President Trump is the most corrupt president in history. here's how we can drain the swamp of Trump

are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!

Here is another reason Trump is the most corrupt.
Looking for "leaks" is very important, just ask Reality Winner. That is NOT corruption.
Here is what corruption looks like.

Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

The Steele Dossier is weak. How about this?

New audio of Rudy Giuliani ‘pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden’ emerges​

We know the Bidens are corrupt.
1. Joe extorted the Ukes to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma
2. We know Hunter has an $83,000 a month "no show job" from Burisma.
3. So why is it corrupt to look into obvious corruption?

That's been debunked. Link?
1. Fact Hunter had a corrupt job, not "debunked". Credible link it was "debunked".

2. Video of Joe admitting extortion, not "debunked".

Directly from the article YOU posted.

Trump and his allies have suggested that while Joe Biden was vice president, he conditioned $1 billion in aid to Ukraine on the country firing an official who was investigating Burisma. There is no evidence that Joe Biden was acting in the interests of his son, and many international organizations at the time condemned the official for not pursuing corruption charges among Ukrainian politicians.

Show us the link, not this out of context video, that shows that Shokin was investigating Corruption. You can't, you won't, because he wasn't. That's why they wanted him fired.

So you want the link to the transcript of the videotapes self-confession of Biden bragging how he extorted the former Ukraine PM? :p

You want the link to the videos / transcripts of Biden claiming he never spoke to his son about what he did business-wise, despite flying for double-digit hours on the same jet together when Hunter accompanied 'daddy' on official US trips and came back with Board Member jobs on corrupt Ukrainian energy businessmen who was known to work with Putin and with the CCP in industries and jobs with which he had no knowledge / experience?

You want the link to the video-taped testimony of State Department personnel testifying under oath about how Biden committed perjruy when he stated he did not know what his son did, never spoke to his son about his business dealings, and how he never met with Burisma members...and how Joe & Hunter needed to be under oath testifying?

Do you need a link to this photo of Joe Biden - who never talked to Hunter about what he did, never knew anything about Burisma, and never met with Burisma members, Hunter Biden, and 2 Burisma employees / Hunter Business pals playing golf together?

Dude, it's OVER! Biden has been exposed as an influence-peddling godfather of the Biden Family financial scam / scandal 'maffia', whose numerous family members have been proven to have engaged in Influence Peddling, Extortion, Russian Money Laundering, taking over $1 Billion from the VVP, and Joe himself took millions from Russia during the 2020 campaign. It's all documented, recorded, reported, supported, substantiated, and proven to be FSACT.

Again, you are actually demanding every one to totally disregard their own eyes and ears as they watch and listen to Traitor Joe bragging about how he extorted the Previous Ukraine PM into firing his top prosecutor and to believe your BS story.

You are also asking people to believe that the reason WHY someone engages in extortion makes it OK, that the fact that other foreign leaders may have had their own personal reasons for wanting the Ukraine Prosecutor fired makes Biden's extorting the Ukraine PM into doing so makes it ok. It doesn't.
are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!
Warren lives in a 9 million dollar mansion. The idea Trump could be the most corrupt politician in four years is fucking ridiculous. Thread closed.
Maxine Waters lives in a mansion outside of ther district because her district is a she has not tried to help but instead has focused on making herself wealthy.
are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!
Warren lives in a 9 million dollar mansion. The idea Trump could be the most corrupt politician in four years is fucking ridiculous. Thread closed.
Maxine Waters lives in a mansion outside of ther district because her district is a she has not tried to help but instead has focused on making herself wealthy.
She has made her daughter quite wealthy too. It is funny how Democrats can siphon of campaign funds and never face prosecution. Not funny, really. Sad.
This video does NOTHING to support your claim that Biden wanted Shokin fired because Biden wanted Shokin to STOP investigating Hunter. Not even true. LIE.

The video is a confession by Joe Biden, a video in which he brags how he extorted the former Ukraine PM...with President Obama's knowledge and support.

I am sorry that my choosing to believe Joe Biden and my own 'lying eyes/ears' instead of a TDS-suffering, irrational hate-driven, Orange Man Bad snowflake - YOU - offends you.

are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!
Warren lives in a 9 million dollar mansion. The idea Trump could be the most corrupt politician in four years is fucking ridiculous. Thread closed.
What is your particular problem with the money Warren and her Husband made, before she became a Politician?

Elizabeth Warren identifies as a capitalist.

She and her husband, Bruce Mann, both longtime law professors, hold much of their wealth in retirement accounts. Their TIAA and CREF accounts—available to educators and nonprofit employees—are worth at least $4 million. They also own two homes: a $3 million Victorian in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and an $800,000 condo in Washington, D.C.

His job at IBM pulled them down to Texas, where she got a degree in speech pathology and audiology from the University of Houston. In 1970, the Warrens moved to New Jersey, where Elizabeth went to law school at Rutgers University, with her toddler daughter in tow. She graduated in 1976 and began teaching at Rutgers the next year.

Over the next 20 years, she worked at five more universities, ultimately ending up at Harvard in 1995. Warren didn’t spend all her time in the lecture hall. In May, her campaign released a list of dozens of corporate cases, dating back to 1985, where she served as a consultant, mediator, writer of amicus briefs or expert witness. She also published books on bankruptcy law and the middle class throughout the 1990s and 2000s.
are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!
LOL....Warren is an extortionist. She says she is going to pass laws affecting one industry or another---usually banking. Those not wanting to get hammered by the warren harassment laws must donate or bribe her and VIOLA!! like magic the new laws don't affect them. Only thing she "fixes" is her bank account and the female dog belongs in prison for it.
are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!
Warren lives in a 9 million dollar mansion. The idea Trump could be the most corrupt politician in four years is fucking ridiculous. Thread closed.
What is your particular problem with the money Warren and her Husband made, before she became a Politician?

Elizabeth Warren identifies as a capitalist.

She and her husband, Bruce Mann, both longtime law professors, hold much of their wealth in retirement accounts. Their TIAA and CREF accounts—available to educators and nonprofit employees—are worth at least $4 million. They also own two homes: a $3 million Victorian in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and an $800,000 condo in Washington, D.C.

His job at IBM pulled them down to Texas, where she got a degree in speech pathology and audiology from the University of Houston. In 1970, the Warrens moved to New Jersey, where Elizabeth went to law school at Rutgers University, with her toddler daughter in tow. She graduated in 1976 and began teaching at Rutgers the next year.

Over the next 20 years, she worked at five more universities, ultimately ending up at Harvard in 1995. Warren didn’t spend all her time in the lecture hall. In May, her campaign released a list of dozens of corporate cases, dating back to 1985, where she served as a consultant, mediator, writer of amicus briefs or expert witness. She also published books on bankruptcy law and the middle class throughout the 1990s and 2000s.
I am glad you like her. I don't. She is nothing more than a lying opportunist.

Elizabeth Warren identifies as a capitalist.

Until she was forced to admit to criminal cultural appropriation she identified as a native American...proving she is a lying con artist...aka a DEMOCRAT POLITICIAN
The video is a confession by Joe Biden, a video in which he brags how he extorted the former Ukraine PM
That clearly is NOT what the video suggests, (your lying eyes want you to believe it was a confession).
Do yourself a favor and educate yourself on the 'Prosecutor Shokin' situation, then come back and post a link that PROVES that Biden wanted Shokin fired to stop the investigation, by Shokin, into Hunter at Burisma.

What you are saying is a LIE.
are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!
Warren lives in a 9 million dollar mansion. The idea Trump could be the most corrupt politician in four years is fucking ridiculous. Thread closed.
What is your particular problem with the money Warren and her Husband made, before she became a Politician?

Elizabeth Warren identifies as a capitalist.

She and her husband, Bruce Mann, both longtime law professors, hold much of their wealth in retirement accounts. Their TIAA and CREF accounts—available to educators and nonprofit employees—are worth at least $4 million. They also own two homes: a $3 million Victorian in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and an $800,000 condo in Washington, D.C.

His job at IBM pulled them down to Texas, where she got a degree in speech pathology and audiology from the University of Houston. In 1970, the Warrens moved to New Jersey, where Elizabeth went to law school at Rutgers University, with her toddler daughter in tow. She graduated in 1976 and began teaching at Rutgers the next year.

Over the next 20 years, she worked at five more universities, ultimately ending up at Harvard in 1995. Warren didn’t spend all her time in the lecture hall. In May, her campaign released a list of dozens of corporate cases, dating back to 1985, where she served as a consultant, mediator, writer of amicus briefs or expert witness. She also published books on bankruptcy law and the middle class throughout the 1990s and 2000s.
I am glad you like her. I don't. She is nothing more than a lying opportunist.
I didn't say I liked her.
I just LOVE to prove idiots like you, that post FAKE NEWS, and debunk your lies with FACT.

Our rating: False​

YEAH...are you going to believe liberal USATODAY or 'YOUR OWN LYING EYES'?!


Democrats, liberal fake news media, liberal fish-wrap like USAToday, and snowflakes demand you ignore your own eyes, ears, and all the facts and just believe what they tell you to believe. It's not bad if you are a sheep and hate the toil of thinking for yourself.

USA today always endorses the Republican candidate. How do you explain that? Almost every newpaper in the nation does. They were all once unionized no more.

Elizabeth Warren identifies as a capitalist.

Until she was forced to admit to criminal cultural appropriation she identified as a native American...proving she is a lying con artist...aka a DEMOCRAT POLITICIAN
Yup, pretty lame of her.

Just like when trump claimed "To know more about the Bible than anyone." lol.
I have 100's of these FAKE claims made by trump.

Honestly, do those FAKE trump claims bother you at all?
are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!
Warren lives in a 9 million dollar mansion. The idea Trump could be the most corrupt politician in four years is fucking ridiculous. Thread closed.
What is your particular problem with the money Warren and her Husband made, before she became a Politician?

Elizabeth Warren identifies as a capitalist.

She and her husband, Bruce Mann, both longtime law professors, hold much of their wealth in retirement accounts. Their TIAA and CREF accounts—available to educators and nonprofit employees—are worth at least $4 million. They also own two homes: a $3 million Victorian in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and an $800,000 condo in Washington, D.C.

His job at IBM pulled them down to Texas, where she got a degree in speech pathology and audiology from the University of Houston. In 1970, the Warrens moved to New Jersey, where Elizabeth went to law school at Rutgers University, with her toddler daughter in tow. She graduated in 1976 and began teaching at Rutgers the next year.

Over the next 20 years, she worked at five more universities, ultimately ending up at Harvard in 1995. Warren didn’t spend all her time in the lecture hall. In May, her campaign released a list of dozens of corporate cases, dating back to 1985, where she served as a consultant, mediator, writer of amicus briefs or expert witness. She also published books on bankruptcy law and the middle class throughout the 1990s and 2000s.
I am glad you like her. I don't. She is nothing more than a lying opportunist.
I didn't say I liked her.
I just LOVE to prove idiots like you, that post FAKE NEWS, and debunk your lies with FACT.
You have proven nothing except that you are a brainwashed, emasculated loser.
How to get rid of Trump? Convict him.

This is why the House needs to investigate the Jan.6 insurrection, the invasion and ransacking of our capitol. Five were killed.

CNN reports, "(CNN)Two Senate committees on Tuesday released the most comprehensive government report on the security failures leading up to the US Capitol insurrection on January 6, revealing new details about unheeded warnings, critical miscommunications and intelligence shortcomings.

However, the Senate investigation was significantly watered down before it even started.

CNN continued. "The 95-page report is the first comprehensive offering from the long list of Senate and House committees that are investigating various matters related to the Capitol insurrection. It's by far one of the most thorough fact-finding efforts and was released Tuesday in a bipartisan fashion.

"But as comprehensive as it is, it only examined one piece of the bigger puzzle. It looked at the "security, planning and response failures" by law enforcement. But what about efforts by extremist groups to plan for violence in DC? What about former President Donald Trump and the Republican officials who fanned the flames? Congress isn't equipped to probe these issues."

Senate aides said investigators intentionally avoided the most politicized topics -- like Trump's culpability -- because they wanted to keep the probe bipartisan. Sources told CNN that to keep Republicans in the fold, the report avoided using the word "insurrection" to describe the attack.

When Senate Republicans killed the bipartisan Jan. 6 commission, they essentially turned the investigation over to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi has not yet decided which option to use.

She is in no hurry. She wants the facts concerning the invasion of our capitol to come out during 2022, an election year.

Senate Republicans facilitated that, too. They were following Trump's orders. Trump really is very stupid and shortsighted. His fans love him because he is one of them. Want proof? Check out their posts.
are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!

Here is another reason Trump is the most corrupt.
Looking for "leaks" is very important, just ask Reality Winner. That is NOT corruption.
Here is what corruption looks like.

Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

The Steele Dossier is weak. How about this?

New audio of Rudy Giuliani ‘pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden’ emerges​

We know the Bidens are corrupt.
1. Joe extorted the Ukes to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma
2. We know Hunter has an $83,000 a month "no show job" from Burisma.
3. So why is it corrupt to look into obvious corruption?

That's been debunked. Link?
1. Fact Hunter had a corrupt job, not "debunked". Credible link it was "debunked".

2. Video of Joe admitting extortion, not "debunked".

Directly from the article YOU posted.

Trump and his allies have suggested that while Joe Biden was vice president, he conditioned $1 billion in aid to Ukraine on the country firing an official who was investigating Burisma. There is no evidence that Joe Biden was acting in the interests of his son, and many international organizations at the time condemned the official for not pursuing corruption charges among Ukrainian politicians.

No evidence hahahahahahahahaha!
How to get rid of Trump? Convict him.

This is why the House needs to investigate the Jan.6 insurrection, the invasion and ransacking of our capitol. Five were killed.

CNN reports, "(CNN)Two Senate committees on Tuesday released the most comprehensive government report on the security failures leading up to the US Capitol insurrection on January 6, revealing new details about unheeded warnings, critical miscommunications and intelligence shortcomings.

However, the Senate investigation was significantly watered down before it even started.

CNN continued. "The 95-page report is the first comprehensive offering from the long list of Senate and House committees that are investigating various matters related to the Capitol insurrection. It's by far one of the most thorough fact-finding efforts and was released Tuesday in a bipartisan fashion.

"But as comprehensive as it is, it only examined one piece of the bigger puzzle. It looked at the "security, planning and response failures" by law enforcement. But what about efforts by extremist groups to plan for violence in DC? What about former President Donald Trump and the Republican officials who fanned the flames? Congress isn't equipped to probe these issues."

Senate aides said investigators intentionally avoided the most politicized topics -- like Trump's culpability -- because they wanted to keep the probe bipartisan. Sources told CNN that to keep Republicans in the fold, the report avoided using the word "insurrection" to describe the attack.

When Senate Republicans killed the bipartisan Jan. 6 commission, they essentially turned the investigation over to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi has not yet decided which option to use.

She is in no hurry. She wants the facts concerning the invasion of our capitol to come out during 2022, an election year.

Senate Republicans facilitated that, too. They were following Trump's orders. Trump really is very stupid and shortsighted. His fans love him because he is one of them. Want proof? Check out their posts.
Its Dimmer oclock! Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!
So you want the link to the transcript of the videotapes self-confession of Biden bragging how he extorted the former Ukraine PM? :p
You know that Obama sent Biden to do that.
And the EU also wanted Scholkin out because he refused to investigate Putin's oligarchs. And the international monetary fund said they would hold $4 billion in loans unless Scholkin was fired.

So Biden was in good company. Unless you think the entire world was trying to protect Hunter Biden.

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