Press Release – Obama Docket

You rock.

Dear Mister,

I communicate with you from my humble home here on Nigeria's northern coast. I am forever grateful for your kindness assistance and help in this urgent matter. Having been falsely imprisoned by the previous ruling class revolutionary government....and released after years of struggle..........the legality he has awarded me the grand sum of 46,000,000 pounds sterling. For which I require your courageous kindness to retrieve. If you agree to be my guarantor for this sum, you will be awarded 50 ( fifty ) percentage at once.

Simply send me US $2,000 for needed documentation and other necessities.......and this opportunity will be immediately forthcoming. Also...please forward the enclosed letter detailing your President's illegal drone activity to all of your political acquaintances.

Yours truly kind sir,

Mugabe Mongo-mongo. Esq.
Obama: spied on US citizens, got our Ambassador killed, sent the IRS on Conservatives....yeah, that kind of Fascist
I only posted this to point out there are those who think that America bombing people in soveigrn countries ain't such a good idea. But as usual the liberal left looks the other way. Well not all of them.

Drones Gone Wild: Uncensored!

The 3 Real Problems With Drone Strikes

Predator Drone Strikes: 50 Civilians Are Killed For Every 1 Terrorist, and the CIA Only Wants to Up Drone Warfare

ACLU & CCR Lawsuit: American Boy Killed By U.S. Drone Strike

Since 2002, and routinely since 2009, the U.S. government has carried out deliberate and premeditated killings of suspected terrorists overseas. In some cases, including that of Anwar Al-Aulaqi, the targets were placed on “kill lists” maintained by the CIA and the Pentagon. According to news accounts, the targeted killing program has expanded to include “signature strikes” in which the government does not know the identity of individuals, but targets them based on “patterns” of behavior that have never been made public. The New York Times recently reported that the government counts all military-age males in a strike zone as combatants unless there is explicit intelligence posthumously proving them innocent.

Outside of armed conflict, both the Constitution and international law prohibit killing without due process, except as a last resort to avert a concrete, specific, and imminent threat of death or serious physical injury. Even in the context of an armed conflict against an armed group (which did not exist in Yemen at the time of these killings), the government may use lethal force only against individuals who are directly participating in hostilities against the United States. Regardless of the context, whenever the government uses lethal force, it must take all possible steps to avoid harming civilian bystanders. The lawsuit argues that the senior CIA and military leaders who authorized and directed the killings violated these standards.

Sorry mate, I refuse to follow you and you ilk into the sea.
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I only posted this to point out there are those who think that America bombing people in soveigrn countries ain't such a good idea. But as usual the liberal left looks the other way. Well not all of them.

Drones Gone Wild: Uncensored!

The 3 Real Problems With Drone Strikes

Predator Drone Strikes: 50 Civilians Are Killed For Every 1 Terrorist, and the CIA Only Wants to Up Drone Warfare

Sorry mate, I refuse to follow you and you ilk into the sea.

No. You posted it to claim victory in your prediction that the drone strikes would be Obama's downfall. That is what you said.

Now....liberals abhor these strikes. But...........they are legal and the fucking atmosphere that makes them possible and necessary is the result of nutter policies. Shit that happened before.......matters.

Now..........stop lying aout your intention.
You do know that Bush used them also?
So you are also saying that people in any nation that commit acts of war and terrorism should be left alone and allowed to continue ?
I only posted this to point out there are those who think that America bombing people in soveigrn countries ain't such a good idea. But as usual the liberal left looks the other way. Well not all of them.

Drones Gone Wild: Uncensored!

The 3 Real Problems With Drone Strikes

Predator Drone Strikes: 50 Civilians Are Killed For Every 1 Terrorist, and the CIA Only Wants to Up Drone Warfare

Sorry mate, I refuse to follow you and you ilk into the sea.

No. You posted it to claim victory in your prediction that the drone strikes would be Obama's downfall. That is what you said.

Now....liberals abhor these strikes. But...........they are legal and the fucking atmosphere that makes them possible and necessary is the result of nutter policies. Shit that happened before.......matters.

Now..........stop lying aout your intention.

What makes them legal? Because Holder says they are legal? BS.

You are right, I should have said that the drone program SHOULD be the down fall of Obama, but won't be because there are too many people like you. Nixon went down over a two bit breakin and the attempted cover up. The Obama administration kills an INNOCENT 16 year old boy, that ain't legal by any standard but yours.
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You do know that Bush used them also?
So you are also saying that people in any nation that commit acts of war and terrorism should be left alone and allowed to continue ?

When a 16 year old innocent gets killed then we need to review what we are doing, as Obama has now admitted.

When the ratio of bystanders to actual target is reportedly 50:1 then something is very wrong. Yes, as I said if Bush had done what Obama clearly has done then hold them both to the same standard. But that standard can't be turn a blind eye on the pretext of alleged security. Those in the ME hate us for our drone program THAT is a bigger security issue then what we gained from killing four Americans and others.

So now the whole world is America's target, do you realize how that sounds?
You do know that Bush used them also?
So you are also saying that people in any nation that commit acts of war and terrorism should be left alone and allowed to continue ?

When a 16 year old innocent gets killed then we need to review what we are doing, as Obama has now admitted.

When the ratio of bystanders to actual target is reportedly 50:1 then something is very wrong. Yes, as I said if Bush had done what Obama clearly has done then hold them both to the same standard. But that standard can't be turn a blind eye on the pretext of alleged security. Those in the ME hate us for our drone program THAT is a bigger security issue then what we gained from killing four Americans and others.

So now the whole world is America's target, do you realize how that sounds?

What are the terrorists doing, targeting only their own nations.

"Asymmetrical warfare is a euphemism for terrorism, just like collateral damage is a euphemism for killing innocent civilians." - Alan Dershowitz
You do know that Bush used them also?
So you are also saying that people in any nation that commit acts of war and terrorism should be left alone and allowed to continue ?

When a 16 year old innocent gets killed then we need to review what we are doing, as Obama has now admitted.

When the ratio of bystanders to actual target is reportedly 50:1 then something is very wrong. Yes, as I said if Bush had done what Obama clearly has done then hold them both to the same standard. But that standard can't be turn a blind eye on the pretext of alleged security. Those in the ME hate us for our drone program THAT is a bigger security issue then what we gained from killing four Americans and others.

So now the whole world is America's target, do you realize how that sounds?

Show me in the history of humans that it has never happened. It would be great if it never did, but, humanity is best at inhumanity in it's history and the USA is no exception and never has been. You owe your ability to live s you do to warfare and the innovations that were the benefit of such actions.
You do know that Bush used them also?
So you are also saying that people in any nation that commit acts of war and terrorism should be left alone and allowed to continue ?

When a 16 year old innocent gets killed then we need to review what we are doing, as Obama has now admitted.

When the ratio of bystanders to actual target is reportedly 50:1 then something is very wrong. Yes, as I said if Bush had done what Obama clearly has done then hold them both to the same standard. But that standard can't be turn a blind eye on the pretext of alleged security. Those in the ME hate us for our drone program THAT is a bigger security issue then what we gained from killing four Americans and others.

So now the whole world is America's target, do you realize how that sounds?

What are the terrorists doing, targeting only their own nations.

"Asymmetrical warfare is a euphemism for terrorism, just like collateral damage is a euphemism for killing innocent civilians." - Alan Dershowitz

I would say as of recently yes that is what they are doing.
You do know that Bush used them also?
So you are also saying that people in any nation that commit acts of war and terrorism should be left alone and allowed to continue ?

When a 16 year old innocent gets killed then we need to review what we are doing, as Obama has now admitted.

When the ratio of bystanders to actual target is reportedly 50:1 then something is very wrong. Yes, as I said if Bush had done what Obama clearly has done then hold them both to the same standard. But that standard can't be turn a blind eye on the pretext of alleged security. Those in the ME hate us for our drone program THAT is a bigger security issue then what we gained from killing four Americans and others.

So now the whole world is America's target, do you realize how that sounds?

Show me in the history of humans that it has never happened. It would be great if it never did, but, humanity is best at inhumanity in it's history and the USA is no exception and never has been. You owe your ability to live s you do to warfare and the innovations that were the benefit of such actions.

What is wrong with the liberal left? Who said anything about warfare and the conduct of war? We are talking about taking out individuals and many bystanders from a base in Nevada. Never mind that the same CIA that the liberal left railed against when they water boarded terrorist is the ones being judge, jury and executioner. I am surprised that the liberal left trusts them so damn much. What is worse is that the whole program relies on paid informants that get paid for the kill. They plant GPS or other tracking devices on a vehicle and it gets blown up with no real knowledge o whom is in it. What would be the problem with what Obama NOW proposes and having at least a trial, or at least a hearing, to allow some due process? Unfortunately even if we do that the court will only be used as a buffer.

Sure the drone program is safe for those doing the killing but it is turning the ME against us like nothing Bush did. THAT is a greater threat to security then what we gain by the program. Even the Huffington Post agrees.
You rock.

Dear Mister,

I communicate with you from my humble home here on Nigeria's northern coast. I am forever grateful for your kindness assistance and help in this urgent matter. Having been falsely imprisoned by the previous ruling class revolutionary government....and released after years of struggle..........the legality he has awarded me the grand sum of 46,000,000 pounds sterling. For which I require your courageous kindness to retrieve. If you agree to be my guarantor for this sum, you will be awarded 50 ( fifty ) percentage at once.

Simply send me US $2,000 for needed documentation and other necessities.......and this opportunity will be immediately forthcoming. Also...please forward the enclosed letter detailing your President's illegal drone activity to all of your political acquaintances.

Yours truly kind sir,

Mugabe Mongo-mongo. Esq.

It's better than the letter I once got at my business, which was called Paws and Whiskers.

Dear Paws.

You don't know me, my name is David Whiskers. You and are the only living relatives of Paul Whiskers our recently deceased uncle. Uncle Paul named us as the heirs to his estate worth tens of millions of dollars. Unfortunately, I have fallen on hard times and do not have a bank account to receive the inheritance. If you have a bank account, please send me the account number, routing number and your social security number so the funds may be received by you. I must trust that our family relationship means something to you and you will not cheat me but will divided the estate, after expenses, according to Uncle Paul's Will.

We will both be very rich and have discovered long lost family members making us doubly rich. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Your Cousin
David Whiskers

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