Zone1 Preterism: Has All Prophecy Been Fulfilled?

that's what i thought. So you think you can just interpret this or that part of scripture anyway you want to suit your human obtuseness. When are you gonna wake up.

Do you think Jesus was talking to the Christian congregations of the first century or Hal Lindsey in 1975?
:D surada

good response.:itsok:


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That is not of any importance. You don't go changing God's word to suit your whims.

That's exactly what John Nelson Darby, Scofield and Hal Lindsey have done. Scofield was hired by Samuel Untermyer to promote Christian Zionism with his "interpretation" of the Bible.
That's exactly what John Nelson Darby, Scofield and Hal Lindsey have done. Scofield was hired by Samuel Untermyer to promote Christian Zionism with his "interpretation" of the Bible.
you should spend more time IN the bible rather than trying to undermine it.
post that scripture please.
Surada apparently doesn't want to answer, so here are a couple verses from me.

Paul proclaimed citizenship in the kingdom for himself and his contemporaries (Col 1:13). The letter to the Hebrews exhorts believers to be grateful for the kingdom they had received (Heb 12:28). And the Revelator declared himself a partner in the kingdom with his brethren (Rv 1:9). The kingdom’s arrival is clearly a first-century phenomenon.
Preterists intentionally employ allegorical interpretations for many of the symbols of Revelation 4—19. For them, the Beasts in chapter 13 are symbols for the Roman Emperor Nero in AD 54–68, and the “tribulation” described in the text is a symbol for Christian persecution.
The beasts were Rome and Judea. Nero didn't see the collapse of the age; he died two years before that.

The tribulation was simply the 42 months of starvation, disease, and bloodshed of the Great Revolt in which a million people died and littered the streets with their bodies, and that resulted in the collapse of the Jewish theocracy.
Surada apparently doesn't want to answer, so here are a couple verses from me.

Paul proclaimed citizenship in the kingdom for himself and his contemporaries (Col 1:13). The letter to the Hebrews exhorts believers to be grateful for the kingdom they had received (Heb 12:28). And the Revelator declared himself a partner in the kingdom with his brethren (Rv 1:9). The kingdom’s arrival is clearly a first-century phenomenon.

Thank you. I couldn't remember where to find it to save my life.
The beasts were Rome and Judea. Nero didn't see the collapse of the age; he died two years before that.

The tribulation was simply the 42 months of starvation, disease, and bloodshed of the Great Revolt in which a million people died and littered the streets with their bodies, and that resulted in the collapse of the Jewish theocracy.

Thanks. I think Nero died in 68???

The 42 months must have been a horror. I hope the Christians did flee to Pella.

After Nero's suicide in AD 68, there was a widespread belief, especially in the eastern provinces, that he was not dead and somehow would return (Suetonius, LVII. 1; Tacitus, Histories II. 8; Dio, LXVI. 19.3).
Sir Thomas Browne › nero
Nero as the Antichrist
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The 42 months must have been a horror. I hope the Christians did flee to Pella.
The story goes that that was where they fled.

John of Patmos refers to it as 42 months, sometimes 1260 days. Titus and his men broke through the wall outside Jerusalem in AD 70 a few days before Passover, which was in the month of Nisan, which correlated to the month of March in the Gregorian calendar. The internal siege ended after the temple burned down in the month of Av, or August, five months later. Add to that the three years or so beforehand when Rome encompassed the city, and the tribulation lasted a total of about three and a half years.
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The story goes that that was where they fled.

John of Patmos refers to it as 42 months, sometimes 1260 days. Titus and his men broke through the wall outside Jerusalem in AD 70 a few days before Passover, which was in the month of Nisan, which correlated to the month of March in the Gregorian calendar. The internal siege ended after the temple burned down in the month of Av, or August, five months later. A total of about three and a half years.

Right. August.. during the grape harvest.
Um, Israel was born one day when Jacob was born.

You should pick a translation that is on our planet, or that is at least honest. The birth of Zion in that verse is in the past tense.
You should quit cherry picking a prophesy when they all need to be fulfilled.
Was the gospel being preached worldwide when Jacob was born?
Did we have the ability to destroy all life on earth?
How was the millennial reign of Christ? No one seems to know.
Were there 144,000 messianic Jews in Israel at the time?
Still no mention of the 2 dead prophets. What method was used for the whole world to watch them revived in Jacob's time?
Who sat in the Jewish Temple and defiled it during Jacob's time?
What was the mark Jacob's family had to use to buy and sell?

^ If none of those few prophesies were fulfilled in Jacob's time then your timeline doesn't fit.
Same thing with Nero. Was Damascus leveled, never to be rebuilt in Nero's time? Did the world tune in to watch the 2 dead prophets come back to life after 3 and 1/2 days? Who were they?

When you see these thing S , look up. Your redemption groweth nigh.
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The beasts were Rome and Judea. Nero didn't see the collapse of the age; he died two years before that.

The tribulation was simply the 42 months of starvation, disease, and bloodshed of the Great Revolt in which a million people died and littered the streets with their bodies, and that resulted in the collapse of the Jewish theocracy.
Is that when an earthquake split the Mt. of Olives in two? From east to west? Or hasn't that happened yet? And the Jews running to him and accepting Him as their Messiah? Did the Jews forget they accepted Christ as their Messiah when He returned to prevent their complete annihilation, or hasn't that happened yet?
Was the gospel being preached worldwide?
You keep wanting to ignore a lot of prophesy to make your point. Like, where is Jesus? That's a big one to overlook, isn't it?
Did Christ return to stop Nero from destroying all life on earth and then set up His Kingdom and reign for 1,000 years? Why is there no record, from any historian of Christ's return and the 1,000 years reign that followed His return?
Nero reigned for about 15 years and we know about him. Why didn't someone record Christ's 1,000 year reign also? The antiChrist will be beloved by the world? Was Nero a popular guy???

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