Priests burn Harry Potter books over fears of witchcraft

Priests burn Harry Potter books over fears of witchcraft

Priests in northern Poland have burned books they consider sacrilegious - including some from JK Rowling's Harry Potter series.

An evangelical group called the SMS From Heaven Foundation also burned what appeared to be symbols from other religions.

A book by Stephanie Meyer, who wrote the Twilight series of novels about vampires, was set alight too.

Evangelical Christians have often expressed concerns about the Harry Potter series, because they believe its depiction of witchcraft is dangerous to children.

Dear me. What a shower these people are.
Oh, dear. I hate when books get thrown out, let alone burnt. The Harry Potter series teaches kids how to be GOOD and to stand up to evil. I wish these folks would read the books before they burn them.
They are books that encourage kids to read. When I was a child we read the Narnia books which had witches and talking animals. No doubt they would be burned today. I wonder how these cretins view Tolkien ?

And yet you turned out a communist; strange that. You sided with the Orcs!!

Im a moderate socialist.
Priests burn Harry Potter books over fears of witchcraft

Priests in northern Poland have burned books they consider sacrilegious - including some from JK Rowling's Harry Potter series.

An evangelical group called the SMS From Heaven Foundation also burned what appeared to be symbols from other religions.

A book by Stephanie Meyer, who wrote the Twilight series of novels about vampires, was set alight too.

Evangelical Christians have often expressed concerns about the Harry Potter series, because they believe its depiction of witchcraft is dangerous to children.

Dear me. What a shower these people are.
Oh, dear. I hate when books get thrown out, let alone burnt. The Harry Potter series teaches kids how to be GOOD and to stand up to evil. I wish these folks would read the books before they burn them.
They are books that encourage kids to read. When I was a child we read the Narnia books which had witches and talking animals. No doubt they would be burned today. I wonder how these cretins view Tolkien ?
Burning the Narnia books would be crazy, since Aslan is so clearly God.
The Potter books are witchcraft ... they turned mediocre writing into huge bucks!

The Potter books are witchcraft ... they turned mediocre writing into huge bucks!

I found the series to be highly imaginative and I was captivated by Harry's story and the archetypal fight against Evil. The characters were very realistic of how kids their age behave and it gave a good example to kids: do your homework, be respectful of your elders, follow the rules (unless you're solving a mystery) and fight the bullies. There were no drugs or drinking or under age sex in the books. The take over of the government and its ineptitude in the face of true Evil was so reminiscent of European history in the 1930's.
Saying a made up magic word to "curse" someone was a very small part of the book, but an imaginative and harmless part, since CURSES DON'T WORK. What on earth are people so afraid of?
I have a friend who is a born again Christian, and wouldn't let his kids read Harry Potter books when they were younger. Yet he dragged me to Passion of the Christ two nights in a row so I could watch some dude get the shit kicked out of him for three hours. :dunno:

Did you know that movie was actually a passion play? And, did you know that passion plays were used back in the day just to stir up emotions?
Priests burn Harry Potter books over fears of witchcraft

Priests in northern Poland have burned books they consider sacrilegious - including some from JK Rowling's Harry Potter series.

An evangelical group called the SMS From Heaven Foundation also burned what appeared to be symbols from other religions.

A book by Stephanie Meyer, who wrote the Twilight series of novels about vampires, was set alight too.

Evangelical Christians have often expressed concerns about the Harry Potter series, because they believe its depiction of witchcraft is dangerous to children.

Dear me. What a shower these people are.
christianity has its share of cuckoos, doesn't it?

Doesn't every religion?
You know, if your faith is so shaky that it can be hurt by a fantasy story about a young boy, then you need to get another belief system, or spend a serious amount of time shoring up what you already have.

Burning books isn't gonna make your faith stronger, it's just gonna show others how weak it really is.
Harry Potter books are full of witchcraft and sorcery that warps children's minds and need to be banned. .. :cool:

Harry Potter books should be burned because J. K. Rowling is a TOTAL Neo-Marxist Moonbat, anyone read her Twitter vomits about Muh Multiculturalism and Orange Man Bad can see she is a Leftist maniac.

Yeah, there's nothing quite like a good old fashioned book burning, eh Lucy? The stifling of ideas with which you don't agree...


May as well do away with free speech while you're at it...
Harry Potter books are full of witchcraft and sorcery that warps children's minds and need to be banned. .. :cool:

Harry Potter books should be burned because J. K. Rowling is a TOTAL Neo-Marxist Moonbat, anyone read her Twitter vomits about Muh Multiculturalism and Orange Man Bad can see she is a Leftist maniac.

Yeah, there's nothing quite like a good old fashioned book burning, eh Lucy? The stifling of ideas with which you don't agree...


May as well do away with free speech while you're at it...
Good point. Lucy is death on banning hate speech, yet applauds burning books?
To help protect society and children, I have no problem with burning and banning books that promote sexual depravity and demonic sorcery. .... :thup:
To help protect society, I have no problem with burning and banning books that promote sexual depravity and demonic sorcery. .... :thup:

Yeah, burning books was pretty popular with the Nazis. I can see why you support burning books.
Yeah, there's nothing quite like a good old fashioned book burning, eh Lucy? The stifling of ideas with which you don't agree...


May as well do away with free speech while you're at it...

Book burning, at least if done by state authorities, is an assault on free speech. If done by a bunch of otherwise inconsequential crackpots, not so much.

I award you a Godwin, though. You earned it.
Yeah, burning books was pretty popular with the Nazis. I can see why you support burning books.
Why allow books and other literature which pollutes the minds of the nation's citizens and encourages immorality? .... :cool:
I wish the media would provide more context to this story. Specifically, what books, who owned them and why were they burned. I see a tiny pile of maybe 20 to 30 books and other objects, and I don't see harry potter in there.

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