President Trump Sends Signed MAGA Hat to 15-Year-Old Utah Student Who Was Bullied and Assaulted for Supporting Him


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
what about me?

He should have sent this boy a weekend pass to Delta Force training . . .
what about me?

Cheapskate, trump should have added a roll of toilet paper and a few sheets of paper towels.
That is a drop in the bucket for the "give back to the community" extortion that goes on in many blue cities. Private and public. Taxpayers and consumers. No stone left unturned in the begging.
Wow, what made them girls think that the matter wouldn't be taken to the next level? When you dare to be physical, get ready. I don't wish such a horror on them, but should they ever become a rape victim, I pray that this moment is what the rape occurrence makes them remember.

God bless you and the boy always!!!

Who beats and bullies young teens because they support a conservative candidate?

Oh, right....leftists do. The same people that want safe spaces so a Charles Bronson movie won't terrorize them
are harassing others. Goddamned punk cowards!
Trump is awesome. He needs to send that kid a cheeseburger too. He'll fill out eventually and mop the floors with that kind of 3rd generation trailer trash. Hang in there kid!
what about me?

Did you see the video of the attack on him? I would have beat that bitch senseless. You lose the "dont hit a girl" courtesy the moment you start hitting me and spitting on me.
Think about it. We are at a stage in American history where the media apparently supports, encourages and condones assault on a 15 year old kid for the crime of supporting the President of the United States. We are in big trouble if this goes on much longer.
what about me?

Did you see the video of the attack on him? I would have beat that bitch senseless. You lose the "dont hit a girl" courtesy the moment you start hitting me and spitting on me.
we need to send Masvidal and Colby to protect Trump supporters!

Isabella DeLuca, a young Trump supporter, was attacked today at the Woman’s March.

She was brutally beaten by the “tolerant” Left.

Her attackers must be brought to justice.

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