President trump must have sh-t for brains ;)

Of all the bull shit butt hurt liberal derangement arguments against Trump, getting along with Russia is the dumbest.

Show where you attacked Obama for saying that Romney was dangerous for believing Russia is the biggest threat to the world.

Liar, this isn't a standard for you

Trump is either delusional, or Putin has something on him he doesn't want revealed. Putin is a murderous thug and by every measure. Remember when Putin reniged on fulfilling nat gas contracts with Europe in the dead of winter here awhile back. I don't recall how many people froze to death as a result, but I'm reasonable certain in was more than a few. That's got murderous thug written all over it.

You're supposed to sip the kool-aid, not bob for apples in it

Blow me

Your portrayal of Russia and Trump is just partisan butt hurt masturbation, so you seem to have it covered

My butt is fine. I can dine on a two by four and pass it no trouble at all. As for the other, that don't work unless I have a can of fix a flat handy,

Then why the hyperbolic partisan description if it's not motivated by butt hurt? Are you saying it's just ordinary partisanship?
Trump is either delusional, or Putin has something on him he doesn't want revealed. Putin is a murderous thug and by every measure. Remember when Putin reniged on fulfilling nat gas contracts with Europe in the dead of winter here awhile back. I don't recall how many people froze to death as a result, but I'm reasonable certain in was more than a few. That's got murderous thug written all over it.

You're supposed to sip the kool-aid, not bob for apples in it

Blow me

Your portrayal of Russia and Trump is just partisan butt hurt masturbation, so you seem to have it covered

My butt is fine. I can dine on a two by four and pass it no trouble at all. As for the other, that don't work unless I have a can of fix a flat handy,

Then why the hyperbolic partisan description if it's not motivated by butt hurt? Are you saying it's just ordinary partisanship?

No hype. Just fact. Read this and weep
You're supposed to sip the kool-aid, not bob for apples in it

Blow me

Your portrayal of Russia and Trump is just partisan butt hurt masturbation, so you seem to have it covered

My butt is fine. I can dine on a two by four and pass it no trouble at all. As for the other, that don't work unless I have a can of fix a flat handy,

Then why the hyperbolic partisan description if it's not motivated by butt hurt? Are you saying it's just ordinary partisanship?

No hype. Just fact. Read this and weep

Read what?
T-rump while offering up nothing but respect for Putin during a fox spews interview then went on to call us a bunch of murderous thugs. And he's even talking crap about the judge, a Bush appointee & strict constitutionalist for shutting down his constitution busting three ring circus.

The president is clearly a deeply disturbed individual. So the only question at this point must come in two parts.

Will they perp walk the president out of the whitehouse, or will men in clean white coats pick him up?

And will that happen sooner rather then later?

Donald Trump's Super Bowl interview with Bill O'Reilly preview: Putin, Russia, voter fraud and more
So a shit for brains out smartest your candidate. so what does that make her?

Silly comparison. But yeah, hitler did the same thing too. What's that make trump? And more importantly what's that make you.
It makes Trump your president for the next four years.
T-rump while offering up nothing but respect for Putin during a fox spews interview then went on to call us a bunch of murderous thugs. And he's even talking crap about the judge, a Bush appointee & strict constitutionalist for shutting down his constitution busting three ring circus.

The president is clearly a deeply disturbed individual. So the only question at this point must come in two parts.

Will they perp walk the president out of the whitehouse, or will men in clean white coats pick him up?

And will that happen sooner rather then later?

Donald Trump's Super Bowl interview with Bill O'Reilly preview: Putin, Russia, voter fraud and more
So a shit for brains out smarted your candidate. so what does that make her?

A candidate they should have never run. I was a sanders fan. But in the end Hillary beat trump black & blue in the popular.
which means nothing so, the shit for brains mentioned beat the loser clinton.
Putin is just a giant teddy bear, and he thanks Trump supporters for their gifts of Crimea and Rex Tillerson.
ahhhhhhh, is your witto hiney sore? The Donald taking names.

The supporters saying......YES!!!!!
Trump's Twitter rants underscore the train wreck from last week.
He's nothing more than a 13-year-old juvenile delinquent in a bloated, spray-tanned 70-year-old body. THIS IS JUST FROM THE LAST 36 hours:

  1. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 3h3 hours ago
    I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it. Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!

  2. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 3h3 hours ago
    Any negative polls are fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election. Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting.

  3. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 11h11 hours ago
    What an amazing comeback and win by the Patriots. Tom Brady, Bob Kraft and Coach B are total winners. Wow!

  4. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 16h16 hours ago
    Enjoy the #SuperBowl and then we continue: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

  5. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 18h18 hours ago
    I have instructed Homeland Security to check people coming into our country VERY CAREFULLY. The courts are making the job very difficult!

  6. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 18h18 hours ago
    Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!

  7. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump Feb 4
    The judge opens up our country to potential terrorists and others that do not have our best interests at heart. Bad people are very happy!

  8. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump Feb 4
    Interview with @oreillyfactor on Fox Network - 4:00 P.M. (prior to Super Bowl). Enjoy!

  9. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump Feb 4
    Why aren't the lawyers looking at and using the Federal Court decision in Boston, which is at conflict with ridiculous lift ban decision?

  10. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump Feb 4
    Because the ban was lifted by a judge, many very bad and dangerous people may be pouring into our country. A terrible decision

    52,238 replies28,598 retweets129,628 likes

  11. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump Feb 4
    What is our country coming to when a judge can halt a Homeland Security travel ban and anyone, even with bad intentions, can come into U.S.?

  12. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump Feb 4

  13. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump Feb 4
    After being forced to apologize for its bad and inaccurate coverage of me after winning the election, the FAKE NEWS @nytimes is still lost!

  14. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump Feb 4
    The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!

  15. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump Feb 4
    Interesting that certain Middle-Eastern countries agree with the ban. They know if certain people are allowed in it's death & destruction!

  16. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump Feb 4
    When a country is no longer able to say who can, and who cannot , come in & out, especially for reasons of safety &.security - big trouble!
Nothing wrong with those tweets, they are the truth.
Obama in the end was still whinning about talk radio keeping him from getting all of his agenda done. Lol, what a wuss.
T-rump while offering up nothing but respect for Putin during a fox spews interview then went on to call us a bunch of murderous thugs. And he's even talking crap about the judge, a Bush appointee & strict constitutionalist for shutting down his constitution busting three ring circus.

The president is clearly a deeply disturbed individual. So the only question at this point must come in two parts.

Will they perp walk the president out of the whitehouse, or will men in clean white coats pick him up?

And will that happen sooner rather then later?

Donald Trump's Super Bowl interview with Bill O'Reilly preview: Putin, Russia, voter fraud and more

Of all the bull shit butt hurt liberal derangement arguments against Trump, getting along with Russia is the dumbest.

Show where you attacked Obama for saying that Romney was dangerous for believing Russia is the biggest threat to the world.

Liar, this isn't a standard for you

Trump is either delusional, or Putin has something on him he doesn't want revealed. Putin is a murderous thug and by every measure. Remember when Putin reniged on fulfilling nat gas contracts with Europe in the dead of winter here awhile back. I don't recall how many people froze to death as a result, but I'm reasonable certain in was more than a few. That's got murderous thug written all over it.

You're supposed to sip the kool-aid, not bob for apples in it

Blow me

Your portrayal of Russia and Trump is just partisan butt hurt masturbation, so you seem to have it covered
I believe it reached climax
T-rump while offering up nothing but respect for Putin during a fox spews interview then went on to call us a bunch of murderous thugs. And he's even talking crap about the judge, a Bush appointee & strict constitutionalist for shutting down his constitution busting three ring circus.

The president is clearly a deeply disturbed individual. So the only question at this point must come in two parts.

Will they perp walk the president out of the whitehouse, or will men in clean white coats pick him up?

And will that happen sooner rather then later?

Donald Trump's Super Bowl interview with Bill O'Reilly preview: Putin, Russia, voter fraud and more
So a shit for brains out smartest your candidate. so what does that make her?

Silly comparison. But yeah, hitler did the same thing too. What's that make trump? And more importantly what's that make you.
It makes Trump your president for the next four years.

T-rump while offering up nothing but respect for Putin during a fox spews interview then went on to call us a bunch of murderous thugs. And he's even talking crap about the judge, a Bush appointee & strict constitutionalist for shutting down his constitution busting three ring circus.

The president is clearly a deeply disturbed individual. So the only question at this point must come in two parts.

Will they perp walk the president out of the whitehouse, or will men in clean white coats pick him up?

And will that happen sooner rather then later?

Donald Trump's Super Bowl interview with Bill O'Reilly preview: Putin, Russia, voter fraud and more
So a shit for brains out smartest your candidate. so what does that make her?

T-rump while offering up nothing but respect for Putin during a fox spews interview then went on to call us a bunch of murderous thugs. And he's even talking crap about the judge, a Bush appointee & strict constitutionalist for shutting down his constitution busting three ring circus.

The president is clearly a deeply disturbed individual. So the only question at this point must come in two parts.

Will they perp walk the president out of the whitehouse, or will men in clean white coats pick him up?

And will that happen sooner rather then later?

Donald Trump's Super Bowl interview with Bill O'Reilly preview: Putin, Russia, voter fraud and more

You got it right, it's President Trump!
He is pro Russia due to oil, I mean its so obvious, also Putin helped him win.
1. Liberals have always stood with 'foreign oil'.
2. 'Putin helped him win' has been disproven. Stop pushing 'Fake News'.

Rex Tillerson is not a liberal. Paul Manafort is not a liberal. But both kiss Putin ass.
How so?

They just chant that shit so long it turns their brains to mush
T-rump while offering up nothing but respect for Putin during a fox spews interview then went on to call us a bunch of murderous thugs. And he's even talking crap about the judge, a Bush appointee & strict constitutionalist for shutting down his constitution busting three ring circus.

The president is clearly a deeply disturbed individual. So the only question at this point must come in two parts.

Will they perp walk the president out of the whitehouse, or will men in clean white coats pick him up?

And will that happen sooner rather then later?

Donald Trump's Super Bowl interview with Bill O'Reilly preview: Putin, Russia, voter fraud and more
So a shit for brains out smarted your candidate. so what does that make her?

It makes those who voted for her a whole lot smarter than those who voted for the lying clown.

The glee with which Trumpbots relish in his unconsititutional and quite frankly, dangerous behaviour shows that America is awash in thin-skinned man-children who really would rather destroy America than "LOSE". It's politics as written by Charlie Sheen.

You've won nothing, short of your own destruction.
T-rump while offering up nothing but respect for Putin during a fox spews interview then went on to call us a bunch of murderous thugs. And he's even talking crap about the judge, a Bush appointee & strict constitutionalist for shutting down his constitution busting three ring circus.

The president is clearly a deeply disturbed individual. So the only question at this point must come in two parts.

Will they perp walk the president out of the whitehouse, or will men in clean white coats pick him up?

And will that happen sooner rather then later?

Donald Trump's Super Bowl interview with Bill O'Reilly preview: Putin, Russia, voter fraud and more
So a shit for brains out smarted your candidate. so what does that make her?

It makes those who voted for her a whole lot smarter than those who voted for the lying clown.

The glee with which Trumpbots relish in his unconsititutional and quite frankly, dangerous behaviour shows that America is awash in thin-skinned man-children who really would rather destroy America than "LOSE". It's politics as written by Charlie Sheen.

You've won nothing, short of your own destruction.
well good for you, you feel good voting for a criminal, liar and traitor. oh and loser. thanks.
T-rump while offering up nothing but respect for Putin during a fox spews interview then went on to call us a bunch of murderous thugs. And he's even talking crap about the judge, a Bush appointee & strict constitutionalist for shutting down his constitution busting three ring circus.

The president is clearly a deeply disturbed individual. So the only question at this point must come in two parts.

Will they perp walk the president out of the whitehouse, or will men in clean white coats pick him up?

And will that happen sooner rather then later?

Donald Trump's Super Bowl interview with Bill O'Reilly preview: Putin, Russia, voter fraud and more
So a shit for brains out smarted your candidate. so what does that make her?

It makes those who voted for her a whole lot smarter than those who voted for the lying clown.

The glee with which Trumpbots relish in his unconsititutional and quite frankly, dangerous behaviour shows that America is awash in thin-skinned man-children who really would rather destroy America than "LOSE". It's politics as written by Charlie Sheen.

You've won nothing, short of your own destruction.
The lying clown is gone now. We on the right are cleaning up his mess and rebuilding America. If we have to stomp on libs, so be it.
He is pro Russia due to oil, I mean its so obvious, also Putin helped him win.
1. Liberals have always stood with 'foreign oil'.
2. 'Putin helped him win' has been disproven. Stop pushing 'Fake News'.

Rex Tillerson is not a liberal. Paul Manafort is not a liberal. But both kiss Putin ass.
How so?

They just chant that shit so long it turns their brains to mush

Funny.. they creamed their jeans over the Russian Reset. Now Russia is the Death Star.
T-rump while offering up nothing but respect for Putin during a fox spews interview then went on to call us a bunch of murderous thugs. And he's even talking crap about the judge, a Bush appointee & strict constitutionalist for shutting down his constitution busting three ring circus.

The president is clearly a deeply disturbed individual. So the only question at this point must come in two parts.

Will they perp walk the president out of the whitehouse, or will men in clean white coats pick him up?

And will that happen sooner rather then later?

Donald Trump's Super Bowl interview with Bill O'Reilly preview: Putin, Russia, voter fraud and more
So a shit for brains out smarted your candidate. so what does that make her?

It makes those who voted for her a whole lot smarter than those who voted for the lying clown.

The glee with which Trumpbots relish in his unconsititutional and quite frankly, dangerous behaviour shows that America is awash in thin-skinned man-children who really would rather destroy America than "LOSE". It's politics as written by Charlie Sheen.

You've won nothing, short of your own destruction.
well good for you, you feel good voting for a criminal, liar and traitor. oh and loser. thanks.
She didn't. She's in Canada.
T-rump while offering up nothing but respect for Putin during a fox spews interview then went on to call us a bunch of murderous thugs. And he's even talking crap about the judge, a Bush appointee & strict constitutionalist for shutting down his constitution busting three ring circus.

The president is clearly a deeply disturbed individual. So the only question at this point must come in two parts.

Will they perp walk the president out of the whitehouse, or will men in clean white coats pick him up?

And will that happen sooner rather then later?

Donald Trump's Super Bowl interview with Bill O'Reilly preview: Putin, Russia, voter fraud and more
So a shit for brains out smarted your candidate. so what does that make her?

It makes those who voted for her a whole lot smarter than those who voted for the lying clown.

The glee with which Trumpbots relish in his unconsititutional and quite frankly, dangerous behaviour shows that America is awash in thin-skinned man-children who really would rather destroy America than "LOSE". It's politics as written by Charlie Sheen.

You've won nothing, short of your own destruction.

After eight years of blowing Obama, the last thing you're entitled to criticize anyone for is being thin skinned. Obviously the reason you prefer Hillary is she's a leftists, cut the stupid crap
T-rump while offering up nothing but respect for Putin during a fox spews interview then went on to call us a bunch of murderous thugs. And he's even talking crap about the judge, a Bush appointee & strict constitutionalist for shutting down his constitution busting three ring circus.

The president is clearly a deeply disturbed individual. So the only question at this point must come in two parts.

Will they perp walk the president out of the whitehouse, or will men in clean white coats pick him up?

And will that happen sooner rather then later?

Donald Trump's Super Bowl interview with Bill O'Reilly preview: Putin, Russia, voter fraud and more
So a shit for brains out smarted your candidate. so what does that make her?

It makes those who voted for her a whole lot smarter than those who voted for the lined one smart?g clown.

The glee with which Trumpbots relish in his unconsititutional and quite frankly, dangerous behaviour shows that America is awash in thin-skinned man-children who really would rather destroy America than "LOSE". It's politics as written by Charlie Sheen.

You've won nothing, short of your own destruction.

Voting for HRC made one smart? How did it make people smart?

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