Press Barred from White House Events … What Happened to Freedom Of the Press?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Press Barred from White House Events … What Happened to Freedom Of the Press?

White House blocks access to Obama events, news groups say

WASHINGTON — The nation’s largest news organizations lodged a complaint Thursday against the White House for imposing unprecedented limitations on photojournalists covering President Barack Obama, which they say have harmed the public’s ability to monitor its own government.
The organizations accuse the White House of banning photojournalists from covering Obama at some events, and then later releasing its own photos and videos of the same events.

“Journalists are routinely being denied the right to photograph or videotape the president while he is performing his official duties,” according to a letter the organizations sent to the White House. “As surely as if they were placing a hand over a journalist’s camera lens, officials in this administration are blocking the public from having an independent view of important functions of the executive branch of government.”

In each case, journalists weren’t allowed – and sometimes were unaware – of the event. The White House later released written summaries of the events, along with photos taken by a government photographer.

On Thursday, the presidents of the American Society of News Editors and the Associated Press Media Editors sent a letter to their members urging them to stop using handout photos and video from the White House.

Read more here: WASHINGTON: White House blocks access to Obama events, news groups say | White House | McClatchy DC

What happened to Freedom of the Press? How do we know what Obama is saying to one group of Americans and then to another group of Americans? Is he afraid he’ll be caught in lies? You bet he is!

He’s taken this from Hillary Clinton’s playbook. She is doing the same thing!

We need transparency and the press to keep things honest. Did I just say that????
What Freedom of the 'press'?

Outsiden of FNC, we don't have a 'press' anymore. What we have instead are leftist activists with the protections of the press.

White House stenographers who sit by their fax machines all day and write what the White House sends them.

And no, I'm not kidding. It's what they do. Honest to God.

They get up in the morning around 8:00AM, have some coffee and check their fax machine.

They leave for breakfast around 9:00AM and get back around 10:30AM.

They check their fax machine again. If there's anything there worth writing a story on, they do. If not, they make a few phone calls to their dimocrap connections and see what's up with what.

Nothing? They head for lunch around 1:00PM and get back around 3:30PM. Check their Fax machine again and if there's nothing there, wait until the normal 4:00PM news dump.

At that time they write whatever the White House or the DNC has sent them and change few words here and there to make it look 'original' :lmao: and take a nap.

They crawl out of bed around 8:00PM, get cleaned up and meet some of their dimocrap connections at a private club or bar and talk about what lies to pay attention to and print. Maybe snort a few lines of coke and go home.

8:00AM the next day, it starts all over again.

There are no journalists anymore. Maybe at FNC. And CBS(?) has the one lady.... What's her name? Forgot. But she's a good Journalist.

So she'll probably end up at FNC or get promoted to where she can't do anymore harm to The Collective.

The only Journalists anymore are at FNC. And that's why dimocrap scum hate them.

They're a threat to The Collective
Remembered -- Sharyl Attkisson.

Here's what happens if you're a threat to The Collective

CBS probe finds computer of lead Benghazi reporter was hacked | Fox News

CBS probe finds computer of lead Benghazi reporter was hacked


A probe commissioned by CBS News has confirmed the suspicions of reporter Sharyl Attkisson, who said last month amid revelations the Justice Department snooped on Associated Press and Fox News reporters that she believed her own computer had been hacked, the network said.

The network said it has not determined who was behind the breach of Attkisson's computer, but said the hacker “used sophisticated methods to remove all possible indications of unauthorized activity, and alter system times to cause further confusion.”

Last month, amid new revelations the Justice Department spied on reporters and editors from The Associated Press and secretly obtained phone records of Fox News reporter James Rosen, Atkisson told a Philadelphia radio station she believed her computer had been compromised and that she believed it may be related to the snooping scandal. The announcement from CBS did not draw any connection to the ongoing Justice Department scandal.

More at the link

So if the scumbags in the dimocrap party aren't lying to the press, manipulating the press, or intimidating the press..... :dunno:

But to be blunt, they deserve it. It's how submissive whores always get treated in the end
A reporter claiming her computer was hacked is not evidence it was hacked. She could be a loon.

Has any evidence of hacking been produced, or is this like the Steven Wright joke where he says someone stole all his stuff and replaced it with identical replicas?
A reporter claiming her computer was hacked is not evidence it was hacked. She could be a loon.

Has any evidence of hacking been produced, or is this like the Steven Wright joke where he says someone stole all his stuff and replaced it with identical replicas?

The article did say "system times were altered", so something seemed to be amiss that was not generally connected to viruses, I am assuming.
Interesting. Never forget this crew in the WH threw Axlerod under the bus but Axlerod can still seriously damage them.

And many are still loyal to David.
A reporter claiming her computer was hacked is not evidence it was hacked. She could be a loon.

Has any evidence of hacking been produced, or is this like the Steven Wright joke where he says someone stole all his stuff and replaced it with identical replicas?

From the article:

“A cyber security firm hired by CBS News has determined through forensic analysis that Sharyl Attkisson’s computer was accessed by an unauthorized, external, unknown party on multiple occasions late in 2012,” said CBS News spokeswoman Sonya McNair. “Evidence suggests this party performed all access remotely using Attkisson’s accounts. While no malicious code was found, forensic analysis revealed an intruder had executed commands that appeared to involve search and exfiltration of data.”

Is that enough proof for you? Or is Fox News so terribad that you can't for the life of you investigate the veracity of what Edge was claiming?

The network said it has not determined who was behind the breach of Attkisson's computer, but said the hacker “used sophisticated methods to remove all possible indications of unauthorized activity, and alter system times to cause further confusion.”

There are simple programs that can change the system time through windows, or through the BIOS/UEFI chipset utility of any given machine. And if she was using Public Wi-fi, she could have been open to people using programs known as packet sniffers and/or keyloggers, which in turn could have easily stolen her passwords, thus giving the hacker access to any and all of her accounts to do with as they pleased, including spying or stealing information. The hacker could have been using a type of OS known as Kali Linux, which can be used to perform brute force penetration and test vulnerabilities in a system. If that's true, nobody will be able to catch the person who hacked into her machine.
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The question remains who has the motive to hack into her computer?
Press Barred from White House Events … What Happened to Freedom Of the Press?
Obviously ignorance remains a prerequisite for being conservative.

The noted restrictions manifest neither prior restraint nor a First Amendment ‘violation,’ which is why a letter was sent to the WH as opposed to a lawsuit filed in Federal court. As with Congress, acts of the Executive are presumed Constitutional until such time as a court rules otherwise; and news organizations remain at liberty to indeed file suit should they believe a First Amendment violation has occurred.

Needless to say the right also remains at liberty to continue to attack the Administration in a political context, but to claim that ‘freedom of the press’ is being violated is partisan idiocy.

Clearly the OP is not motivated by a ‘concern’ for civil liberties, but is instead motivated solely as a consequence of the president being a democrat.
The question remains who has the motive to hack into her computer?

Most likely the paranoid White House. Attkinson has always been a good investigative reporter since her days at CNN. She was deep investigating Benghazi. Now you don't even hear from her.
Press Barred from White House Events … What Happened to Freedom Of the Press?
Obviously ignorance remains a prerequisite for being conservative.

The noted restrictions manifest neither prior restraint nor a First Amendment ‘violation,’ which is why a letter was sent to the WH as opposed to a lawsuit filed in Federal court. As with Congress, acts of the Executive are presumed Constitutional until such time as a court rules otherwise; and news organizations remain at liberty to indeed file suit should they believe a First Amendment violation has occurred.

Needless to say the right also remains at liberty to continue to attack the Administration in a political context, but to claim that ‘freedom of the press’ is being violated is partisan idiocy.

Clearly the OP is not motivated by a ‘concern’ for civil liberties, but is instead motivated solely as a consequence of the president being a democrat.

Oh horseshit, although at least you didn't say "solely as a consequence of the president being a black man." You can't blame people for holding Obama accountable for something he toted...he promised that he was going to be the opposite of Bush.
Press Barred from White House Events … What Happened to Freedom Of the Press?

White House blocks access to Obama events, news groups say

WASHINGTON — The nation’s largest news organizations lodged a complaint Thursday against the White House for imposing unprecedented limitations on photojournalists covering President Barack Obama, which they say have harmed the public’s ability to monitor its own government.
The organizations accuse the White House of banning photojournalists from covering Obama at some events, and then later releasing its own photos and videos of the same events.

“Journalists are routinely being denied the right to photograph or videotape the president while he is performing his official duties,” according to a letter the organizations sent to the White House. “As surely as if they were placing a hand over a journalist’s camera lens, officials in this administration are blocking the public from having an independent view of important functions of the executive branch of government.”

In each case, journalists weren’t allowed – and sometimes were unaware – of the event. The White House later released written summaries of the events, along with photos taken by a government photographer.

On Thursday, the presidents of the American Society of News Editors and the Associated Press Media Editors sent a letter to their members urging them to stop using handout photos and video from the White House.

Read more here: WASHINGTON: White House blocks access to Obama events, news groups say | White House | McClatchy DC

What happened to Freedom of the Press? How do we know what Obama is saying to one group of Americans and then to another group of Americans? Is he afraid he’ll be caught in lies? You bet he is!

He’s taken this from Hillary Clinton’s playbook. She is doing the same thing!

We need transparency and the press to keep things honest. Did I just say that????

Reporters who don't act as spokespeople for the administration aren't treated kindly. Heck, some have freak accidents where their cars blow up for no apparent reason. It's tough out there if you are a reporter who actually takes your job seriously.

Lately, many have begun to actually report on some negative things, namely the Obamacare disasters, which are difficult to keep up with. I wonder if some reporters will actually start questioning other matters that they have ignored for years. Hey, I can dream.

The inept Obamacare rollout and Obama's lies being exposed have upset millions of people and the administration assumed that the media would do as they had done many times in the past, which was to shift into overdrive to cover some political butts. That didn't happen and since this administration has an aversion to answering tough questions, they apparently decided to limit access. Boo hoo, can't count on the media to carry their water right now, so time for another little tantrum and then give them the silent treatment as punishment for their betrayal. Hopefully, the punishment will end with that. It is inexcusable that OUR White House is off limits and the means by which we can monitor our own government have been all but cut off. Some reporters may be brave enough to take Obama to task for this childish behavior, but there is a price to pay. I hope it causes reporters to do the old fashioned investigating, though reporters who try to get the goods on anyone in this administration should probably not put it on their computer or talk about their intentions over the phone.

Carney has become a joke trying to explain away the deception and incompetence. The sheeple continue to accept today's explanation no matter how different it is from yesterday's explanation. Maybe people with EBT cards and short term memories are the happiest of all. Ignorance really is bliss.
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Pretty much disappeared when the press became a tool for the government
The only "media" people with reliable access to Obama are taxpayer-funded propagandists.

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