
For the most part crime goes hand in hand with poverty. When people are struggling to survive, they break the law to get by. When black kids grow up in poverty that's what they are exposed to..
No one race is genetically more prone to crime. Although there are races in America are more likely to live in poverty because of systemimatic oppression. You want to cut crime, attack poverty. When these kids see there's more out there and opportunities that are also open to them (not just white or wealthy) the thug life is much less appealing.
WHEN will your kind see how untrue that liberal talking point has always been.

Poverty is the result of poor choices. Not the other way around. African teen mothers with an absent father, expect nothing of their litter. They make no demands to actually achieve, so they don't, and you have another immoral and violent generation for the working class to support.

Fetus Fetish

If you oppose mandatory abortions, you're contributing to the problem.
SO -- I don't agree with their platform that took them 2 or 3 years to write. And I don't agree with the hateful anarchist message. But they are trying to get to the SAME goal that I'm working on. And their COMPLAINTS are real. They just don't have a clue what the cause or the solution is. I believe dialogue is in order. That's all I'm saying. They mature into a useful force or they marginalize themselves.
I believe that blacks have gotten a raw deal in a lot of ways over time. But I also think that a lot has been done to help their community. And that help ranges from: Affirmative Action, all the welfare and housing aid, food stamps, you name it. Help with college, even though there are many reports that they are rarely ready for any advanced education.

but the one thing that always seems to be missing, is blacks admitting that they have a large responsibility in both the problems AND the solutions. Until they take responsibility for their individual choices, not much will change, imo. For instance, I know white people who have been in horrible situations in life, and financially devastated. But they cringed at the thought of asking for "charity" and they struggled through their troubles, and got through their problems simply through incredible grit and by working their asses off. And don't let anyone lie to you, I've know whites that are some of the hardest workers I've ever seen. The idea that whites have everything handed to them is a cop-out, simple bullshit.

On the other hand, I've known many blacks who run to the government for all they can get, at every opportunity. Then, they're the first to whine about how bad whitey is and how oppressed they are. But I rarely have known a black person to take responsibility for his own situation by acknowledging that he had made horrible choices, and that he had to work through the results of those choices in order to improve his situation. Why? Because it's easier to blame whitey, or the "system", or the "government," or "oppression" or white privilege or get the idea.

And all I mean is if blacks are ever to get to a better place they have to realize that most of the burden is going to be on them. It's that time. The blame game is old and tired. The biggest problems I see are cultural in nature: valuing education, developing a real work ethic, self-reliance, etc. And stamping out the "thug" culture that has grown so strong within the younger people.

I also know blacks who have worked hard to get an education. They've created real careers, bought homes, and have done very well for themselves. I've never heard any of these folks whine about oppression, or make excuses for their own lack of achievement. They're too busy building a better life for themselves. They probably don't have the time or the energy to do any whining.
Most welfare recipients are white. So there goes all your generalizations about work ethic...
A few numbers for you to consider. There are other studies showing higher rates for white, but nothing really changes since blacks are only 13 percent of the population yet they receive huge amounts of welfare considering their numbers.

Welfare Statistics and Demographics - Statistic Brain

welfare demographics chamber.png

21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month

welfare demographics chamber.png


  • welfare from gov.png
    welfare from gov.png
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White pride is irrational, its based on some distorted fear of losing status. White people have done great things but our status as the white race is corrupt. Too bad people cant just honor their heritage/ethnicity and leave it at that.

Extreme pride in anything, is distorted and blatantly ugly.
Rainbow Bowwows

Your dogma needs to be on a leash. Also, please carry a pooper scooper to clean up the mess it makes.

Whatever blah blah... in a nutshell that is the definition of white pride.
The only thing Whites shouldn't be proud of is that we have allowed race traitors to push their agenda forever forward.

Race traitors? Dont go against "us" even if we treat other people unjustly or ignore injustice. That kind of loyalty is f'ed up.
I think there are some minority groups that turn into an agenda, but they usually are outed for what they are. Usually its because of greed.
The court system injustices are real and should piss everyone off . All you have to do is put your own loved ones in some of those situations.
A fb friend posted this this morning. I often think memes are trite, but don't believe this one is. I never understood why anyone is proud of the tint of a body organ. Everyone has skin, If I said I was proud I have a nose, I'd get looked at pretty oddly.

White pride? White heritage? I don't know what they are. Race is too diverse and being proud of an organ tint is retarded.


That is possibly the worst attempt at playing the race card I've ever seen.
MLK's "I Have a Dream" guilt-mongering pack of lies was the worst.

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