'Price tag' in Jerusalem's Dormition Abbey


Mar 12, 2012
'Price tag' in Jerusalem's Dormition Abbey

Hate slogans reading 'Christians are monkeys' found on one of Jerusalem's most important Christian religious establishments; car tires slashed

Unknown vandals spray-painted anti-Christian graffiti on the Dormition Abbey and a car parked nearby overnight Friday. The slogans read, "Christians are monkeys", "Christians are slaves" and "Havat Maon" referring to a settler outpost in the West Bank.

The car's tires were slashed. Jerusalem District Police have launched an investigation.

Six months ago, vandals sprayed graffiti defamatory to Jesus on the walls of a Franciscan Dormition monastery on Mount Zion in Jerusalem.

The inscriptions, reading "Jesus, son of a…" and "price tag," were tagged with blue paint on the church's gate. A month earlier, the door of the Latrun Monastery was torched.

'Price tag' in Jerusalem's Dormition Abbey - Israel News, Ynetnews

of course, christian holy sites really don't count...well, maybe it they were jewish christians they would.
The ONLY Place Christianity is growing in the Middle East is Israel.
If you want freedom of religion.. you want Israeli sovereignty over the whole area.

Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"...The aftermath of the war is also of Religious significance. Under Jordanian rule, Jews were effectively Barred from visiting the Western Wall
(even though Article VIII of the 1949 Armistice Agreement provided for Israeli Jewish access to the Western Wall).[155]
Jewish holy sites were not maintained, and their cemeteries had been Desecrated.

After the annexation to Israel, Each religious group was Granted administration over Its holy sites.

Despite the Temple Mount's importance in Jewish tradition, the al-Aqsa Mosque is under sole administration of a Muslim Waqf, and Jews are Barred from conducting services there.[156]...
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By Avi Davis / 2002

"...The fate of BETHLEHEM offers a fine example. Since 1994, when Arafat first came to administer Bethlehem the Christian population has gradually been reduced from a 60% majority in Bethlehem to a mere 20%

This Arafat ensured by first gerrymandering the municipal boundaries of the city, extending them to include the neighboring refugee camps – Dehaisheh, El-Ayda and El-Azeh and adding a few thousand from the Ta'amarah Bedouin tribe. Concurrently Arafat fired the city council which was composed of 9 Christians and 2 Moslems while appointing Muhammed A- Hjabari, a Moslem from Hebron as mayor. The entire political structure of the city – in the bureaucratic, security and political spheres were eventually cleansed of Christians. Today the Bethlehem region is in reality run by the local Fatah leader and his thugs.

The physical and psychological intimidation of Palestinian Chrisitian Arabs throughout the territory then proceeded rapidly. Mosques were erected in close proximity to churches in order to Oscure and Dominate them.This is the case with the Al Khanga and Abdul Malek mosques which today tower over the Church of the Nativity.
Christian cemeteries, convents and monasteries were Desecrated, their personnel intimidated and in places, their land confiscated.
Not that it wasn't expected. The late Christian mayor of Bethlehem Elias Friej warned that the implementation of the Oslo Accords would result in Bethlehem becoming a town with churches but no Christians. For over 7 years Christian Arabs in East Jerusalem and other West Bank towns have besieged Israeli officials with requests for Israeli I. D. cards knowing full well that the institution of Palestinian rule would result in the kind of extortion and corruption seen wherever the PLO has hoisted its tent.

Those who know something about Persecution of Christians throughout the Arab world will not be shocked by what has occurred in the Palestinian Authority.
In Syria, Lebanon and Egypt, Christian populations suffer from both direct and indirect state sponsored discrimination.
In other Muslim countries such as Nigeria and Indonesia there is open persecution of Christians while in the Sudan it is estimated that close to 2 Million Christians have lost their lives in the course of a bitter civil war. [.....]

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  • Thread starter
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  • #4
The ONLY Place Christianity is growing in the Middle East is Israel.
If you want freedom of religion.. you want Israeli sovereignty over the whole area.

Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"...The aftermath of the war is also of Religious significance. Under Jordanian rule, Jews were effectively Barred from visiting the Western Wall
(even though Article VIII of the 1949 Armistice Agreement provided for Israeli Jewish access to the Western Wall).[155]
Jewish holy sites were not maintained, and their cemeteries had been Desecrated.

After the annexation to Israel, Each religious group was Granted administration over Its holy sites.

Despite the Temple Mount's importance in Jewish tradition, the al-Aqsa Mosque is under sole administration of a Muslim Waqf, and Jews are Barred from conducting services there.[156]...

the only thing better than a tough guy is a stupid tough guy.

i post about christian sites being desecrated by jews and he responds that christian sites are protected by jews and goes into a tirade about the western wall. dude, the western wall is jewish, and jews can worship there.

pssssst. just a tip there , big fellah. tough guys don't whine.
you piss on the star of david then you ask for people's normal comment.


Leaving that aside, this action is not to be acceptable, and people should condemn it and get those who do that. Christians didn't provoke Jews in any manner I can recall, which makes thie action, besides unjust, kind of pathetic.
  • Thread starter
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  • #6
you piss on the star of david then you ask for people's normal comment.


Leaving that aside, this action is not to be acceptable, and people should condemn it and get those who do that. Christians didn't provoke Jews in any manner I can recall, which makes thie action, besides unjust, kind of pathetic.

i thought your boss, daniel seaman, head of the hasbara whatever it is called, was paying for your lying comments.

all that aside, it goes on all the time in your land of lights unto the nations.
you piss on the star of david then you ask for people's normal comment.


Leaving that aside, this action is not to be acceptable, and people should condemn it and get those who do that. Christians didn't provoke Jews in any manner I can recall, which makes thie action, besides unjust, kind of pathetic.

i thought your boss, daniel seaman, head of the hasbara whatever it is called, was paying for your lying comments.

all that aside, it goes on all the time in your land of lights unto the nations.

It goes all the time when fanatic Palestinians hurt Jews.

When Adelle was stoned almost to death, haters here ignored, and accepted it without question and supported the beasts, but when an angry Jew sprayed on a mosque in response, it was a horrible crime.

I am disgusted by your hypocrisy, sometimes.

Price tag doesn't help anything, but those who condemn it while accepting Palestinian violence, can go to hell.
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #8
you piss on the star of david then you ask for people's normal comment.


Leaving that aside, this action is not to be acceptable, and people should condemn it and get those who do that. Christians didn't provoke Jews in any manner I can recall, which makes thie action, besides unjust, kind of pathetic.

i thought your boss, daniel seaman, head of the hasbara whatever it is called, was paying for your lying comments.

all that aside, it goes on all the time in your land of lights unto the nations.

It goes all the time when fanatic Palestinians hurt Jews.

When Adelle was stoned almost to death, haters here ignored, and accepted it without question and supported the beasts, but when an angry Jew sprayed on a mosque in response, it was a horrible crime.

I am disgusted by your hypocrisy, sometimes.

Price tag doesn't help anything, but those who condemn it while accepting Palestinian violence, can go to hell.

you are such a histrionic liar and i am thoroughly disgusted by that. no one pissedd on the star of david, no one condoned adelle being stoned, which really didn't happen anyway.

adva biton was tailgating a truck that was servicing an illegal settlement when palestinians, in a legitimate act of resistance, threw rocks at the truck and adva crashed b ecause she was driving wrecklessly and in a hurry. but hell, why should she take responsibility for her own negligence when there are, as always, some palestinians to blame it on. good moms always blame the palestinians.

and now you use that tragic event for your own, sick political agenda, as though you actually expect us to believe you care about the child. if you cared about her, you owe her the truth, at least. instead, you bring her up in this thread to use towards your own sick ends as a piece of fodder.

anyone who uses a child in such a callous and uncaring way can go to hell.
You need to check out your own posts and post of your buddies, like Sherr and Billy-boy.

I don't make stuff up. I know what posts, disgusting posts, I've came across. People accepted and supported the stoning of the innocent child.

Don't try and brush it under the rug. That is disgusting.
i thought your boss, daniel seaman, head of the hasbara whatever it is called, was paying for your lying comments.

all that aside, it goes on all the time in your land of lights unto the nations.

It goes all the time when fanatic Palestinians hurt Jews.

When Adelle was stoned almost to death, haters here ignored, and accepted it without question and supported the beasts, but when an angry Jew sprayed on a mosque in response, it was a horrible crime.

I am disgusted by your hypocrisy, sometimes.

Price tag doesn't help anything, but those who condemn it while accepting Palestinian violence, can go to hell.

you are such a histrionic liar and i am thoroughly disgusted by that. no one pissedd on the star of david, no one condoned adelle being stoned, which really didn't happen anyway.

adva biton was tailgating a truck that was servicing an illegal settlement when palestinians, in a legitimate act of resistance, threw rocks at the truck and adva crashed b ecause she was driving wrecklessly and in a hurry. but hell, why should she take responsibility for her own negligence when there are, as always, some palestinians to blame it on. good moms always blame the palestinians.

and now you use that tragic event for your own, sick political agenda, as though you actually expect us to believe you care about the child. if you cared about her, you owe her the truth, at least. instead, you bring her up in this thread to use towards your own sick ends as a piece of fodder.

anyone who uses a child in such a callous and uncaring way can go to hell.

In the car they found stones, you liar! they found rocks! the car turned and crushed into the truck because Adva Panicked because her vehicle was under stone attack!

so why don't you just knock off all the lies?!
You need to check out your own posts and post of your buddies, like Sherr and Billy-boy.

I don't make stuff up. I know what posts, disgusting posts, I've came across. People accepted and supported the stoning of the innocent child.

Don't try and brush it under the rug. That is disgusting.

you accuse me of pissing on the star of david...

and then you presume some guilt by association on my part with those who allegedly excused the not stoning of adelle biton. adelle biton wasn't stoned. in the language of your boyos, she would be colateral damage...AT BEST.

you jews are the ones who excuse the harm done to and death of children and you do it so well...but then, you have had so much more opportunity to practice, haven't you?

how many pounds of flesh do you need to sate your religiously called for appetites.

what a sick and preverse people.
The ONLY Place Christianity is growing in the Middle East is Israel.
If you want freedom of religion.. you want Israeli sovereignty over the whole area.

Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"...The aftermath of the war is also of Religious significance. Under Jordanian rule, Jews were effectively Barred from visiting the Western Wall
(even though Article VIII of the 1949 Armistice Agreement provided for Israeli Jewish access to the Western Wall).[155]
Jewish holy sites were not maintained, and their cemeteries had been Desecrated.

After the annexation to Israel, Each religious group was Granted administration over Its holy sites.

Despite the Temple Mount's importance in Jewish tradition, the al-Aqsa Mosque is under sole administration of a Muslim Waqf, and Jews are Barred from conducting services there.[156]...

the only thing better than a tough guy is a stupid tough guy.

i post about christian sites being desecrated by jews and he responds that christian sites are protected by jews and goes into a tirade about the western wall. dude, the western wall is jewish, and jews can worship there.

pssssst. just a tip there , big fellah. tough guys don't whine.
And how is either of my responses "whining"?

You really should try and keep your Ignorant Hostility for Jews under control. Your comments and your Profligate uncontrolled/subsequently-demoted/inappropriate string starting in the section.

And again, let me point out/RUIN your string:
You want Freedom of Religion for Christians then you want Jewish/Israeli sovereignty.
Christians have been Purged/Persecuted/Wiped-out in EVERY Muslim Arab country, including Both sides of 'Palestine'.
Gaza the worse of two disasters for Christians: some of whom flee TO Israel.

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It goes all the time when fanatic Palestinians hurt Jews.

When Adelle was stoned almost to death, haters here ignored, and accepted it without question and supported the beasts, but when an angry Jew sprayed on a mosque in response, it was a horrible crime.

I am disgusted by your hypocrisy, sometimes.

Price tag doesn't help anything, but those who condemn it while accepting Palestinian violence, can go to hell.

you are such a histrionic liar and i am thoroughly disgusted by that. no one pissedd on the star of david, no one condoned adelle being stoned, which really didn't happen anyway.

adva biton was tailgating a truck that was servicing an illegal settlement when palestinians, in a legitimate act of resistance, threw rocks at the truck and adva crashed b ecause she was driving wrecklessly and in a hurry. but hell, why should she take responsibility for her own negligence when there are, as always, some palestinians to blame it on. good moms always blame the palestinians.

and now you use that tragic event for your own, sick political agenda, as though you actually expect us to believe you care about the child. if you cared about her, you owe her the truth, at least. instead, you bring her up in this thread to use towards your own sick ends as a piece of fodder.

anyone who uses a child in such a callous and uncaring way can go to hell.

In the car they found stones, you liar! they found rocks! the car turned and crushed into the truck because Adva Panicked because her vehicle was under stone attack!

so why don't you just knock off all the lies?!

if a car plows into the back of a truck which is having stones thrown at it, guess what...there will be stones in the car as well.


"I remember everything," Adva Biton recalled Friday. "We were at my mother's house for an hour and a half. After we left, about 100-200 meters from Ariel, I saw a truck in front of me. Within one second I heard a boom. Everything turned dark, I couldn't see a thing.

"The truck was hit by the first barrage of stones and was forced to brake. I found myself under it.
When I was below the vehicle I couldn’t move any part of my body except the hand. I used it to hold my daughter's head up, hoping that by keeping an open airway I'll be able to save her."


it is a shame, but trucks delivering supplies to the settlements are legitimate targets (who knows what was in those trucks, weapons, ammunition for your terrorist settlers, or picks and shovels to rip up their olive groves so their children go hungry) and your little sweet adelle was colateral damage to her mother's own negligent driving on one of your de facto and apartheid "jews only" road, you liar.

but whatever. use your lies and children whatever way you want.
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The ONLY Place Christianity is growing in the Middle East is Israel.
If you want freedom of religion.. you want Israeli sovereignty over the whole area.

Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"...The aftermath of the war is also of Religious significance. Under Jordanian rule, Jews were effectively Barred from visiting the Western Wall
(even though Article VIII of the 1949 Armistice Agreement provided for Israeli Jewish access to the Western Wall).[155]
Jewish holy sites were not maintained, and their cemeteries had been Desecrated.

After the annexation to Israel, Each religious group was Granted administration over Its holy sites.

Despite the Temple Mount's importance in Jewish tradition, the al-Aqsa Mosque is under sole administration of a Muslim Waqf, and Jews are Barred from conducting services there.[156]...

the only thing better than a tough guy is a stupid tough guy.

i post about christian sites being desecrated by jews and he responds that christian sites are protected by jews and goes into a tirade about the western wall. dude, the western wall is jewish, and jews can worship there.

pssssst. just a tip there , big fellah. tough guys don't whine.
And how is either of my responses "whining"?

You really should try and keep your Ignorant Hostility for Jews under control. Your comments and your Profligate uncontrolled/subsequently-demoted/inappropriate string starting in the section.

And again, let me point out/RUIN your string:
You want Freedom of Religion for Christians then you want Jewish/Israeli sovereignty.
Christians have been Purged/Persecuted/Wiped-out in EVERY Muslim Arab country, including Both sides of 'Palestine'.
Gaza the worse of two disasters for Christians: some of whom flee TO Israel.


Eighteen Coptic Christian churches in Egypt were destroyed by Muslims only last week.
The ONLY Place Christianity is growing in the Middle East is Israel.
If you want freedom of religion.. you want Israeli sovereignty over the whole area.

Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"...The aftermath of the war is also of Religious significance. Under Jordanian rule, Jews were effectively Barred from visiting the Western Wall
(even though Article VIII of the 1949 Armistice Agreement provided for Israeli Jewish access to the Western Wall).[155]
Jewish holy sites were not maintained, and their cemeteries had been Desecrated.

After the annexation to Israel, Each religious group was Granted administration over Its holy sites.

Despite the Temple Mount's importance in Jewish tradition, the al-Aqsa Mosque is under sole administration of a Muslim Waqf, and Jews are Barred from conducting services there.[156]...

the only thing better than a tough guy is a stupid tough guy.

i post about christian sites being desecrated by jews and he responds that christian sites are protected by jews and goes into a tirade about the western wall. dude, the western wall is jewish, and jews can worship there.

pssssst. just a tip there , big fellah. tough guys don't whine.
And how is either of my responses "whining"?

You really should try and keep your Ignorant Hostility for Jews under control. Your comments and your Profligate uncontrolled/subsequently-demoted/inappropriate string starting in the section.

And again, let me point out/RUIN your string:
You want Freedom of Religion for Christians then you want Jewish/Israeli sovereignty.
Christians have been Purged/Persecuted/Wiped-out in EVERY Muslim Arab country, including Both sides of 'Palestine'.
Gaza the worse of two disasters for Christians: some of whom flee TO Israel.


all i see is a bunch of jews and zionists trying to justify the desecration of a christian abbey by whining about other things as if it somehow justifies it.

take your tough guy game elsewhere, boy. i ain't buyin' it.
the only thing better than a tough guy is a stupid tough guy.

i post about christian sites being desecrated by jews and he responds that christian sites are protected by jews and goes into a tirade about the western wall. dude, the western wall is jewish, and jews can worship there.

pssssst. just a tip there , big fellah. tough guys don't whine.
And how is either of my responses "whining"?

You really should try and keep your Ignorant Hostility for Jews under control. Your comments and your Profligate uncontrolled/subsequently-demoted/inappropriate string starting in the section.

And again, let me point out/RUIN your string:
You want Freedom of Religion for Christians then you want Jewish/Israeli sovereignty.
Christians have been Purged/Persecuted/Wiped-out in EVERY Muslim Arab country, including Both sides of 'Palestine'.
Gaza the worse of two disasters for Christians: some of whom flee TO Israel.


Eighteen Coptic Christian churches in Egypt were destroyed by Muslims only last week.

bravo. i certainly have to dmire the jewish resolve to stay one step ahead of a country sinking into a civil war and use that as a standard of behaviour.

bravo again. by all means, desecrate more christian and muslim sites while wringing your hands worrying about whether jewish sites will be safe. just don't exceed the egyptians,
"all i see is a bunch of jews and zionists trying to justify the desecration of a christian abbey"

Since no such thing is going on - Lipush in particular condemned those acts! - it appears that your vision is faulty, sealie.

Jew-hate will do that to a person, yes it will.
"all i see is a bunch of jews and zionists trying to justify the desecration of a christian abbey"

Since no such thing is going on - Lipush in particular condemned those acts! - it appears that your vision is faulty, sealie.

Jew-hate will do that to a person, yes it will.

oh, hogwash, marg. the diversion and minimising it of it is the same as justifying it.

that's like me saying "oh, how horrible about adelle biton, but at least she lived, unlike the worshippers at the al-khalil mosque when baruch goldstein ran amok."

justifying jewish bigotry will do that to a person, maggie, yes it will.
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"all i see is a bunch of jews and zionists trying to justify the desecration of a christian abbey"

Since no such thing is going on - Lipush in particular condemned those acts! - it appears that your vision is faulty, sealie.

Jew-hate will do that to a person, yes it will.

oh, hogwash, marg. the diversion and minimising it of it is the same as justifying it.

that's like me saying "oh, how horrible about adelle biton, but at least she lived, unlike the worshippers at the al-khalil mosque when baruch goldstein ran amok."

justifying jewish bigotry will do that to a person, maggie, yes it will.

I didn't justify anything, I simply pointed out at some of you, Anti-Israelis ---> thriving hypocrisy.

But don't let facts fool you.
"all i see is a bunch of jews and zionists trying to justify the desecration of a christian abbey"

Since no such thing is going on - Lipush in particular condemned those acts! - it appears that your vision is faulty, sealie.

Jew-hate will do that to a person, yes it will.

oh, hogwash, marg. the diversion and minimising it of it is the same as justifying it.

that's like me saying "oh, how horrible about adelle biton, but at least she lived, unlike the worshippers at the al-khalil mosque when baruch goldstein ran amok."

justifying jewish bigotry will do that to a person, maggie, yes it will.

I didn't justify anything, I simply pointed out at some of you, Anti-Israelis ---> thriving hypocrisy.

But don't let facts fool you.

don't hand me that. first you throw in some lie about me pissing on the star of david or some such holliganism and as an afterthought, you wring your hands about the abbey...and follow that up with some cock and bull posts about adelle biton, who has absolutely nothing to do with this thread.

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