Presidential plans: Trump-- MAGA. Democrats--choke off energy supply

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
The 2020 Democratic presidential field is in near unanimous agreement that fracking has to be banned or at least regulated to death over time. It plays well to the party’s base, especially its green fringe. It’s also an endorsement of recession.

Joe Biden, currently atop the Democratic primary polls, recently said he would “love to” ban fracking “right now,” and would also “love to make sure we can’t use any oil or gas, period,” reports Common Dreams, a website that caters to leftist and socialist devotees.

But the decelerated Delawarean’s plan is to “transition away from” fracking rather than killing it all at once. So put him in the “slow death” category among Democrat candidates. Meanwhile, in the summary execution category we find Sens. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and former Indianapolis Mayor Pete Buttigieg. Warren even said that on the day she is inaugurated, “I will ban fracking — everywhere.”

“If the U.S. imposed a fracking ban, the supply disruption would trigger the biggest oil and natural gas price spikes in history — almost certainly by more than 200% — which would, in turn, tip the world into recession,” Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Mark Mills wrote last month in a policy brief.

While a fracking ban would eliminate only 7% of global oil and 17% of the gas supply, he says, “in a global commodity market … changes of even 1%–2% in the supply/demand balance trigger huge price swings.”

Triggering A Recession Tops The Dems’ Presidential Agendas

This is what your country could look like under Democrat control. Imagine if Trump does lose, the Democrats keep the House, and takes leadership of the Senate.

Under Trump, we are enjoying the best economy in over a half-century. Much of it is due to moderate energy prices, because normally in such an economy, our fuel prices would be sky high. Thanks to fracking, not only are they reasonable, but we are also exporting energy to the rest of the world.

While I can't give President Trump credit for our good fortunes when it comes to energy costs, I can give him credit for his support.

The left here have posted topics such as many Americans can't afford a $1,000 emergency cost, people not able to afford housing, homelessness on a rise. But doubling the cost of our energy would put many more Americans in those situations.

Vote Republican, because the country can't afford Democrats.
The only Democrat with a chance of winning is Hillary. She could claim that the economy would have been just as good (or better) if she had been President. And most young women would believe her.
The only Democrat with a chance of winning is Hillary. She could claim that the economy would have been just as good (or better) if she had been President. And most young women would believe her.

Most people who make predictions are stating this will be a close race no matter who the Democrats choose for their nominee. I don't believe that myself, but if they are correct, we could be in a world of trouble over the green keepers.

Imagine if our energy prices were twice as high or more the last three years. There is no way in hell we would be experiencing this great economy. In fact, it would probably be going in reverse.

If by chance (God forbid) that the Democrats do get leadership and do that to our country, then they will be blaming Trump for it all, as they always do their failures. The problem is, the MSM would promote that as well.
The "popular vote" will be close, but Trump should easily win the electoral vote.
Day after day goes by and I am more and more convinced that no one in their right mind would vote for whoever the Dem nominee is. The things he is doing are pretty much in line with what needs to be done to make this country more prosperous and safer. Some might not like his personality or character and that's fine; but we aren't voting for the nicest guy of the year, we're voting for the person who will do things that are in our best interests.
Day after day goes by and I am more and more convinced that no one in their right mind would vote for whoever the Dem nominee is. The things he is doing are pretty much in line with what needs to be done to make this country more prosperous and safer. Some might not like his personality or character and that's fine; but we aren't voting for the nicest guy of the year, we're voting for the person who will do things that are in our best interests.

But the problem is, that's how people do vote. Their hatred for the man is such that they would even risk this peace and economy that we have just to see him gone. Unfortunately, most every adult is allowed to vote. If only the founders could have foreseen the future when it comes to an electorate like we have today, the Constitution would have been written entirely different.
The "popular vote" will be close, but Trump should easily win the electoral vote.

Let's hope so. Besides the economy, we have more justices to worry about. I would hate to see who Joe, Bernie or Liz would pick for the Supreme Court, not to mention all the other courts.
Day after day goes by and I am more and more convinced that no one in their right mind would vote for whoever the Dem nominee is. The things he is doing are pretty much in line with what needs to be done to make this country more prosperous and safer. Some might not like his personality or character and that's fine; but we aren't voting for the nicest guy of the year, we're voting for the person who will do things that are in our best interests.

But the problem is, that's how people do vote. Their hatred for the man is such that they would even risk this peace and economy that we have just to see him gone. Unfortunately, most every adult is allowed to vote. If only the founders could have foreseen the future when it comes to an electorate like we have today, the Constitution would have been written entirely different.

I dunno Ray, Trump's popularity/approval numbers in 2016 were significantly under water but he got elected anyway. I don't see that changing, plus there are more than a few who have left the Democratic Party and won't vote for whoever the Dem nominee is. They might not vote for Trump, but many who did vote for Hillary won't vote for the Dems this time around. Net win for Trump. He'll still lose the blue states but carry most of the ones he carried last time.
Day after day goes by and I am more and more convinced that no one in their right mind would vote for whoever the Dem nominee is. The things he is doing are pretty much in line with what needs to be done to make this country more prosperous and safer. Some might not like his personality or character and that's fine; but we aren't voting for the nicest guy of the year, we're voting for the person who will do things that are in our best interests.

But the problem is, that's how people do vote. Their hatred for the man is such that they would even risk this peace and economy that we have just to see him gone. Unfortunately, most every adult is allowed to vote. If only the founders could have foreseen the future when it comes to an electorate like we have today, the Constitution would have been written entirely different.

I dunno Ray, Trump's popularity/approval numbers in 2016 were significantly under water but he got elected anyway. I don't see that changing, plus there are more than a few who have left the Democratic Party and won't vote for whoever the Dem nominee is. They might not vote for Trump, but many who did vote for Hillary won't vote for the Dems this time around. Net win for Trump. He'll still lose the blue states but carry most of the ones he carried last time.

Another consideration is that we had a lot of disgruntled Republican voters last time who didn't come out because we nominated Trump. Now that the scorecard is out, perhaps they will be more encouraged to make sure he stays in. Hopefully they will join the ranks of the Hispanic and black voters who's lives are much better economically because of Trump and this economy.

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