President Trump: Putin Wanted Hillary To Win Election

Well, it's a refreshing change from "fake news."
Trump's really desperate, isn't he?
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Putin got a very sweet deal from Clinton when she was Secretary of State, gaining access to 20% of North America's uranium supply in return for a bribe to Bill Clinton.

Why the hell would Putin want Trump when Clinton was already on his payroll?

First, all the uranium mines in the US produce 20% of what we need. The mines that the Canadian company who owned in the US sold to the Russians, produces about 20% of that total, or about 4% of our total needs. Second all the uranium produced by the US subsidiaries operating the mines cannot be exported out of the US. It must be used here. The US mines were not the target, someplace like Terymeqebistan was. Our friends over in Australia have lots of uranium. So do the Canadians.

Funny derivative of nuh-un, you did it.

Sad Donnie, sad.
Trump has actually been incredibly damaging to Russia already. Keep in mind the USSR went down because of economics not military and Russias economy is kept afload by oil and natural gas.

1. Trump offered to sell missile defense tech to Poland
2. Trump easing restrictions on EPA leads to more oil leads to lower oil prices. How did Venezuela screw itself again?
3. Russia is pretty much the sole distributor of energy to the Visegrad nations. Trump offered to sell them natural gas too. Russia cant jack up prices anymore.
4. By giving SA free rein in the Middle East they unite the Sunni world against Iran Russias principal ally. They are going after them the same way (economic). Qatar shares the worlds largest natural gas field with Iran. Once that is shut down (will be one of the goals of the blockade) irans economy dies.
Ukraine and Fushion GPS colluded with Clinton directly. Everyone was in that bitches panties. She was a Political Prostitute.
No question about it. She could be bought off by a donation to the Clinton Crime Foundation. Putin knew he could push Hillary around, so would have preferred her.

Donald Trump: Putin wanted Hillary Clinton to win election
Trump may be an even bigger moron than you are. It's close. You're both pretty fucking stupid.

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