't fighting the corruption. Shokin was a bought criminal who refused to look into or stop any corruption.
Yet you make up another lie, saying Biden wanted Shokin fired because he was investigating Hunter. Total LIE. But if you tell it enough times, the easily fooled RWI will believe the LIE.

Show us the link, not this out of context video, that shows that Shokin was investigating Corruption. You can't, you won't, because he wasn't. That's why they wanted him fired.
1. Shokin was doing a real investigation, and was fired.
2. Shokin was fired, and the Burisma investigation stopped, the next prosecutor (Lutsenko) stopped it. Hunter kept his $83,000 a month no-show corrupt job. QED. The Bidens are crooks.

are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!

Here is another reason Trump is the most corrupt.
Looking for "leaks" is very important, just ask Reality Winner. That is NOT corruption.
Here is what corruption looks like.

Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

The Steele Dossier is weak. How about this?

New audio of Rudy Giuliani ‘pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden’ emerges​

We know the Bidens are corrupt.
1. Joe extorted the Ukes to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma
2. We know Hunter has an $83,000 a month "no show job" from Burisma.
3. So why is it corrupt to look into obvious corruption?

That's been debunked. Link?
1. Fact Hunter had a corrupt job, not "debunked". Credible link it was "debunked".

2. Video of Joe admitting extortion, not "debunked".

Directly from the article YOU posted.

Trump and his allies have suggested that while Joe Biden was vice president, he conditioned $1 billion in aid to Ukraine on the country firing an official who was investigating Burisma. There is no evidence that Joe Biden was acting in the interests of his son, and many international organizations at the time condemned the official for not pursuing corruption charges among Ukrainian politicians.

There is no "evidence" that Joe was acting in the interest of his son's $83,000 a month job.
But what other reason could there have been?
After Shokin was fired, the next "prosecutor" (Lutsenko) STOPPED THE INVESTIGATION INTO BURISMA!!!!! QED.

How many times do you to be shown proof that Shokin was not investigating Burisma.
he was not

So quit lying when you say “shokin was investigating Burisma”. He was not

That’s your lie.

Links have proved that Shokin was not investigating Burisma.

You turn to prove that you have proof Shokin was investigating Burisma.

provide proof

You keep using this lie to further your lie.

Not a real news person
Glenn Beck is a liar, con man, conspiracy theory dolt.
You proved nothing, Glenn Becks words mean nothing.

So is Biden. Anything else?
Actually there was no conflict of interest. Since Biden had no power to actually withhold the $1 billion. The vice president has only 2 constitutional powers, and neither allow him to hold up funds.
The people in the Ukraine thought he did, so it really does not matter.
Biden even told them he didn't have the power to hold up the funds. That's why he told them to call Obama.

From the transcript:

I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him.
Did the guy get fired?
The 'Perceived' has been shattered, and Biden created and exposed a 100% proven 'Conflict of interest'.
Actually there was no conflict of interest. Since Biden had no power to actually withhold the $1 billion. The vice president has only 2 constitutional powers, and neither allow him to hold up funds.
The people in the Ukraine thought he did, so it really does not matter. It was a quid pro quo. On video just like massive voter fraud organization Biden talked about, which is on video too.
You are such an idiot
The fraud organization is another lie.
But you fall for it. Idiot.
Let's go back and trace every single ballot

Maybe you didn't pay attention, but it says "he and president Obama would not give him the billion"

The president witholding the billion because of corruption by Shokin isn't extortion, it's politics.

Trump did the same with the China tariffs. Holding money over their heads to get them to change policy.
LoL. What a simpleton you are.
Actually there was no conflict of interest.

Oh STFU......Biden met with members of Burisma whose boss is a well-known corrupt / criminal Ukranian energy company owner known for working with Putin. According to the State Department members who testified under oath, his meeting was very much a Conflict of Interest. They said the Burisma Reps showed up using Hunter's name as leverage to meet with Biden.
The Obama administration refusing to help Ukraine defend itself from Putin/Russia and prevent the annexation of Crimea benefitted Burisma, as did Crimea's annexation of Crimea. The perception aloe that the Obama administration may have sat back and allowed Putin to annex Crimea, Hunter Biden working for Burisma - making an insane amount of money for nothing but being Joe's son, & Biden having extorted the former Ukraine PM to get him to fire the top Ukraine investigating the criminal Ukrainian, Burisma, and thus Hunter....Yeah, to anyone paying attention and smart on politics, this entire thing stunk / stinks to high heaven.

This mess, and Joe blowing them off and meeting with Burisma when they came calling, is why the State Department reps stated in their testimony that the BIDENS were the ones who needed to be testifying under oath.
Exactly! With election integrity you can trace every ballot. If you cannot you have fraud.
Interesting concept. So all the ballots sent through the mail must be fraud, since the post office can't tell you where they were mailed from, who handled them, or anything about the chain of possession.
Exactly! With election integrity you can trace every ballot. If you cannot you have fraud.
Interesting concept. So all the ballots sent through the mail must be fraud, since the post office can't tell you where they were mailed from, who handled them, or anything about the chain of possession.
The ones that got there before they were mailed? Like in PA.? There was massive planned fraud. The fraud was the conspiracy. For Christ's sake Congress conspired to defraud Trump.
Not to mention judges refusing to hear evidence.
Giuliani averred, based on testimony from "hundreds of witnesses, maybe thousands." But although he repeatedly faulted reporters for not reading those affidavits, he conceded that the vast majority are not available for them to read. "We have a hundred more of these," he said, referring to statements about alleged fraud in Detroit. "I can't show them to you because those people don't want to be harassed….Do you know how many affidavits we have in the Michigan case? 220 affidavits. They're not all public, but eight of them are."

While Giuliani is confident that his mostly secret evidence would be enough to persuade "any jury," judges who have actually considered Republican claims of massive election fraud were not impressed. Last week Wayne County, Michigan, Judge Timothy Kenny ruled that the public affidavits to which Giuliani referred, which were submitted as part of a lawsuit filed by the Great Lakes Justice Center on behalf of two Republican poll challengers, provided "no basis" for ordering an independent audit or issuing an injunction against certification of the election results in Detroit.

Rudy's spin, "We will tell everyone that the Judges refused to look at my evidence"
Reality: Rudy had no evidence.
The people in the Ukraine thought he did, so it really does not matter.

Biden even told them he didn't have the power to hold up the funds. That's why he told them to call Obama.

From the transcript:

They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him.

Did the guy get fired?

They didn't fire him based on Biden being able to hold up the funds.
Actually there was no conflict of interest.

Oh STFU......Biden met with members of Burisma whose boss is a well-known corrupt / criminal Ukranian energy company owner known for working with Putin. According to the State Department members who testified under oath, his meeting was very much a Conflict of Interest. They said the Burisma Reps showed up using Hunter's name as leverage to meet with Biden.
The Obama administration refusing to help Ukraine defend itself from Putin/Russia and prevent the annexation of Crimea benefitted Burisma, as did Crimea's annexation of Crimea. The perception aloe that the Obama administration may have sat back and allowed Putin to annex Crimea, Hunter Biden working for Burisma - making an insane amount of money for nothing but being Joe's son, & Biden having extorted the former Ukraine PM to get him to fire the top Ukraine investigating the criminal Ukrainian, Burisma, and thus Hunter....Yeah, to anyone paying attention and smart on politics, this entire thing stunk / stinks to high heaven.

This mess, and Joe blowing them off and meeting with Burisma when they came calling, is why the State Department reps stated in their testimony that the BIDENS were the ones who needed to be testifying under oath.
Dims hate facts
Not to mention judges refusing to hear evidence.
Giuliani averred, based on testimony from "hundreds of witnesses, maybe thousands." But although he repeatedly faulted reporters for not reading those affidavits, he conceded that the vast majority are not available for them to read. "We have a hundred more of these," he said, referring to statements about alleged fraud in Detroit. "I can't show them to you because those people don't want to be harassed….Do you know how many affidavits we have in the Michigan case? 220 affidavits. They're not all public, but eight of them are."

While Giuliani is confident that his mostly secret evidence would be enough to persuade "any jury," judges who have actually considered Republican claims of massive election fraud were not impressed. Last week Wayne County, Michigan, Judge Timothy Kenny ruled that the public affidavits to which Giuliani referred, which were submitted as part of a lawsuit filed by the Great Lakes Justice Center on behalf of two Republican poll challengers, provided "no basis" for ordering an independent audit or issuing an injunction against certification of the election results in Detroit.

Rudy's spin, "We will tell everyone that the Judges refused to look at my evidence"
Reality: Rudy had no evidence.
Actually there was no conflict of interest.
Oh STFU......Biden met with members of Burisma whose boss is a well-known corrupt / criminal Ukranian energy company owner known for working with Putin. According to the State Department members who testified under oath, his meeting was very much a Conflict of Interest.
Telling the Ukraines to fire Shokin wasn't a conflict of interest, since as I already showed, Biden didn't have the power to do, and the Ukraines knew that Biden didn't have the power to do.

The threat came from Obama, and Biden was only the messenger.

Now show how Obama had a conflict of interest.
The ones that got there before they were mailed? Like in PA.? There was massive planned fraud. The fraud was the conspiracy. For Christ's sake Congress conspired to defraud Trump.
I'm sure you can provide a citation that cites proof of such ballots. I know a lot of affidavits that were rejected claimed that happened, but none of them gave any actual proof.
38 judges appointed by Republicans dealt blows to such suits, with some writing searing opinions.
The latest example came Saturday, when federal District Judge Brett H. Ludwig, a Trump nominee who took the bench in September, dismissed a lawsuit filed by the president that sought to throw out the election results in Wisconsin, calling the request “extraordinary.”
“A sitting president who did not prevail in his bid for reelection has asked for federal court help in setting aside the popular vote based on disputed issues of election administration, issues he plainly could have raised before the vote occurred,” he wrote. “This Court has allowed plaintiff the chance to make his case and he has lost on the merits.”

Trump asked for the rule of law to be followed, Ludwig noted, adding: “It has been.”
38 judges appointed by Republicans dealt blows to such suits, with some writing searing opinions.
The latest example came Saturday, when federal District Judge Brett H. Ludwig, a Trump nominee who took the bench in September, dismissed a lawsuit filed by the president that sought to throw out the election results in Wisconsin, calling the request “extraordinary.”
“A sitting president who did not prevail in his bid for reelection has asked for federal court help in setting aside the popular vote based on disputed issues of election administration, issues he plainly could have raised before the vote occurred,” he wrote. “This Court has allowed plaintiff the chance to make his case and he has lost on the merits.”

Trump asked for the rule of law to be followed, Ludwig noted, adding: “It has been.”
Actual audits of the fake leftyvirus mailin ballots will prove the truth.....they were fraudulently filled out.
The ones that got there before they were mailed? Like in PA.? There was massive planned fraud. The fraud was the conspiracy. For Christ's sake Congress conspired to defraud Trump.
I'm sure you can provide a citation that cites proof of such ballots. I know a lot of affidavits that were rejected claimed that happened, but none of them gave any actual proof.
Look at the data from PA. The state's own data shows it. That is why it was taken down.
Actual audits of the fake leftyvirus mailin ballots will prove the truth.....they were fraudulently filled out.
Except you can't reveal what would do that. Is it watermarks? Is it traces of bamboo? Maybe it's DNA on the ballots?

What is it, that separates a valid ballot from a fraudulent one?

You don't know.
Look at the data from PA. The state's own data shows it. That is why it was taken down.
You know that PA often filled out ballot information with default dates, when the information wasn't known at the time, expecting to fix it afterwards.
Breaking fake News: Cyberninjas announces the criteria for determining a ballots validity.

1) If it was a vote for Trump.
2) If it was a vote for Trump
3) If it was a vote for Trump.

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