From 10am to 4pm, Biden is dependably engaged

Absolutely right .
Your view is confirmed by the RVs looking at the fifth heaven who say that even the Watchers will not oppose any moves to seek his beatification .

You know, sometimes you're just so awesome that I can't even comprehend your awesomeness. :laughing0301:
Trump should consider putting that in an ad, even if it is a rip off. Very powerful.
It practically writes itself:

Photo of a confused Biden from debate night, with mouth open, and the voiceover saying “His handlers say he’s most alert between 10 am and 4 pm.”

Then, in large font:

Despite all this being true about Biden, the election is still basically a toss up due to who his opponent is.

How did we far so fall that these two are the absolute best we can do?

Biden, 81, has difficulty functioning outside of 6-hour window as aides attempt to spin prez’s horrid debate performance:

Alarming R

29 Jun 2024 ~~ By eport

29 Jun 2024 ~~ By Jon Levine & Matthew Swdacca

Octogenarian President Biden has difficulty functioning outside a six-hour window of daylight, according to an alarming new report.
The 81-year-old commander in chief is prone to absent-minded gaffes and fatigue outside of the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or while traveling abroad, White House aides told Axios in a bizarre attempt to spin his disastrous debate performance.
During the 90-minute trainwreck of a presidential debate — which kicked off five hours after the president’s peak performance window, at 9 p.m. — Biden often appeared vacant or slack-jawed, and on several occasions froze mid-thought, misspoke, or struggled to form coherent sentences.
The shocking late-night performance escalated fears about whether Biden is capable of serving another four years. He would be aged 86 by the end of his second term.
Biden, however, has refused to step aside, suggesting the party leaders will maintain their support for him as well. Former Democrat Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton have also publicly expressed their continued support.

It’s only shocking if you haven’t been paying attention. He had dementia issues during the 2020 campaign and before.
What worries the majority of Americans is whether Joe Biden has been is capable to run this government for the last three in a half years.
The evidence is found in the many incompetent and bad decisions made by this administration.
Will America’s enemies please refrain from any military action in the window of 4:00 PM to 10:00 AM? That is when our Dear Leader glitches and his brain falls out.
Honestly, do you Trump supporters need some dramamine? :) Because the amount of spinning you've been doing in the last 72 hours MUST be making you nauseous. You didn't get the massive bump you were looking for after the debate, the polls barely moved (in fact, Biden's moved ahead in a few of them), Biden raised a massive amount of money, and the candidate and his biggest supporters are in it to stay. Meanwhile, all you have to fall back on is an almost-as-old malignant narcissist who is a pathological liar...and a convicted felon. Sad what we've come to. We deserve better than this. But you refuse to give Trump up. If that had been Nikki Haley across from Biden on Thursday night, the election would be all but decided.
Despite all this being true about Biden, the election is still basically a toss up due to who his opponent is.

How did we far so fall that these two are the absolute best we can do?

Loosen your entrained mind Gullible earthling .

The Donald has his fun , just like the Essene Monk when he kicked over the money lender's tables and called them a bunch of Jewish bastards .
Both are not perfect but surely as near as maKes no difference .
I have an answer for him, BECAUSE THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THE LEFT WANTS. They convicted him in kangaroo courts to try to influence the election by getting people to dislike him because of his convictions. The idea backfired, his support went UP not down.

It's that not "influencing an election" I don't know what is.
This asshole…..

Paid “influencer”.

What a cuck.

Yeah, but gawldam, Colonel, you just expanded his viewership.

For free.

Shit. I never even woulda seen that goofy looking little shit's highly punchable face or even have heard of him, had you not caried his water in here.

For free...
Yeah, but gawldam, Colonel, you just expanded his viewership.

For free.

Shit. I never even woulda seen that goofy looking little shit's highly punchable face or even have heard of him, had you not caried his water in here.

For free...

He is PAID by the Democrats to spread propaganda. People shouod know thee are many paid liars like this asshole.
Why did the WH tell our adversaries that the POTUS is only functionable a few hours each day, and then proceed to tell them what hours they are?

Doesn't sound like a sound strategery, just saying.
The US is already full of people who are "docile cattle".

I didn't say cancel the elections and not have any more elections. I said get rid of the current electoral system and change it for something else.

But I guess they love reading in China, Cuba, Venezuela and Russia, but now where you're at.

What does need to be done is that the two parties need to relinquish their hold on election eligibility.

However, the EC is the only thing that stands between us and the utter anarchy of Democracy.
Why did the WH tell our adversaries that the POTUS is only functionable a few hours each day, and then proceed to tell them what hours they are?

Doesn't sound like a sound strategery, just saying.

The Dems want Joe out..but Jill wont allow it.

There is a battle going on inside the DNC.
None of this means anything. The potus no matter who it is, doesn’t run the country. Nefarious hidden forces run the country, but most Americans are clueless.

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