Previous Bush administration should be receiving credit for Osama termination.

I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!
If you know that is not true but you are saying it because you are a right-winger and you feel obliged to deny the political reality you are an ambitious partisan propagandist. As such I regret to inform you that your effort is impotent.

If you don't know it is not true but you believe it because exposure to such effective right-wing propagandists as Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, et al, has gradually and methodically imbedded the glaring fallacy in your mind, then you've been effectively indoctrinated. (Brainwashed.)

If you have not been brainwashed but have worked that utterly spurious reasoning out in your mind, please understand that I don't wish to offend you but you are delusional.

It's difficult not to try to take at least a tiny bit of credit after 10 years of failure.

I would pay good money to see you water boarded until you FINALLY uttered one non partisan statement. I bet I could sell tickets and get rich.

Give it a fucking rest.
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!
If you know that is not true but you are saying it because you are a right-winger and you feel obliged to deny the political reality you are an ambitious partisan propagandist. As such I regret to inform you that your effort is impotent.

If you don't know it is not true but you believe it because exposure to such effective right-wing propagandists as Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, et al, has gradually and methodically imbedded the glaring fallacy in your mind, then you've been effectively indoctrinated. (Brainwashed.)

If you have not been brainwashed but have worked that utterly spurious reasoning out in your mind, please understand that I don't wish to offend you but you are delusional.

So right wingers have no choice but to agree with this guy despite most of us completely disagreeing?
George W. Bush is who the Al Quida Terrorist fear, not President Barack Saddam Hussein Obama.

and you still think that after what has transpired?.....Clinton balked....and your boy Bush balked.....Obama no balk.....Al Quida fears Bush as bout as much as they fear you 93rd St....
If you know that is not true but you are saying it because you are a right-winger and you feel obliged to deny the political reality you are an ambitious partisan propagandist. As such I regret to inform you that your effort is impotent.

If you don't know it is not true but you believe it because exposure to such effective right-wing propagandists as Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, et al, has gradually and methodically imbedded the glaring fallacy in your mind, then you've been effectively indoctrinated. (Brainwashed.)

If you have not been brainwashed but have worked that utterly spurious reasoning out in your mind, please understand that I don't wish to offend you but you are delusional.

It's difficult not to try to take at least a tiny bit of credit after 10 years of failure.

I would pay good money to see you water boarded until you FINALLY uttered one non partisan statement. I bet I could sell tickets and get rich.

Give it a fucking rest.
and that statement should be..."not all Republicans think like the religious right"....even after he said those words.....i would still water him down for another minute.....just for entertainment purposes....
I'll tell you what.... I'll give Bush ALL the credit for Bin Laden. IF You will give Bush all the credit for the Wall Street Bailout that "Conveniently" gave Obama a $700+ Billion dollar hole in the deficit before he took the Oath of Office.

Let me guess... you aren't willing to do that? Well, Then I guess Obama deserves the credit for Bin Laden in my book.
Of course Bush deserve a share of the Credit[...]
Please tell us specifically what Bush did to deserve credit for anything other than ruining the economy by facilitating the transfer of massive amounts of resources to his "base" of super-rich corporatists? If you are among that group of criminal conspirators then the Bush crime family are your friends. But if you are a member of the declining middle class then George W. Bush and his entire cult are your enemies. But you won't realize that until it's too late to do anything about it.

With regard to finding and dealing with bin Laden, in addition to ignoring numerous official warnings that could have prevented the 9/11 attack if he had acted on them, Bush had seven years to find bin Laden but instead of trying he publicly declared his lack of interest.

Perhaps you should give some thought as to why.

I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!

Those of us who are not on crack know this dude, the rest don't, let them have there warm and fuzzy feeling, we know the truth.
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!

Wow. No.

So what you are saying is, every one of the things that led to the killing of Bin Laden that Obama was against, Obama was really for without making it public? Because if the US had to rely on any tactic that obama would have layed out to capture bin laden, it would have required a bunch of cocaine,diapers and pacifiers.
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!

Wow. No.

So what you are saying is, every one of the things that led to the killing of Bin Laden that Obama was against, Obama was really for without making it public? Because if the US had to rely on any tactic that obama would have layed out to capture bin laden, it would have required a bunch of cocaine,diapers and pacifiers.

Whatever you said there.....yeah....exactly. Obama gets the credit.
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!

Wow. No.

So what you are saying is, every one of the things that led to the killing of Bin Laden that Obama was against, Obama was really for without making it public? Because if the US had to rely on any tactic that obama would have layed out to capture bin laden, it would have required a bunch of cocaine,diapers and pacifiers.

What "things"? Intelligence gathering? When did the President say he was opposed to intelligence gathering? What tactic, that you believe the President is opposed to, brought about the killing of OBL?
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!

Someone needs to tell this guy:
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!

Wow. No.
Wow. Yes. Obamaturd hasn't done anything right yet.
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!

You know, I wanted to give Bush credit. But it turns out, he just isn't interested. How do I know? He told us many times and disbanded the CIA unit that was supposed to get Bin Laden.

If Bush refused to accept any credit, shouldn't you follow his wishes? Unless you are calling him a "liar". Why give credit to a "liar"?
You libs give credit to a proven liar all the time. Who you say? OBAMATURD!!!
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!

God! You're delusional! Bush accounced publilcally that he gave up on finding OBL, because OBL was no longer important.
You god damned fools can't get it through your head that getting Bin Laden was a ten year feat that required due diligence by TWO Presidents and their respective support personnel?

Took a whole decade, fancy that. (Ooops, better late than never!)
Whoopee, welcome to the late great United States!
The greatest generation (WW II, that is), would have done it in less then half the time.
Pats on the back, all around! :clap2:

Liberals weren't shoving PC down our throats back then.
You god damned fools can't get it through your head that getting Bin Laden was a ten year feat that required due diligence by TWO Presidents and their respective support personnel?

No it wasn't. How can you claim this when Bush publically gave up on finding him.

Bush Closed CIA Unit Tasked With Finding Bin Laden In 2005 | Features

Giving Bush credit would be like giving the guy who created the police department 100 years ago credit for the police catching last week's bank robber. I guess if you're a Bush supporter, you do have to really stretch to find something positive about his administration.
You god damned fools can't get it through your head that getting Bin Laden was a ten year feat that required due diligence by TWO Presidents and their respective support personnel?

No it wasn't. How can you claim this when Bush publically gave up on finding him.

Bush Closed CIA Unit Tasked With Finding Bin Laden In 2005 | Features

Giving Bush credit would be like giving the guy who created the police department 100 years ago credit for the police catching last week's bank robber. I guess if you're a Bush supporter, you do have to really stretch to find something positive about his administration.

Face it. Without intelligence gathered during the Bush administration Osama would still be living free. Identifying the courier was the key piece of information to locating him.
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!

one day the government will take your threats on the president seriously .
but on the lighter side , who is president ? who gave the order to get him ?

you piss ants talk like Obama should have grabbed a 16 and gone there to shoot him , what a ass hole you are

and screw the truth you have you fantasies , Bush congratulates, president Obama , Chaney congratulated the president ,
your the only putts out there bitching

Do you even know what a threat is?

And no, the media is acting like Obama grabbed a 16 and went their an shot Osama himself. And the constant exageration is likely why his poll bump is already gone.

Obama invited Bush to join with them. It's clearly a victory for both of their leadership. I can't figure out you extreme partisans. Party loyalty has a place to a point. But the truth is non-partisan.

I use to know . but reading threats like this , hearing romney say we should have hung obama , and palin putting bulls-eyes on candidates ? I'm not sure any more .

no you dick heads ," obama was playing golf he did nothing " that was on this board alone
you cant run you moth and say its the media ,
you wouldn't know clearly it you were sitting on it ,

yes Obama invited bush , but george decline giving Obama the credit , but you piss ant repigs can't except it .
George W. Bush is who the Al Quida Terrorist fear, not President Barack Saddam Hussein Obama.

and you still think that after what has transpired?.....Clinton balked....and your boy Bush balked.....Obama no balk.....Al Quida fears Bush as bout as much as they fear you 93rd St....

Your A fool, Just because Osama eluded Bush does not mean he did Al Qeada No Harm. Literally thousands of Al Qeada were Killed While Bush Was President. Many High Value Al Qeada Targets were Captured or Killed, and Osama was Driven into Hiding.

To Say they didn't Fear Bush is retarded.
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!

Using the above logic in a consistent manner would mean Ronald Reagan DID NOT cause the collapse of the Berlin Wall or the collapse of the USSR.
As historical facts show the US and USSR started the economically expensive Arms Race way back in the 1950's and any historical will tell you, the USSR collapsed because of it's failed economy, which was predicted as early as 1968 by the Rand Corporation.

In 1968 Egon Neuberger, of the RAND Corporation, predicted that "[t]he centrally planned economy eventually would meet its demise, because of its demonstrably growing ineffectiveness as a system for managing a modernizing economy in a rapidly changing world."[27

And in the 1970's a growing chores of scholars were predicting the USSR's collapse.

Therefore, using those facts and using the OP's reasoning, Ronald Reagan did not cause the collapse of the USSR.


Back to the OP.
What caused the death of bin Laden was the combination of the efforts of Bush and Obama administrations. About every former Bush Administration key memebers admit it. However, it is sad that the Obama Administration doesn't give enough credit to the efforts of the intelligence community under Bush. They achieved much despite the fact that the bin Laden unit was downsized in 2005.
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