Zone1 *Priest Defrocked Wrongfully*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. No to the hell no, the POPE is wrong.
2. The POPE is foolish to defrock a Priest over his abortion stance.
3. The Priest Frank is against abortion.
4. And supports Trump for his efforts.
5. So the POPE, likely defrocked this Priest over his support of Trump.
6. The POPE is evil if so.

I saw this article earlier today and it is a curious one. Nothing is said to describe what, exactly, got Pope Frank's boxer shorts in a bunch. He is anti-abortion, as is the Church itself. The Church should not be disturbed if the good priest is getting people irritated; that's expected. It is predicted.

As a lifetime Roman Catholic, I was taught that "Holy Orders" is a sacrament, like Baptism and Confirmation, that is PERMANENT. No Papal or Diocesan decree can have the effect of taking away a priest's priesthood. He can still baptize, forgive sins, marry, and most important, change wine and unleavened bread into the blood and flesh of the late J.C.

More details are required. Knowing nothing more about this priest other than what's in this article, I kinda like him.
Sorry bout that,

1. No to the hell no, the POPE is wrong.
2. The POPE is foolish to defrock a Priest over his abortion stance.
3. The Priest Frank is against abortion.
4. And supports Trump for his efforts.
5. So the POPE, likely defrocked this Priest over his support of Trump.
6. The POPE is evil if so.

God done did tell the Pope to defrock the odd fellow.
Sorry bout that,

1. No to the hell no, the POPE is wrong.
2. The POPE is foolish to defrock a Priest over his abortion stance.
3. The Priest Frank is against abortion.
4. And supports Trump for his efforts.
5. So the POPE, likely defrocked this Priest over his support of Trump.
6. The POPE is evil if so.

7. The Pope is a Marxist.
Sorry bout that,

1. No to the hell no, the POPE is wrong.
2. The POPE is foolish to defrock a Priest over his abortion stance.
3. The Priest Frank is against abortion.
4. And supports Trump for his efforts.
5. So the POPE, likely defrocked this Priest over his support of Trump.
6. The POPE is evil if so.


their decision to be celibate and using abortion as an issue is for him the way to make everyone as miserable as he is ... especially woman who he most certainly must hate.
If the Catholic Church is not careful, it may lose Latin America.

Traditionally conserviateve, pro-life Latinos love Donald Trump. The Roman Catholic Church officially oppososes abortion, but I believe that they are waiting for some opportunity to modify that stance into meaninglessnes. This is a step in that direction, telling priests to keep their mouths shut about the issue. A generation of silence and then the abortion opposition can go down the memory hole.

Pope Francis "the first pope from Latin-America" is actually just another Italian, no matter where his Italian mom and dad birthed him. It was a slap in the face to choose him as the token, when it is Latin American money that props up the Europeans in charge of the RCC.

The Euros are the owners of the Catholic Church, so they had every right to defrock him. They would never do that to an outspoken supporter of NARAL, though.

The time is ripe for a charismatic Latin-American from the U.S. or a country to the south to rise up and form a new church, maybe styled the Latin-American Catholic Church or the Catholic Church of the Americas. The RCC has vast properties in Latin-American countries, and some, if not most, of their governments would look favorably on a claim from the new church that it is entitled to that property - that the RCC has broken from them, rather than vice-versa. Maybe the governments would award that property only to the organization within its boundaries.

Brazil might form it's own chuch, or it may produce the leadership of the CCofA. Either way, I don't see the RCC holding on to any but the Pelosi-type Catholics.
6. The POPE is evil if so.

I literally cried OMG when I read this story

I have been following Fr Frank Pavone for years. . one of the few priests who "goes to extremes" (so say the libtards) to protect human life.

If this doesn't prove that Francis is a totally, totally, FAKE pope


I rest my case - for Sedevacantism

Thank you for bringing us this story!
That Pavone guy is doing God's work, while those in the Vatican are representing Satan.

It's probably time for him to choose another denomination of Christianity.
It is time for him and ALL truly Catholic priests to LEAVE the novus ordo (new order) Heretic-Francis -led "church"

This is so beyond the pale ------------

If the Catholic Church is not careful, it may lose Latin America.

Traditionally conserviateve, pro-life Latinos love Donald Trump. The Roman Catholic Church officially oppososes abortion, but I believe that they are waiting for some opportunity to modify that stance into meaninglessnes. This is a step in that direction, telling priests to keep their mouths shut about the issue. A generation of silence and then the abortion opposition can go down the memory hole.
I don't have time to finish reading your post but I wanted to say that I hope you are following mine RE the SSPX 'branch' of the Catholic Church and related topics..

because I have been saying for a LONG time that the Francis "church" is FAKE, that that branch of the Church went off the rails in 1969 at Vatican II. Since then we have not had a valid pope.. Actually, we probably haven't had one since Pius XII. .. which, by the way, why isn't HE a saint but that Vatican-2-supporting John XXIII supposedly is? EVerything (OK, virtually everything in the Church) has been FAKE since Vatican II.

No way is the novus ordo "church" real... This story is just futher evidence that the no church is not the True Catholic Church... not by a long shot.. See Novus Ordo Watch..

This is one thing both Catholics and Protestants seem to agree on-- though Protestants don't know the details like some of us Catholics do.. You dont have to know all the details to realize something is hideously wrong with the fake pope.. saying in so many words, for example, that being married to someone of thesame gender is acceptable.. those living in sin w/ the opposite sex.. ditto..

Now, because of this latest story (on Fr Frank Pavone) the whole world has all the proof it needs..

“This action was taken after Father Pavone was found guilty in canonical proceedings of blasphemous communications on social media, and of persistent disobedience of the lawful instructions of his diocesan bishop,” the statement said.

How utterly IRONIC!

The time is ripe for a charismatic Latin-American from the U.S. or a country to the south to rise up and form a new church, maybe styled the Latin-American Catholic Church or the Catholic Church of the Americas. The RCC has vast properties in Latin-American countries, and some, if not most, of their governments would look favorably on a claim from the new church that it is entitled to that property - that the RCC has broken from them, rather than vice-versa. Maybe the governments would award that property only to the organization within its boundaries.

Brazil might form it's own chuch, or it may produce the leadership of the CCofA. Either way, I don't see the RCC holding on to any but the Pelosi-type Catholics.
OK, I have read the whole post here

for one, a new Church (ironic bc it is actually the OLD one, the True one) has already broken from the fake Francis new world order "church." It is called the Society of St Pius X (Pius X was a pope several decades ago).

But yeh, maybe the SSPX who continued the traditional Mass that was canonized (meaning cannot be changed, EVER) ..canonized by Pope Pius V (who lived at the time of the Reformation, also a saint) should get those properties in S America or some of them.

People seem to justsit back and take things, take all t he fake bs from the fakester in the Vatican but as we know, all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing, which is happening in spades these days.

And please do NOT call Pelosi and her ilk Catholic... Put some quotation marks around the C word...

The world is going insane...
what is that?
Too Long Didn't Read.

It was my snarky response to your saying you didnt' have time to read my post, but you hoped I would read yours. Then I saw your later post in which you did read mine and regreted being snarky, so I deleted it.

I'll read your comments about the SSPX, thanks!
If the Catholic Church is not careful, it may lose Latin America.

Traditionally conserviateve, pro-life Latinos love Donald Trump. The Roman Catholic Church officially oppososes abortion, but I believe that they are waiting for some opportunity to modify that stance into meaninglessnes. This is a step in that direction, telling priests to keep their mouths shut about the issue. A generation of silence and then the abortion opposition can go down the memory hole.

Pope Francis "the first pope from Latin-America" is actually just another Italian, no matter where his Italian mom and dad birthed him. It was a slap in the face to choose him as the token, when it is Latin American money that props up the Europeans in charge of the RCC.

The Euros are the owners of the Catholic Church, so they had every right to defrock him. They would never do that to an outspoken supporter of NARAL, though.

The time is ripe for a charismatic Latin-American from the U.S. or a country to the south to rise up and form a new church, maybe styled the Latin-American Catholic Church or the Catholic Church of the Americas. The RCC has vast properties in Latin-American countries, and some, if not most, of their governments would look favorably on a claim from the new church that it is entitled to that property - that the RCC has broken from them, rather than vice-versa. Maybe the governments would award that property only to the organization within its boundaries.

Brazil might form it's own chuch, or it may produce the leadership of the CCofA. Either way, I don't see the RCC holding on to any but the Pelosi-type Catholics.

what they would be losing is what should never have been - good riddance.

you've a very shallow knowledge, the history of christianity in south america -


the italian knows better than the christian right wing fundamentalist, their history of persecution and victimization of the innocent.
Sorry bout that,

1. Well seeing I was banned for a week for this thread.
2. I must of hit a nerve.
3. This pope we presently have is in error.
4. And should be thrown out on his head.
5. He is not godly in the least.
6. He is upside down in everything.
7. He deserves the deepest darkest dungeon.
8. Bread and Water for 6 months, then more, bread and water.
9. If anyone disagrees with me, say on, tell us all, how anyone has a right to murder a baby.
10. Goat ahead.
11. I'm all ears.


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