Prince Andrew sued in federal court by Jeffrey Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre: ‘I was trafficked to him’

I think so. I would imagine that their people are working out a price to put this to bed. Over here in royalland simple folk are wondering how a 17 year old girl gets to travel the world fucking princes and nothing gets said ever. Was she an orphan ?

The parents or parent whore their child out for the comforts of the Royal hush money…

The parents or parent whore their child out for the comforts of the Royal hush money…
My kids are sensible and we were quite lenient as parents. But I cant visualise that sort of relationship with your kids. Its not right and its not doing your job.
My kids are sensible and we were quite lenient as parents. But I cant visualise that sort of relationship with your kids. Its not right and its not doing your job.

Hold on now and do not say my children because if I had any I wouldn’t allow it but let be clear there are parents around the World that would sell their child for hush money, and the poor and even middle class in England have those types…
Hold on now and do not say my children because if I had any I wouldn’t allow it but let be clear there are parents around the World that would sell their child for hush money, and the poor and even middle class in England have those types…
No I wasnt referencing you . And you are right, there seem to be a lot of weird family set ups.
Historically that has always been the case, particularly amongst the better off.
Not surprising, as those in authority in Canada, the British like them young and poor also (and there are creeps who defend them in both countries)...

Prince Andrew was sued by one of Jeffrey Epstein’s longtime accusers.

On Monday, attorneys for Virginia Giuffre filed the lawsuit in Manhattan federal court, where the American financier was charged criminally with sex trafficking a month before he killed himself at age 66 in August 2019. At the time, Epstein was in an adjacent federal jail where he was ordered to await trial.

Giuffre previously made waves when she went public with her accusations against the Duke of York, alleging the British royal abused her when she was under 18 including at Epstein’s Manhattan home.

The 38-year-old has repeatedly made her allegations against Epstein, his onetime girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell, and Andrew, but the lawsuit was the first time she has directly confronted the son of Queen Elizabeth II in such a formal setting.
Nothing will happen. In this case, at least there will be no scandalous trial, nor major payoff. Perhaps the Queen will give the girl a few bucks for her hurt feelings.
We need to be optimistic about this. The royal family relies on an element of mystique that will be washed away by a drawn out trial. Folk will also wonder why he resists going to the US to face the music.

Support for them is not at an all time high and this may tip that over the edge. Shagging a 17 year old girl is not illegal in the UK but a bloke in his 40s makes it a bit urgh.

I suspect the reason after all these years is financial and he will probably reach an arrangement with the lady. That would be an admission of guilt though. Its all very complicated.

Sit back and enjoy the show.
Why do you think there will be a trial? Why do you think there is any issue of guilt at all?

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