Palestinian Industry of Lies - Ben Dror Yemini

Arab imperialists of course,
Well actually no, here's a Wikipedia article:

Initially, as a Pan-Islamic, religious, and social movement, it preached Islam in Egypt, taught the illiterate, and set up hospitals and business enterprises. It later advanced into the political arena, aiming to end British colonial control of Egypt. The movement's self-stated aim is the establishment of a state ruled by sharia law under a caliphate[29]–its most famous slogan is "Islam is the solution". Charity is a major aspect of its work.[1]

it was inspired by the aim of ending British colonial control of Egypt. (see, that word again "colonial")

The group spread to other Muslim countries but still has one of its largest organizations in Egypt, despite a succession of government crackdowns from 1948 up until the present.[30] It remained a fringe group in the politics of the Arab World until the 1967 Six-Day War, when Islamism managed to replace popular secular Arab nationalism after a resounding Arab defeat by Israel.[31] The movement was also supported by Saudi Arabia, with which it shared mutual enemies like communism.[32]

This shows you that Islamism, politicized Islam arose AFTER the 1967 war, prior to that Arab politics was focused on secular nationalism, not religion. You can blame the Israelis for Islamic fanatics in the region today, it is Israeli, Zionist extremism that has created Arab extremism.
Well actually no, here's a Wikipedia article:

it was inspired by the aim of ending British colonial control of Egypt. (see, that word again "colonial")

This shows you that Islamism, politicized Islam arose AFTER the 1967 war, prior to that Arab politics was focused on secular nationalism, not religion. You can blame the Israelis for Islamic fanatics in the region today, it is Israeli, Zionist extremism that has created Arab extremism.

It's like blaming Dinosaur extinction on electric cars....

And that's not what Arab imperialist actually say,
for them it's the original interpretation of Islam.

How is that different from the Islam pillaging
other territories on several continents?

Do tell.


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It's like blaming Dinosaur extinction on electric cars....

And that's not what Arab imperialist actually say,
for them it's the original interpretation of Islam.

How is that different from the Islam pillaging
other territories on several continents?

Do tell.


I know all about militant Islam, including the most important thing of all - it was historically never militant - despite it being in the region for 1,400 years you yourself read (I showed you) that Arab politics was secular UNTIL after the 1967 war.

The Zionists and also the United States, bear full responsibility for nurturing militant Islam, it is a by product of Zionism and its alliance with the United States, THEY brought this into the world, not Arabs, not Palestinians.
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I know all about militant Islam, including the most important thing of all - it was historically never militant - despite it being in the region for 1,400 years you yourself read (I showed you) that Arab politics was secular UNTIL after the 1967 war.

The Zionists and also the United States, bear full responsibility for nurturing militant Islam, it is a by product of Zionism and its alliance with the United States, THEY brought this into the world, not Arabs, not Palestinians.

Is it by peaceful means that Arab imperialists

pillage several continents for centuries,

yet practicing slavery?


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