President Trump to award Presidential Medal Of Freedom to California Congressman Devin Nunes, who exposed Obamagate, Jim Jordan also will be honored!

"Obamagate"???? :laughing0301:

What in the wide world of blue fuck is "Obamagate"? The entrance to his house?

>> So what exact crime is Trump accusing Obama of committing?
The president himself does not seem to know. “‘Obamagate’,” he ruminated in the White House rose garden on Monday. “It’s been going on for a long time. It’s been going on from before I even got elected. And it’s a disgrace that it happened.”​
Asked by a Washington Post reporter for the second time to name Obama’s exact offence, Trump replied cryptically: “You know what the crime is. The crime is very obvious to everybody. All you have to do is read the newspapers, except yours.”​
Clear as mud, then. << -- Guardian
What the fuck is an "Obamagate", OP? How is it "heroic" to have "exposed" something that doesn't even EXIST?

Huh OP?

We're waiting. :th_waiting:
many books have been written about Obamagate, including this one

Yet another way for trump to cheapen the institutions and honor of the United States of America: turn the honors that we bestow on people who actually make outstanding contributions to the nation into cheap, meaningless tin.
Biden`s first Medal of Freedom recipient will be a guy named Brad Raffensperger. He refused to be bullied into committing a felony for the outgoing buffoon.
LOL! Might as well Melt the Medal.

"Presidential Medal Of Freedom to California Congressman Devin Nunes"

The medal has now become, during this administration, barely flushable toilet paper.
says the jealous moron demonRAT
i can't think of any two more heroic, not even among our veterans!

Still spitting on veterans are you? Nice.
precisely because i admire veterans, i compare folks to them because of their excellence

both my parents are veterans
"Obamagate"???? :laughing0301:

What in the wide world of blue fuck is "Obamagate"? The entrance to his house?

>> So what exact crime is Trump accusing Obama of committing?
The president himself does not seem to know. “‘Obamagate’,” he ruminated in the White House rose garden on Monday. “It’s been going on for a long time. It’s been going on from before I even got elected. And it’s a disgrace that it happened.”​
Asked by a Washington Post reporter for the second time to name Obama’s exact offence, Trump replied cryptically: “You know what the crime is. The crime is very obvious to everybody. All you have to do is read the newspapers, except yours.”​
Clear as mud, then. << -- Guardian
What the fuck is an "Obamagate", OP? How is it "heroic" to have "exposed" something that doesn't even EXIST?

Huh OP?

We're waiting. :th_waiting:
Wow, you also dont know about Obamagate? You are truly uninformed.
Yet another way for trump to cheapen the institutions and honor of the United States of America: turn the honors that we bestow on people who actually make outstanding contributions to the nation into cheap, meaningless tin.
Cheapen the institution? He exposed Obamagate for Christ sake. What more does a person have to do to win a MoF?
Yet another way for trump to cheapen the institutions and honor of the United States of America: turn the honors that we bestow on people who actually make outstanding contributions to the nation into cheap, meaningless tin.
Cheapen the institution? He exposed Obamagate for Christ sake. What more does a person have to do to win a MoF?
Bullshit! I was the one who exposed Obamagate. I studied under Bob Woodward.
Yet another way for trump to cheapen the institutions and honor of the United States of America: turn the honors that we bestow on people who actually make outstanding contributions to the nation into cheap, meaningless tin.
I ain't religious. But please, preach it, My Friend.
I a
i can't think of any two more heroic, not even among our veterans!

I am not surprised that an accused child rapist and luster of underaged girls would think a man who help protect molestation in a college is a hero.
Yet another way for trump to cheapen the institutions and honor of the United States of America: turn the honors that we bestow on people who actually make outstanding contributions to the nation into cheap, meaningless tin.
Cheapen the institution? He exposed Obamagate for Christ sake. What more does a person have to do to win a MoF?

Obamagate never existed. It was a conspiracy theory promulgated by wackos.

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