Zone1 Preterism: Has All Prophecy Been Fulfilled?

You should pick a translation
WHY? Your translation certainly isn't working. Instead of relying on your own understanding, maybe you should stop looking to man for a translation and turn to the Bible and just read it to gain wisdom...
WHY? Your translation certainly isn't working. Instead of relying on your own understanding, maybe you should stop looking to man for a translation and turn to the Bible and just read it to gain wisdom...

You're really superstitious. That's funny.
Lol. You're a literalist.
Can't conjure up a translation for the millennial reign of Christ on earth??
Where is Jesus? If you believe the antichrist was literally Nero, then when did the literal Christ show up to prevent him from destroying all life on earth?
What is your translation for the episode relating to the 2 dead prophets? Who were they?
You are a heretic, nothing more. The second coming has yet to occur.
When Jesus return's it will not be to set as a physical King on earth, when He returns it will be for the final judgment, both the quick (living) and the dead can't escape judgment.

When Jesus returns "hades....the grave, will give up its dead, and the righteous bride of the Christ will meet the Lord "in the air" (1 Thess. 4:17).......the living that is judged righteous will be changed in the twinkling of an eye because the spiritual realm of heaven can't accept the corruption of a physical body, thus the bride of Christ, His church/kingdom that are mortal and corrupted by the decay of being physical will put off the corruptible/mortal body and put on an incorruptible/immortal body. Neither the corrupted nor mortal can enter the Kingdom of God (1 Cor. 15:53-54).

Only Heaven or Hell awaits after Jesus returns. Jesus can't rule on an earth that is consumed and melted in fire. This day cannot be foretold, only the long-suffering of our Lord delay's that day of judgment. Only the Father knows when that day, final judgment will come -- Mark 13:32......anyone that declares the end is near is lying, it will come like a thief.

"The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but all should reach repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, AND THEN THE HEAVENS (SKY) WILL PASS AWAY WITH A ROAR, AND THE HEAVENLY BODIES WILL BE BURNED UP AND DISSOLVED, AND THE EARTH AND THE WORKS DONE ON IT WILL BE EXPOSED............the passage ends by declaring that the Lord will keep His promise, the Bride of Christ will be given a new heaven, a new earth...........a new Jerusalem. A spiritual city that comes from the realm of God known as heaven -- 2 Peter 3:9-13. Jesus cannot rule on earth as the earth and all the physical elements known to man will be consumed/ dissolved. Jesus will return His KIngdom, His spiritual kingdom/church back to the Father after death is defeated (1 Cor. 15:24-25), after everyone is judged by the Content of the BOOKS which contain the words of Jesus Christ......and the Book of Life, a record of one's life in comparison to the words of Jesus.......they will judge everyone (Rev. 20:12-14, John 12:48)

The scriptures are clear........the new heaven and earth and Jerusalem will Come down from Heaven. To come down from heaven it must exist in heaven "....the New Jerusalem which comes from My God from heaven......" Rev. 3:12. The Bride comes from heaven and is called New Jerusalem. Jerusalem was the capital of Biblical Israel.......but in the Christian age after God allowed Jerusalem to be destroyed in the 1st century, the church/kingdom becomes spiritual Jerusalem.......the physical is replaced by the spiritual (Gal.4:25-26.....the apostle speaks of Jerusalem existing in heaven.....Hagar, representing the Old Physical Jerusalem at Mt. Sanai in ARABIA).

(Hebrews 12:22) The apostle calls Spiritual Jerusalem Mt. Zion ....the city of the Living God, God lives in Heaven, He is a spirit. There is no lasting city of Jerusalem on earth (it was destroyed in the 1st century), but the Christian is to seek the spiritual city to come as promised by the Lord (Hebrews 13:14) The Spiritual city of New Jerusalem will be different from physical Jerusalem. The city is signified as being the BRIDE of CHRIST, it must be spotless without blemish..........washed via the words of Lord Jesus Christ. (Eph.5:25-27)

Its no longer a mystery........the mystery has been revealed. The Bride of Christ......the Church/Kingdom of God.........New Jerusalem is the Christian Nation. A Spiritual Nation that can never be destroyed. The Kingdom/Church/New Jerusalem is an ever lasting kingdom (Ps. 145:13, Ex. 15:18, Lam. 5:19, Dan. 4:3, Dan. 7:27, 2 Peter 1:1-11)
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When Jesus return's it will not be to set as a physical King on earth, when He returns it will be for the final judgment, both the quick (living) and the dead can't escape judgment.

When Jesus returns "hades....the grave, will give up its dead, and the righteous bride of the Christ will meet the Lord "in the air" (1 Thess. 4:17).......the living that is judged righteous will be changed in the twinkling of an eye because the spiritual realm of heaven can't accept the corruption of a physical body, thus the bride of Christ, His church/kingdom that are mortal and corrupted by the decay of being physical will put off the corruptible/mortal body and put on an incorruptible/immortal body. Neither the corrupted nor mortal can enter the Kingdom of God (1 Cor. 15:53-54).

Only Heaven or Hell awaits after Jesus returns. Jesus can't rule on an earth that is consumed and melted in fire. This day cannot be foretold, only the long-suffering of our Lord delay's that day of judgment. Only the Father knows when that day, final judgment will come -- Mark 13:32......anyone that declares the end is near is lying, it will come like a thief.

"The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but all should reach repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, AND THEN THE HEAVENS (SKY) WILL PASS AWAY WITH A ROAR, AND THE HEAVENLY BODIES WILL BE BURNED UP AND DISSOLVED, AND THE EARTH AND THE WORKS DONE ON IT WILL BE EXPOSED............the passage ends by declaring that the Lord will keep His promise, the Bride of Christ will be given a new heaven, a new earth...........a new Jerusalem. A spiritual city that comes from the realm of God known as heaven -- 2 Peter 3:9-13. Jesus cannot rule on earth as the earth and all the physical elements known to man will be consumed/ dissolved. Jesus will return His KIngdom, His spiritual kingdom/church back to the Father after death is defeated (1 Cor. 15:24-25), after everyone is judged by the Content of the BOOKS which contain the words of Jesus Christ......and the Book of Life, a record of one's life in comparison to the words of Jesus.......they will judge everyone (Rev. 20:12-14, John 12:48)

The scriptures are clear........the new heaven and earth and Jerusalem will Come down from Heaven. To come down from heaven it must exist in heaven "....the New Jerusalem which comes from My God from heaven......" Rev. 3:12. The Bride comes from heaven and is called New Jerusalem. Jerusalem was the capital of Biblical Israel.......but in the Christian age after God allowed Jerusalem to be destroyed in the 1st century, the church/kingdom becomes spiritual Jerusalem.......the physical is replaced by the spiritual (Gal.4:25-26.....the apostle speaks of Jerusalem existing in heaven.....Hagar, representing the Old Physical Jerusalem at Mt. Sanai in ARABIA).

(Hebrews 12:22) The apostle calls Spiritual Jerusalem Mt. Zion ....the city of the Living God, God lives in Heaven, He is a spirit. There is no lasting city of Jerusalem on earth (it was destroyed in the 1st century), but the Christian is to seek the spiritual city to come as promised by the Lord (Hebrews 13:14) The Spiritual city of New Jerusalem will be different from physical Jerusalem. The city is signified as being the BRIDE of CHRIST, it must be spotless without blemish..........washed via the words of Lord Jesus Christ. (Eph.5:25-27)

Its no longer a mystery........the mystery has been revealed. The Bride of Christ......the Church/Kingdom of God.........New Jerusalem is the Christian Nation. A Spiritual Nation that can never be destroyed. The Kingdom/Church/New Jerusalem is an ever lasting kingdom (Ps. 145:13, Ex. 15:18, Lam. 5:19, Dan. 4:3, Dan. 7:27, 2 Peter 1:1-11)

Aside from a few misinterpretations you're preaching to the choir. surada is the one who doesn't believe the Word is infallible and literal.
He wrote about Israel becoming a nation in a day (May 14th) 1948. He described a new Temple. He described a millennial reign of Jesus Christ on earth. And yet no historian has even mentioned Jesus being down here for 1,000 years.
Did they nail the Roman coin to people's foreheads so people could buy and sell with the mark?
When did they open the East Gate?
What apparatus did they use to dry up the Euphrates?
Who were the 2 dead prophets that the world watched? Which one came back to life first?
How many were taken right off the earth in the rapture that John and Mark and Luke wrote about?

That's about Jacob being born in day, not the modern state of Israel.

That's about Jacob being born in day, not the modern state of Israel.

Then tell me how the millennial reign of Christ was. 1000 years of peace and no one thought to jot it down?
If you want specifics, Daniel called the day and year. So did Ezekiel.
And if I wasn't mathematically impaired since birth I'd calculate it for you, but having several different calendars to deal with and leap years...I'm not that talented. Here:
Then tell me how the millennial reign of Christ was. 1000 years of peace and no one thought to jot it down?
If you want specifics, Daniel called the day and year. So did Ezekiel.
And if I wasn't mathematically impaired since birth I'd calculate it for you, but having several different calendars to deal with and leap years...I'm not that talented. Here:

Seems to me that it worked in the spiritual sense.

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