Previous Bush administration should be receiving credit for Osama termination.

I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!

What?? Obama mentioned Bush when he was on tv telling us of bin Laden's demise. So WTF are you talking about?? I think that was very generous of our prez. Especially when Bush said, a scant 6 months after 9/11, that he didn't know where bin Laden was, didn't care where he was, and was not looking for him. That's because he wanted to go to Iraq and THAT was his priority.

How can you give credit to a man that had 7 and a half years to catch bin Laden and didn't?? And then turn around and criticize the man that got bin Laden in just 2 years?? The GOP and the right wing nuts need to stop trying to rewrite history.
You god damned fools can't get it through your head that getting Bin Laden was a ten year feat that required due diligence by TWO Presidents and their respective support personnel?

No it wasn't. How can you claim this when Bush publically gave up on finding him.

Bush Closed CIA Unit Tasked With Finding Bin Laden In 2005 | Features

Giving Bush credit would be like giving the guy who created the police department 100 years ago credit for the police catching last week's bank robber. I guess if you're a Bush supporter, you do have to really stretch to find something positive about his administration.

Face it. Without intelligence gathered during the Bush administration Osama would still be living free. Identifying the courier was the key piece of information to locating him.

Not To Mention the Hundreds and Thousands of Other Al Qeada Including High Value Targets, that were Captured or Killed while Bush was in Office.

These idiots are acting like the Fight Against AL Qeada was nothing more than a hunt for 1 man, and now that he has been killed Obama has won the war for us.

The Truth is we have killed thousands of Al Qeada, and well more than half of those happened before Obama was in office. The Truth is Killed Osama was great, but it does not mean the war is over.
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Get a load of this bullshit!!!!

President Obama announced late last night that he had authorized a military mission to kill the world’s most wanted terrorist. “Last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice.” In response, conservative leaders and pundits rushed to heap praise on the president — President Bush, that is:

ThinkProgress » Right Rushes To Praise Bush For Obama’s Order To Kill Bin Laden
What's really chafing my hide is that some of the conservatives on here are describing Obama as this big boaster...this gloryhound that thinks he did the whole thing...or at least wants the American public to think that. I'm not an Obamabot. I take issue with a bunch of things he hasn't done that he promised...but to say Obama's gloryhounding is just partisan rhetoric!!
What's really chafing my hide is that some of the conservatives on here are describing Obama as this big boaster...this gloryhound that thinks he did the whole thing...or at least wants the American public to think that. I'm not an Obamabot. I take issue with a bunch of things he hasn't done that he promised...but to say Obama's gloryhounding is just partisan rhetoric!!

So going to 'ground zero' shortly after the assassination was not gloryhounding. Check.
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!

Sour grapes much?

Not to worry, Bush will go down in history with bin Laden :eek: as the President in office at the time of the attack. Considering the circumstance (the history of the Bush Administration ignoring terrorist as a major threat and focusing instead on missile defense) I can understand why the need to try and rewrite history, and give him as much credit as they can lie their way into.
What's really chafing my hide is that some of the conservatives on here are describing Obama as this big boaster...this gloryhound that thinks he did the whole thing...or at least wants the American public to think that. I'm not an Obamabot. I take issue with a bunch of things he hasn't done that he promised...but to say Obama's gloryhounding is just partisan rhetoric!!

So going to 'ground zero' shortly after the assassination was not gloryhounding. Check.

Mission Accomplished with his cute little flight suit and all, wasn't gloryhounding?

On a side note: I see the GOP House doesn't want to pass a resolution in recognition of the intelligence community and the Special Forces for a job 'Well done"! Whats up with that?
What's really chafing my hide is that some of the conservatives on here are describing Obama as this big boaster...this gloryhound that thinks he did the whole thing...or at least wants the American public to think that. I'm not an Obamabot. I take issue with a bunch of things he hasn't done that he promised...but to say Obama's gloryhounding is just partisan rhetoric!!

Right you are. Obama didn't go to ground zero in a way that was flamboyant or made him the center of attention. He went there to pay his respects to the families (many of whom he met in private), and to lay a wreath in respect to the fallen.

One of the OTHER complaints I've heard from conservatives is that was the FIRST time Obama went to ground zero. Yeah? Wouldn't a glory hound have gone to ground zero several times in an attempt to exploit the tragedy? Obama didn't go until there was a specific reason to go, and even then, he did so in a way that didn't appear to exploit the tragedy, but instead, honored the fallen and their families.

Seems pretty darn classy to me.
They were given the credit they were due by the people who aren't partisan enough to ignore that alot of the Previous administrations policies led up to this. President Obama gets the credit he deserves for his part. As does everyone else down to the intelligence agents and the Seals.

It's an American victory. No point making it another partisan bickerfest. I think that may be why Obama has already started to lose the bump.

Good post.

Also to add to it, Obama invited Bush to ground zero to stand along side of him. That's giving him credit-or at least giving him the opportunity to get some credit for it. Bush humbly declined. This really a non-issue for any non-partisan hack (on both sides of the aisle).
You god damned fools can't get it through your head that getting Bin Laden was a ten year feat that required due diligence by TWO Presidents and their respective support personnel?

No it wasn't. How can you claim this when Bush publically gave up on finding him.

Bush Closed CIA Unit Tasked With Finding Bin Laden In 2005 | Features

Giving Bush credit would be like giving the guy who created the police department 100 years ago credit for the police catching last week's bank robber. I guess if you're a Bush supporter, you do have to really stretch to find something positive about his administration.

Face it. Without intelligence gathered during the Bush administration Osama would still be living free. Identifying the courier was the key piece of information to locating him.

Yes IDing the courrier was important. It appears that it would have happened years earlier if they hadn't tortured the people who knew. BTW, you do realize they gave up the courrier under standard interrogation proceedures.......months and years after they had been tortured.
Bush said he wasn't that interested in finding Bin Laden.

And we ALL know that Bush was a man of principle, especially since conservatives made sure to tell that to anyone and everyone who would listen. Nope, Bush didn't pay attention to polls. He did (or didn't do) what he thought was right. He was the decider, and he said what he meant and he meant what he said.
George W. Bush is who the Al Quida Terrorist fear, not President Barack Saddam Hussein Obama.

and you still think that after what has transpired?.....Clinton balked....and your boy Bush balked.....Obama no balk.....Al Quida fears Bush as bout as much as they fear you 93rd St....

Your A fool, Just because Osama eluded Bush does not mean he did Al Qeada No Harm. Literally thousands of Al Qeada were Killed While Bush Was President. Many High Value Al Qeada Targets were Captured or Killed, and Osama was Driven into Hiding.

To Say they didn't Fear Bush is retarded.

yea they feared Bush as bout as much as they fear you and 93 Turd St. would make a fearsome i said Charley....Bush and Clinton had him in their sights....and froze....Obama said Go....i know which one of those 3 i could count on giving the OK even if their was a swingset in the area.....
Get a load of this bullshit!!!!

President Obama announced late last night that he had authorized a military mission to kill the world’s most wanted terrorist. “Last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice.” In response, conservative leaders and pundits rushed to heap praise on the president — President Bush, that is:

ThinkProgress » Right Rushes To Praise Bush For Obama’s Order To Kill Bin Laden

Most of these right-wing water-carriers have been as effectively brainwashed as were those who followed the reasoning of Jim Jones and David Koresh. Those who have not been brainwashed are simply delusional, a recognized mental disorder that derives from desperation or unwillingness to accept reality and nothing short of electro-shock therapy can untangle their twisted reasoning. They are categorically likened to the religious fanatics who believe handling venomous snakes brings them close to whatever deity they worship.

I've found it's best to ignore them as one should ignore raving screwballs who stand on street corners furiously arguing with mailboxes.
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Most of these right-wing water-carriers have been as effectively brainwashed as were those who followed the reasoning of Jim Jones and David Koresh. Those who have not been brainwashed are simply delusional, a recognized mental disorder that derives from desperation or unwillingness to accept reality and nothing short of electro-shock therapy can untangle their twisted reasoning. They are categorically likened to the religious fanatics who believe handling venomous snakes brings them close to whatever deity they worship.

I've found it's best to ignore them as one should ignore raving screwballs who stand on street corners furiously arguing with mailboxes.

geezus this is almost like what i heard from a Righter in another thread......scary what these two groups think of each other....
Of course Bush deserve a share of the Credit, with Obama, and People that are not so partisan they can't think straight understand that.

However the real truth is the people who deserve the most credit are the Men and Women of our Military, Special Forces and Intel Community that found the fucker and killed him.

Hats off to them.

Couldn't agree more.

Both administrations deserve credit. Obama deserves huge kudos for having the balls to order the strike on foreign soil.

The biggest kudos however go to the Navy Seals who pulled it off and the desk jockeys at the CIA for collecting the data and piecing it together.

This was an American effort. One that turned out jsut right. That dirtbag is dead and I hope many more follow in his footsteps 100 fathoms below.

As for Bush giving up on hunting OBL. Did anyone ever stop to think about disinformation?? What better way to make your enemy relax than to let him think he ain't on your radar?? Jeeze.

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