From 10am to 4pm, Biden is dependably engaged

Biden’s aides insist he is sharp between 10AM and 4PM and say they schedule events in that window. He had trouble with the debate because it was at 9PM. Thankfully the presidency is a job with fixed hours that only requires 6 hours of work a day.

Between the lines: Biden's miscues and limitations are more familiar inside the White House.

  • The time of day is important as to which of the two Bidens will appear.
  • From 10am to 4pm, Biden is dependably engaged — and many of his public events in front of cameras are held within those hours.
  • Outside of that time range or while traveling abroad, Biden is more likely to have verbal miscues and become fatigued, aides told Axios.
Well, he's old. :dunno:
At his age power naps are common and healthy. If he seems energetic then part of that is he gets good rest.
Then how do you explain that in the closing days of the last campaign, he started his day with an 8 am rally, and then had four more, flying all around the country, and giving his last rally until 11 pm, and then flying home, getting in well after midnight, and then up again at 6 am to do it all over again the next day?

I remember Hillary giving two campaign rallies in the waning days, and she could barely hobble off the tarmac. And Joe, as we know, stuck to the basement.
But, only so we get to keep voting as citizens and having it count, keep the constitution, keep the FBI, CIA and other agencies intact, without all protected under civil service kick out of the job careers to be replaced with patronage job of people that like Trump. His associates, as witnesses by the time he was in office, are as bad as he is, so destroying civil service for political service is a non-starter. Keeping Donny and Republicans to a minimum for another cycle, will also protect the rule of law being applied to all, including trump, and including those that did damage attacking the Capital on January 6. I am more concerned with keeping present form of government, as Donny favors top down control and a host of things I disagree with. You like him, you vote for him.
Same agencies used as a weapon against political opponents. Same ones who abused the living hell out of FISA

Those need a CULLING to put Honorable people back in them
Trump should consider putting that in an ad, even if it is a rip off. Very powerful.
It practically writes itself:

Photo of a confused Biden from debate night, with mouth open, and the voiceover saying “His handlers say he’s most alert between 10 am and 4 pm.”

Then, in large font:


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